So we all have experienced the joy of facing only Kluber or Newhouser every game in Ranked Seasons. One of the most interesting things about baseball is that every starting pitcher is somewhat like a puzzle to solve, and seeing different pitchers demands different approaches at the plate. There’s nothing enjoyable about using or facing Kluber every time.
I had thought about this problem quite a bit early in, and I think I was so fixated on manipulating stamina regeneration somehow to fix the problem that I missed an obvious solution. Once a SP starts a game, the pitcher’s card could be tagged with a number Icon that decrements with each RS game completed. Let’s say the number starts at 4. Regardless of stamina, until that number reaches 0 (or perhaps the ”resting” icon disappears) you can neither start them, use them in relief, nor remove them from your roster.
It’s not realistic, but Ranked Seasons isn’t simulating a baseball season realistically anyway. It’s a fantasy ladder mode.
This solves the “starters as relievers” problem as well as forcing far greater variety in starters.
Ellsbury looks like a Q-Tip
Blackmon and Zobrist ~~~
Oh man, there’s a 99 Hunter Pence. Hilarious. Love the guy, but even if you added ratings for Sense of Humor, Stance Vibration and Socks he’d only get to 85.
@eatyum said in Mystery 99s?:
They were for the MLB players tournament, only the real-life players have a copy of their own selves.
Got it. Thank you!
Sorry if this has been discussed already, I feel like I must have just missed an announcement. If you search inventory / not owned on the website, there is a 99 for each team that has no art. Are these post-diamond XP rewards? The juiced Niko Goodrum looks nice.
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@vox_pestis said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
Diamond Dynasty used to be a fairly good baseball simulation. It’s not my fault SDS took retrograde steps that have disillusioned both on and offline players.
You should take out the "Logic" from your name for the obvious reasons.
You should stop derailing threads with your unrelated nonsense.
Dude what nonsense?, I made a response to your silly post about how SDS should remove baseball from a baseball game and turn it into a card collecting game with baseball in the background.
Well, as an example, this thread is for discussing patch 1.12. It’s not a very deep patch, there’s really not much to discuss in all honesty. Yet much like every other thread, you have come in here spouting about online casuals, hot pockets, card collectors and all that guff. I really don’t care what your opinion of online or the people who play it is, but this isn’t the place. This is for discussion of 1.12 and the state of gameplay post patch.
I would also cordially suggest you don’t post in the Diamond Dynasty subforum, as this is for discussion of that mode, which you don’t play. As the entirety of that subforum is probably going to be within the hot pocket eating, card collecting demographic which you apparently despise, the only reason you’d post in there is to attempt to stir up the populace. It’s a tired act at this point, it was never all that amusing or original to begin with, but if that is how you wish to post, at least stay in general discussion or franchise threads, where you’re more likely to be on topic when posting about offline modes.Franchise forum people are men and play the game properly and are actually good at the game so it would be boring to post there, you DD and online people fascinate me. Its like finding a planet of slightly less evolved living beings and analyzing them for scientific purposes, their behavioral patterns (rage qutting when they are losing) or what they consume (Hot Pockets and Red Bulls)....I have much more data to collect
That’s kind of how I feel about people who are stuck in the late eighties to early nineties, before online gaming was a thing and all you could do in a baseball game was play infinite meaningless seasons against the computer. Less evolved, a bit retro. It’s kinda cute, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of nostalgia from time to time?
Nope, has nothing to do with nostalgia, has everything to do with replicating RW results....the Simulation part of it is what I'm after. Its exactly how I play Formula 1 Sims....replicating the actual sport as close to as the game would allow. Online is for other thing like Poker, but the sole reason for playing a Baseball game shouldn't be for a pretend fantasy world where you use super hero powers and bring back the dead to play and grinding EXP likes its Final Fantasy. If I want to play a fantasy game like I'd play The Witcher or Skyrim, if I want to play a fantasy racing game I'd play Mario Kart of Need for Speed, if I want to play a fantasy baseball game I'd play Super Mega Baseball. If I want to play a simulation of baseball, it should be The Show...but it seems like its getting to be less and less of that.
If I did play a franchise I’d probably use custom rosters from the late 90s with my favourite “super heroes” like Griffey and Bonds anyway. Just because you’re using accurate current day rosters with full minor leagues and I’m using a 1998 roster of legends or whatever, we’re still seeking the same standard of accurate, realistic baseball simulation gameplay. If you’ll allow me to expand upon that even further, as an online player, I’m expecting and hoping SDS can deliver the same experience that you achieve offline when playing with custom sliders. It’s not a case of picking sides and drawing a line between someone who plays online and offline. We’re not in opposition here, no matter how many times you try to set the debate up as an online vs offline player face off, or casuals vs whatever you deem yourself to be.
We’re all entitled to a solid baseball experience in all modes and SDS have not delivered that. The gameplay online this year has been the worst I’ve experienced and I played a lot of ‘18. That has no relevance on fantasy cards vs accurate current day rosters and custom sliders. No matter if I’m using LS Albert Pujols offline or a juiced flashback Pujols online in H2H I expect the same quality of gameplay. The name tag and the pixels on screen representing a player who may be dead some forty years or more, or representing a current day player such as Manny Machado should in no way dictate the quality of my experience.Here is the problem and is always going to be the problem with you casual players even if you play offline Franchise casually. You guys don't get it, you aren't baseball fans or haven't played baseball since you could practically're just video game players that kinda watch baseball on a casual basis or when your team is in the playoffs like a bandwagon fan. I like baseball, I'm a baseball fan...I play baseball casually in real life and when it comes to playing it as a video game I want it to match what I see and do. Most of you DD players and online players play it as a video game..that's cool...but it shouldn't be just that......SDS has the license for MLB so don't make it just for casual kids make it for baseball fans too.
I’m from England. I played with my friends when I was a kid, but I wasn’t afforded the opportunity to play competitively because the game doesn’t exist at that level in this country.
I class myself as a baseball fan, I think you’re attempting to be deliberately antagonistic again with this statement, but again, you’re entitled to your opinion, no matter how ridiculous I might personally feel it is, or how bad it makes you look when you state it in such an ignorant manner. I’m also a Red Sox fan since ‘97, when they hadn’t won anything for quite a while, so again, you’re just spouting nonsense about things you really know nothing about.
In no way did you come close to addressing the statement I made which was, in short, that as an online DD player, I’m entitled to the same quality of gameplay as an offline franchise player. SDS do not provide this and as result, they’ve failed in their endeavours to create a good baseball game. All the name calling, deflection and dragging threads off topic in the world won’t change that.
I, and many others have already blocked joshjays44 since the forum moderator does not attempt to deal with this obvious trolling. The only time this repetitive, unfunny and off topic nonsense pollutes my threads is when people quote his/her/its posts in responses. Please just block it rather than replying.
You ever wonder if it’s just someone at SDS trolling in their free time?
Yes, but it's a fairly fruitless line of inquiry. Would be hard to determine, and if you did "catch" it what would you do with the information? Try to shame them online? Pointless.
I posted about this possibility a couple weeks ago, and if true it would be very disappointing and unprofessional. No matter how needy users are, no matter how irrational, and no matter how poorly they understand how software gets made and released - they are still the customers. They (we) pay for all of this.
There are a couple accounts that play no games according to their profile (or only a few here or there) but post consistently and always about the same things. Namely, trolling and demeaning the userbase in a very specific way, including repeatedly asserting how wonderful the game is in contradiction to the obvious, objectively verifiable game play bugs. Its hard to imagine a troll having such a narrow focus and investing this much time in service of what appears to be a grievance about unappreciative users.
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@joshjays44 said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@ComebackLogic said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
Diamond Dynasty used to be a fairly good baseball simulation. It’s not my fault SDS took retrograde steps that have disillusioned both on and offline players.
You should take out the "Logic" from your name for the obvious reasons.
You should stop derailing threads with your unrelated nonsense.
Dude what nonsense?, I made a response to your silly post about how SDS should remove baseball from a baseball game and turn it into a card collecting game with baseball in the background.
Well, as an example, this thread is for discussing patch 1.12. It’s not a very deep patch, there’s really not much to discuss in all honesty. Yet much like every other thread, you have come in here spouting about online casuals, hot pockets, card collectors and all that guff. I really don’t care what your opinion of online or the people who play it is, but this isn’t the place. This is for discussion of 1.12 and the state of gameplay post patch.
I would also cordially suggest you don’t post in the Diamond Dynasty subforum, as this is for discussion of that mode, which you don’t play. As the entirety of that subforum is probably going to be within the hot pocket eating, card collecting demographic which you apparently despise, the only reason you’d post in there is to attempt to stir up the populace. It’s a tired act at this point, it was never all that amusing or original to begin with, but if that is how you wish to post, at least stay in general discussion or franchise threads, where you’re more likely to be on topic when posting about offline modes.Franchise forum people are men and play the game properly and are actually good at the game so it would be boring to post there, you DD and online people fascinate me. Its like finding a planet of slightly less evolved living beings and analyzing them for scientific purposes, their behavioral patterns (rage qutting when they are losing) or what they consume (Hot Pockets and Red Bulls)....I have much more data to collect
That’s kind of how I feel about people who are stuck in the late eighties to early nineties, before online gaming was a thing and all you could do in a baseball game was play infinite meaningless seasons against the computer. Less evolved, a bit retro. It’s kinda cute, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of nostalgia from time to time?
Nope, has nothing to do with nostalgia, has everything to do with replicating RW results....the Simulation part of it is what I'm after. Its exactly how I play Formula 1 Sims....replicating the actual sport as close to as the game would allow. Online is for other thing like Poker, but the sole reason for playing a Baseball game shouldn't be for a pretend fantasy world where you use super hero powers and bring back the dead to play and grinding EXP likes its Final Fantasy. If I want to play a fantasy game like I'd play The Witcher or Skyrim, if I want to play a fantasy racing game I'd play Mario Kart of Need for Speed, if I want to play a fantasy baseball game I'd play Super Mega Baseball. If I want to play a simulation of baseball, it should be The Show...but it seems like its getting to be less and less of that.
If I did play a franchise I’d probably use custom rosters from the late 90s with my favourite “super heroes” like Griffey and Bonds anyway. Just because you’re using accurate current day rosters with full minor leagues and I’m using a 1998 roster of legends or whatever, we’re still seeking the same standard of accurate, realistic baseball simulation gameplay. If you’ll allow me to expand upon that even further, as an online player, I’m expecting and hoping SDS can deliver the same experience that you achieve offline when playing with custom sliders. It’s not a case of picking sides and drawing a line between someone who plays online and offline. We’re not in opposition here, no matter how many times you try to set the debate up as an online vs offline player face off, or casuals vs whatever you deem yourself to be.
We’re all entitled to a solid baseball experience in all modes and SDS have not delivered that. The gameplay online this year has been the worst I’ve experienced and I played a lot of ‘18. That has no relevance on fantasy cards vs accurate current day rosters and custom sliders. No matter if I’m using LS Albert Pujols offline or a juiced flashback Pujols online in H2H I expect the same quality of gameplay. The name tag and the pixels on screen representing a player who may be dead some forty years or more, or representing a current day player such as Manny Machado should in no way dictate the quality of my experience.Here is the problem and is always going to be the problem with you casual players even if you play offline Franchise casually. You guys don't get it, you aren't baseball fans or haven't played baseball since you could practically're just video game players that kinda watch baseball on a casual basis or when your team is in the playoffs like a bandwagon fan. I like baseball, I'm a baseball fan...I play baseball casually in real life and when it comes to playing it as a video game I want it to match what I see and do. Most of you DD players and online players play it as a video game..that's cool...but it shouldn't be just that......SDS has the license for MLB so don't make it just for casual kids make it for baseball fans too.
I’m from England. I played with my friends when I was a kid, but I wasn’t afforded the opportunity to play competitively because the game doesn’t exist at that level in this country.
I class myself as a baseball fan, I think you’re attempting to be deliberately antagonistic again with this statement, but again, you’re entitled to your opinion, no matter how ridiculous I might personally feel it is, or how bad it makes you look when you state it in such an ignorant manner. I’m also a Red Sox fan since ‘97, when they hadn’t won anything for quite a while, so again, you’re just spouting nonsense about things you really know nothing about.
In no way did you come close to addressing the statement I made which was, in short, that as an online DD player, I’m entitled to the same quality of gameplay as an offline franchise player. SDS do not provide this and as result, they’ve failed in their endeavours to create a good baseball game. All the name calling, deflection and dragging threads off topic in the world won’t change that.
I, and many others have already blocked joshjays44 since the forum moderator does not attempt to deal with this obvious trolling. The only time this repetitive, unfunny and off topic nonsense pollutes my threads is when people quote his/her/its posts in responses. Please just block it rather than replying.
Serious question, not trolling: What are you doing on your PS4 that requires more than 20-40 down? Because online gaming does not. That's fast enough for things that require speed, like streaming and downloading things.
I ask because download speed is barely relevant for online gaming. 5 down is enough typically. Instead, you should be concerned with ping, having the correct NAT type and any bufferbloat added by upstream devices in your network.
5 or [ It sucks. ] less words
@TeamPotro said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@vox_pestis said in Game Update 1.12 Thread:
@Collin_SDS In order to head off the next hundred angry posts from customers, can we get confirmation whether gameplay (not visual) updates are done for the year? If the team is already 100% moved on to 21' it would be good to know. Otherwise there will be a lot of needless speculation and arguing here that benefits no one.
This is a great question. Too bad they never answer legitimate questions. They usually appear when people swear.
To be fair, managing user expectations is a minefield. People try to read things into what you say, and in the gaming context often standard business decisions that most companies would make are perceived as crimes against humanity. There's a lot more emotion involved than you have for an email client or something. Firestorms start over little things, and bigger issues can spin out of control and infect social media. No one wants to see their name quoted in a negative viral post about the game. No one wants to be associated with a decrease in stub sales because they said a little too much in a forum post that turned away users. Constraining dev updates to one way communication (like the dev stream) avoids some of this problem. If I was at SDS I would not look forward to facing this forum with news they don't want to hear.
@Collin_SDS In order to head off the next hundred angry posts from customers, can we get confirmation whether gameplay (not visual) updates are done for the year? If the team is already 100% moved on to 21' it would be good to know. Otherwise there will be a lot of needless speculation and arguing here that benefits no one.
A score bug (or, in an expanded form, a score box or score bar) is a digital on-screen graphic which is displayed at either the top or lower third bottom of the television screen during a broadcast of a sporting event in order to display the current score and other statistics.
(from Wikipedia, this is a commonly used term, not something sds made up)
@WillTheThrill_7 said in Take away perfects:
@TrevorBob31 said in Take away perfects:
I get that. But a high fastball with perfect contact to make it a fly ball is a guaranteed homerun in real life. It’s just dumb
That’s not true at all lol. Just means it’s guaranteed to be hit hard
You’re my favorite player. Will you sign my ball?
@jellingwood said in Can not find Prestige Posey ?:
sorry , i thought the community was for newbies like my self. and I do not even understand what you are saying about prestige 5.
Just started playing due to what is happening in the world. I haven't played video games in like 20 years.
Congrats on being so well versed and such an expert that my question amused you.Just like in the real world, there are nice helpful people here and useless d-bags here. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
This might help get you going: -
Offset seems like it could be good, but I have trouble adjusting.
@Ikasnu said in SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina:
@vox_pestis said in SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina:
@Ikasnu said in SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina:
Add to it that relievers start with shi**y confidence too. One hit and they're worthless I swear
Would be nice if reliever confidence went up as fast as it goes down. If you crack off a nasty slider and screw batter into the ground on a k, it would be great if the confidence bar blinked and went up bit. Raises the stakes for relief appearances, where it's not a batter by batter battle but a pitch by pitch one.
That's another thing, I would LOVE to see dynamic visual changes to confidence. Everytime you Press R2 it flashes either red or green to indicate loss or gain.
This is even better than my flashing suggestion. Would make pitching have a bit more visceral feel. For me, throwing a pitch was a lot like throwing a punch in a fight, you apply max effort and Sometimes you hit (swing and miss) sometimes you miss and get flash ko on the counter punch (pitch gets crushed). I know for me my adrenaline was really high and I felt like I’d been in a fight after pitching. I’d like the games visual presentation to somehow reflect that intensity.
@ThaSultanOfSwag said in SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina:
@vox_pestis said in SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina:
I think the RP stamina curve shouldn't be flat... you should diminish during an inning more slowly but then take a one time drop between innings. Real life relief pitchers can handle a 30 pitch inning better than 20 pitches over three innings, time and cooling down between innings is also a factor. This would reduce both unrealistic 3+ inning relief appearances and also push back on people who put a different starter in the second inning. They'd pay that stamina penalty every inning.
I'm not sure if they already do this, or if its a linear calculation, but it feels linear.This is one hundred percent wrong. Real life pitchers are better able to handle 3x 15-pitch innings than they can handle 1 28 pitch inning. a 28 pitch inning means you likely are facing 5-6 better meaning you are probably throwing half of those pitches in high intensity, max effort, energy draining situations. Also 28 consecutive pitches without rest is far more taxing on your arm than 50 pitches with adequate rest between innings.
I always advocated for having pitchers regenerate energy between innings ever so slowly, but enough so that if you have a long inning at the plate it actually helps your pitcher as well and inversely a 3-pitch inning makes it so your pitcher never gets a break and hurts his energy far more as that is completely realistic.
Interesting. I’m glad you actually supported your point instead of just saying mine was wrong.
A better way to look at this is probably fatigue and strain. Fatigue is familiar to everyone... Lactic acid build up causes soreness, and the between inning break let’s that process progress. This effects a pitchers whole body, and a lot of pitching happens in the legs.
But pitchers are different than most that they actually injure themselves. Pitching is an awkward movement for the arm which causes micro tears in your elbow and rotator cuff mostly. I’ll call this strain for lack of a better word.
Fatigue, I believe, matters more during a game, but repairing the micro tears caused by strain comes into play between starts. For me, this was so bad I had to stop pitching by age 18. I didn’t have the genetic makeup to heal and was just getting destroyed.
I may have been over emphasizing some analytics I read in baseball prospectus about “stress pitches” not really existing.
@bhall09 said in Buying a monitor:
So input lag is different than response time. I don’t see input lag listed in specs when I search, say, Best Buy.
Have the specs for the PS5 been released yet?
Yes, because often their response time looks better than their input lag and they hope you aren’t informed enough to know. Display lag tests the real performance for you, great site.
Ps5 specs are partially known. Good link: JUST got done researching all this last week, if anyone is wondering why I keep posting this stuff)
A solution to the RS pitcher selection problem?
Certain Player Models - SDS PLZ FIX
Best swing in the game
Mystery 99s?
Mystery 99s?
Mystery 99s?
Game Update 1.12 Thread
Game Update 1.12 Thread
Looking for tech help
Reply in 5 or less words
Game Update 1.12 Thread
Game Update 1.12 Thread
Game Update 1.12 Thread
Take away perfects
Can not find Prestige Posey ?
Strike zone 1 vs strike zone 2
Please, please, please SDS
SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina
SDS you really sure reconsider RP stamina
Buying a monitor