Captain API Missing Captain Boosts
I understand these can be seen in the /api/captain.json view, however, that view requires auth. So at the moment, there's no good way to get data on all of the captains.
Can captain_boosts (sans cur_boost) be added to the /api/captains.json view?
@showzone-jeremy All captain boosts require auth right now. If we added cur_boost to captains.json, you have be logged in to view/access it. We will continue to discuss this internally.
@Tim_SDS correct. We were hoping for an endpoint without cur_boost that way we can query all of the captains and their corresponding boosts. At the moment, there’s not way to get data on all of the captains without being authed.
Big kudos to the team on all of the improvements to the API this year! Great stuff!
Adding the boosts to this endpoint would actually be even more ideal:
I see this change has been made! Awesome! You guys are killlllin' it this year!
@showzone-jeremy I was going to post to let you know that we made some updates to captains API, but it looks like I was too late.