No it isn't. Not trying to be rude but this mindset of yours in nonsense. The simple fact is if a business sells a product it is expected to work. The nonsense with video games of being able to consistently release [censored] that isn't in a working state is sad. I'm not complaining about 1, 2, 3 or 4 issues there are multiple issues that push this way past a mistake that slipped past QC testing. Then you factor in the going radio silent is just [censored] poor.

Wargazsem _MLBTS
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Of The Show players... notice the racial slurs...
First online game? If not "which everyone knows it isn't" then grow up and get thicker skin.
The real world doesn't come with safe spaces, stress cards or whatever the next fad will be.
Reaching with the "Show Players" as if
MLB The Sh1tshow 21
@guccigangchuck said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
If thats the case I'll just skip to the final boss and quit out each time and pile up tickets in no time. You see the flaw?
If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket
You'd think by this point SDS would have a somewhat basic grasp on how this works. I could understand if this was a new company dealing with growing pains.
Who am I kidding, it's a clusterfuk every release
Definition of incompetence.
: the state or fact of being incompetent:English Language Learners Definition of incompetence.
: lack of the ability to do something well : the quality or state of not being competent.Examples of incompetence in a Sentence:
Because of his incompetence, we won't make our deadline.
She was fired for gross incompetence. -
I mean...if I could you know, crazy idea here. Actually play the game I wouldn't have the time to whine, [censored] and moan. I'm no mind reader but I'd wager the majority of US wouldn't be on the [censored] forum if you know....
@jmcdonald1817 said in Server Down - 5/4/21:
EDIT Hands down the best reply I've seen.
@mlbts_mlbts said in Can we go one day without...:
@wargazsem-_mlbts said in Can we go one day without...:
@mlbts_mlbts said in Can we go one day without...:
@wargazsem-_mlbts said in Can we go one day without...:
@mlbts_mlbts said in Can we go one day without...:
@the_bad_seed85 said in Can we go one day without...:
I think we can all agree to not post about bad servers for a day once we have a day without bad servers.
Yes we get how bad the servers are. That does not mean we have to hear about it from tons of different posts.
So in your big brain logic you make a post complaining about people complaining.
If you looked before handyou would know there have been multiple threads made saying exactly what you just posted.
Still less threads they the ones made about the bad servers.
I see, it's fine if YOU do it.
I have not started one thread about the bad servers.
@raylewissb47_psn said in Severs after update:
As is tradition
Consistently year after year...14 years in the baseball game and still can't hit server uptime
@skoalface1823_xbl said in It’s 7:30 PM EST:
@chickun_legs_psn said in It’s 7:30 PM EST:
Should I start doing some topps now moments or wait until after the server crashes? Any devs out there with an answer?
You have about an hour before server crash time.
[censored] it, you hit that nail on the head.....Nostradamus
@whitejw98_psn said in SDS, your silence is unacceptable.:
The community today: Waaah!! Your silence is unacceptable!!!
The community if SDS decides to respond: Waaah!! Your answer is unacceptable!
You can't find a dozen responses from SDS addressing the issues. Nice try twit
SDS has done the Playstation and Xbox players the ability to unanimously agree on something. Spoiler This soup sandwich of a rag tag team SDS
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Free packs?:
That was last week.
@mlbts_mlbts said in I'm sick of...:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in I'm sick of...:
@mlbts_mlbts said in I'm sick of...:
@dart_wuffy_psn said in I'm sick of...:
@mlbts_mlbts said in I'm sick of...:
Maybe send a ticket instead of starting a thread to whine about it?
Already did before I started the thread but thanks for the sarcastic suggestion.
What is starting a thread gonna do to help your problem?
Why do you care if someone starts a thread to vent or talk about an issue, Maybe someone else has had this issue. Did you really need to say what you did.
Because we have tons of threads that are just people whining and complaining. Can we just stick to making threads about questions we have?
How about you stop whining and complaining about others doing the same.
@officer-kirby_xbl said in Class action lawsuit:
Bunch of fools it’s the same routine every year for the First month but you keep buying it.
Not this time...I didn't pre-order or plan on picking the game up anytime soon. I'll get more then enough enjoyment checking the forums for the next month watching the inevitable SDS clusterfukery.
Does your universal profile level reset or is this just another glitch? I'm back to 3 and was close to 100 a few days ago.
You'd think SDS would take just a tad bit of the massive profits they've earned and upgrade their servers and evidently employees. Then maybe just maybe attempt to hire some talent that can actually fix the RTTS issues as the many others.
But, hey....they managed to fix that glitch like a true AAA talent developer.
I'm curious on a time frame for someone from SDS to actually address the countless issues everyone is having?
Enough radio silence.
Gotta love the sophistication
Server Down - 5/4/21
Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback)
Absolutely comical at this point.
to all the people who aren’t whining all the time
Server Down - 5/4/21
Can we go one day without...
Severs after update
It’s 7:30 PM EST
SDS, your silence is unacceptable.
Credit where credits due...
Free packs?
Trout price
I'm sick of...
Class action lawsuit
Universal profile level reset?
Time for everyone to check our network connections
Hello and Welcome! (2021 Edition)