Hi @sheyworth , I just want to let you know that we're still looking into this issue. We will let you know once we have an update for you.

@showzone-jeremy I was going to post to let you know that we made some updates to captains API, but it looks like I was too late.
Hi @showzone-jeremy , quantity should be back in inventory API. Thank you and sorry for the delay.
@sheyworth thank you for letting us know! Can you still see your game history in the game?
Hi @showzone-jeremy this issue has been fixed.
@Blind_Bleeder Got it. I will look into it.
@showzone-jeremy All captain boosts require auth right now. If we added cur_boost to captains.json, you have be logged in to view/access it. We will continue to discuss this internally.
@NiteLordz not at the moment, but we will look into it in future titles.
Hi Shane, I'm not able to replicate this issue on our end. Try using the link below to view the game log.
Then pass the game id you listed above.
@sheyworth Hi Shane, I was able to find the games that you're looking for in Game History API (page 6 & 7).
Here's the direct link for the games that you're looking for:
https://mlb24.theshow.com/apis/game_log.json?id=11913460 -
This issue has been fixed.
@showzone-jeremy thanks for bringing this up. We will take a look at this and get back to you.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X you can change the forum skin on mobile by going to your profile > settings > select a skin from skin selector drop down and hit save changes.
Broken Game Logs
Captain API Missing Captain Boosts
Quantity Missing from API
Broken Game Logs
Pagination Issues on Inventory Pages
Noelvi Marte in API
Captain API Missing Captain Boosts
Broken Game Logs
API Issues - Game Log (Game Not Found error)
Broken Game Logs
API Issues - Duplicate Card (Daniel Bard)
API Issues - Duplicate Card (Daniel Bard)