Imagine being this miserable playing a game you can’t quit

@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
only way for you to build quickly in those games is to break out the CC. the show does it wallet free....
come back later and try again
But facing kluber 70% of the time across all platforms and game modes, as a starter then facing him coming out of the bullpen the rest of the time has ran its course.
Time to bring back pitcher roulette please...
@MaxHarvest said in 3rd inning is a bust:
@TheMoShow__ said in 3rd inning is a bust:
Imagine being this miserable playing a game you can’t quit
I’m not miserable , I enjoy the game. Program still sucks mr kiss [censored] / hate on everyone’s post
I don’t hate on anyone’s post. It’s the simple fact that people come in here and complain about every little aspect of the game yet still can’t quit it.
load mlb the show 19
@hubijerk_psn said in RNG in MLB The Show 2021 (survey):
They have said in the streams less rng more user input.. So I'll take them at their word and believe them.
and just do exchanges for the TA.
if you do it right and use the show zone efficiently, then you can break even or even make a few stubs all while doing the TA and then from their either sell or keep for the collection. Who i think is going to skyrocket when the honus collection is announced.
@notoriousHEB said in Save yourself the hassle....:
@TheMoShow__ said in Save yourself the hassle....:
and just do exchanges for the TA.
if you do it right and use the show zone efficiently, then you can break even or even make a few stubs all while doing the TA and then from their either sell or keep for the collection. Who i think is going to skyrocket when the honus collection is announced.
Or rip showdowns and make tons of xp and stubs while completing....
everyone isnt world beaters like you. just helping some that might not be able to complete them.
people forget you have to save content to end the season with....
IMAGINE the outrage if they did an all white player program, leave my baseball alone please and LEAVE politics out of it!
i feel like im going blind looking at this site for too much time. whos idea was it to put this much bright white on the forum?
is there any chance we are getting a dark mode option ?
i cant be the only one who thinks this needs to be changed...
- -
@DarthKDog09 said in Don’t buy packs folks.. please:
@MrGamebred said in Don’t buy packs folks.. please:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Don’t buy packs folks.. please:
I completed the Live series collection so now I just get up to 15k and rip packs for fun and dump everything into TA exchanges and I enjoy the rush
Yes, thankfully I got the LS collection and TAs done or I’d be wrecked lol. But that’s what I’ve been doing for “fun” too, until this go around, things got real dark over here.
don't worry the game will be dead in a month or two and you can start all over again in 6 months
this made me laugh out loud.
What and the world is SDS doing? Why why why SDS? Turning more and more to EA everyday.
Really unbelievable….
@NoMore322 said in Showdown sucks:
Showdown is the worst mode ever introduce
you couldnt be any further from the truth......
this mode is very very profitable
@kdogg53075 said in The chase for....:
@tdubzz2323 said in The chase for....:
Has anyone considered the possibility that the chase is actually representing what we will be doing once the card is released. I wouldnt be shocked if the card is unobtainable on day one. Instead we can begin our chase of this next BIG card. If Signature Series or any other set has a collection greater than cards available people may riot. Just an idea.
I really hope it is Barry Bonds or Alex Rodriguez though.
It won't be either of them. The steroid cloud hovers strong over these two. Plus Bonds won't give up his likeness rights.
he doesnt have a right when it comes to reggie stocker
@aaronjw76_psn said in tried coming back to the game...:
I see gravity balls, weird hitting feeedback, and framerate issues still rule in this game.
I will definitely be waiting for real player feedback after the game drops before even thinking about buying this game again.
Played a bunch of showdown as well and I've done fine there but those diving catches from bronze fielders are still featured I see lol
It amazes me that there are literally no sports games that don't complete suck [censored] these days. Hopefully Gran Turismo 7 will be good.
this game is head and shoulders above Madden and NBA 2K, its really not even a comparison.
@sean_87__psn said in The “42”:
@ikasnu_psn said in The “42”:
@sean_87__psn said in The “42”:
@hoboadam_psn said in The “42”:
It's not political. Y'all are giving SDS too much credit. It's 5 ball players and it's a pre order pack. 5 more to get revealed next week.
They'll all be low diamonds, they'll have these packs scattered everywhere in the game as well for a collection.
Oh. The skin tone of the 5 revealed happen to be people of color.
Let's play ball here.
If you want political stuff or cancel culture discussion, I'm sure you can find a reddit thread about Aunt Jemima, Mr Potato Head, Gina Carano, or D Watson.
They got political last year. They threw it everyone’s face on the game and the forum. What you talking bout Willis.
Last years was political, we all know why they did it and nobody blames them for sharing their stance on it. Not going down that rabbit hole, but this is quite a bit different since this is just celebrating the man who changed the game, and thats Jackie Robinson.
Sharing their stance? You do know the political group they backed is anti-America right? Do a little research and you will see what they really stand for and it’s not about their t-shirt slogans either.
straight facts. cant show people what they dont wanna see.
3rd inning is a bust for me
All this grinding for what
Alright SDS, pick your pitcher was fun in theory....
3rd inning is a bust for me
How to get Griffey?
Snell collection
RNG in MLB The Show 2021 (survey)
Save yourself the hassle....
Save yourself the hassle....
Quitting if no TA4 on schedule
The “42”
Forum dark mode?!?
new diamond level + rewards
It's Didi Eve!!
Don’t buy packs folks.. please
SDS: Non-Sellable rewards
Showdown sucks
The chase for....
tried coming back to the game...
The “42”