SDS: Non-Sellable rewards
Been saying that SDS was heading down the EA path before this. This is just another example of really pushing monetization.
I suppose this was inevitable but I naively hoped they might realize their biggest asset was being the player friendly sports gaming franchise. I guess they might still be compared to EA/2K but the lines are getting blurrier all the time.
@Skarmaen said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Been saying that SDS was heading down the EA path before this. This is just another example of really pushing monetization.
I suppose this was inevitable but I naively hoped they might realize their biggest asset was being the player friendly sports gaming franchise. I guess they might still be compared to EA/2K but the lines are getting blurrier all the time.
What, by making the program version of the same card non-sellable. Not following your logic. Having spoken to some of the developers and streamers the logic was to have a way to reward those who go 12-0 while appeasing the entitlement generation by giving them a program so they could earn the same rewards as those who earned the reward the way the game mode was originally designed to played. The only difference was that the 12-0 guy can sell his card and the program guy can’t. I mean there is no reason SDS can’t just say screw it and remove the BR program altogether and make you earn the old fashion way. Which is the way it originally was. It’s amazing to even be debating this. This game has become no different than society. Everyone wants a handout instead of earning it. Absolutely mind boggling how we ended up here to begin with.
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
If you're going to start making these Ranked and BR rewards non-sellable; at least make them Core cards.
Since I'll never make 12-0 and it usually costs me 50-60K in entry fees to make it to 100pya; I have no interest in playing BR.
I'd rather save my stubs.
The exact reason you’re describing is the exact reason why those rewards are non sellable. The game wants to give people an incentive to go 12-0. The game wants you to become a good player and by making the program reward non sellable it rewards those who put in the effort to be great at the game with a sellable version of the same reward that you can’t sell. It also stops market inflation. So all I can say to you is work on going 12-0 rather than settling for program completion. And yes I do realize some people will never achieve that goal and all I can say to that is keep trying maybe one day you luck into it. By the way I have never gone 12-0 either. Not because I’m not capable of it but because I have too much of a temper and rage when I perceive that I’m being screwed by RNG so I just don’t play it anymore. I am 100% capable of doing it if I put my mind to it.
I see what your saying, agree with some it. Also pretty sure a lot of it is to cut people stubs back. Kinda like 2k is doing in myteam with the MT except not quite as drastic with the non sellable cards. You can see a huge difference in stub making possibilities between season 1 and 2 especially in mini seasons
@Thongypu said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
If they're going to be non-sellable they need to lower the entry cost or at the least give more stubs along the way to compensate the avg-poor players for the ton of stubs they will lose grinding the program. I hate this change and the one in ranked just like it. Makes me not want to play online at all. I'll never go 12-0 or reach 900 so I see this as a big middle finger from SDS
BR is not intended to be played by the casual player. It was always intended to the most competitive game mode in the game. SDS only made the program to appeal to the casual gamer. Those who go 12-0 do t play the mode for the program. They’re playing it for the competition and the elite rewards that go along with the competition. All you want is to have what you don’t deserve.
I highly doubt this is the case. They purposely made the cards easier to achieve to make it appeal to more players. This does the opposite. Also, I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion when all the games are played on all star. I'd be more inclined to agree with you if they were played on legendary like world series and above games
No it’s actually the case, when this mode was introduced a few years back they touted it as the place to take your skill. Same rules for everybody. That’s why it’s played on AS difficulty. No divisions no rank separation no God squads. Just straight up H2H action, and may the best man win. The only reason they even introduced the program was to allow those who didn’t necessarily want to or have the ability to compete for the 12-0 milestone to get the reward for the flawless run. What ended up happening was the market became watered down because now there is a huge influx of the reward card that were now out in people’s inventories and instead of those people using the card they were just selling it. This is called inflation. So to curb inflation they eliminate the influx by making the program reward non sellable. So if you want to sell the card go 12-0. Period. End of Story.
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Bud I’ve never gone 12-0. So your point is shot down before it ever gained steam. Goodnight!!!
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Bud I’ve never gone 12-0. So your point is shot down before it ever gained steam. Goodnight!!!
Avoiding my point. People like me who can't go 12-0 are playing the same people, the same difficulty, the same grind, but because 1%-3% of the players can get more wins before losing they deserve extra rewards and everyone else deserves nothing. Get out of here with that elitist POV
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
What and the world is SDS doing? Why why why SDS? Turning more and more to EA everyday.
Really unbelievable….
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Bud I’ve never gone 12-0. So your point is shot down before it ever gained steam. Goodnight!!!
Avoiding my point. People like me who can't go 12-0 are playing the same people, the same difficulty, the same grind, but because 1%-3% of the players can get more wins before losing they deserve extra rewards and everyone else deserves nothing. Get out of here with that elitist POV
Yes they do deserve extra recognition, that’s why they get the sellable version of the card. You get to have the card in your inventory for completing the program. That is your reward. You see everyone wins.
Firestormxreplied to killerpresence4 on May 16, 2023, 11:19 PM last edited by Firestormx_MLBTS May 16, 2023, 11:19 PM
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Bud I’ve never gone 12-0. So your point is shot down before it ever gained steam. Goodnight!!!
Avoiding my point. People like me who can't go 12-0 are playing the same people, the same difficulty, the same grind, but because 1%-3% of the players can get more wins before losing they deserve extra rewards and everyone else deserves nothing. Get out of here with that elitist POV
Yes they do deserve extra recognition, that’s why they get the sellable version of the card. You get to have the card in your inventory for completing the program. That is your reward. You see everyone wins.
They get an extra card pack and a 90+ worth 100-150k stubs. How is that not enough?
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
- I'm 47.
- I hate politics and won't discuss them in a game forum.
- Streamers are the bane of all gaming, IMO.
Bob_Loblaw1984replied to killerpresence4 on May 16, 2023, 11:27 PM last edited by Bob_Loblaw1984_PSN May 16, 2023, 11:29 PM
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
Your general idea is correct. Communism fails. But it’s not an economic system. It’s an authoritarian form of government with governmental ownership of all goods and services.
Socialism is an economic system. And every successful economy in the world uses a hybrid of capitalism and socialism of varying degrees.
Count me on the side of non-sellable ruining the mode. It’s 1,500 stubs for an entry. I enjoy playing online, and I’m fine at the game, but I’ll never go 12-0. So I’m supposed to enter 15-20 times or whatever it is to get a non-sellable card? Why would anyone who can’t go 12-0 ever play BR now? It’s a complete waste.
Not to mention, if you are actually good at this game, you are going to end up with millions of stubs whether BR rewards are sellable or not. All SDS has done now is ensure almost no one will be able to buy these cards because supply will be next to nothing on the market.
This could have been easily fixed by adding a 50k stub reward for flawless on top of the player (or something similar). Instead they made the mode worthless for the majority of players.
@eatyum said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
SDS is forcing my hand, I stopped flipping because I just wanted to enjoy the game and I was making decent stubs to get roughly most of the players I wanted by just playing. I'm not gonna go back to flipping so if they keep squeezing us, I'll just pack my bags. I've spent some money just about every year, but this kind of stuff has the opposite effect on my wallet
My point. I was ready to hit the 'Check Out' button on my PS5 order through PlayStation Direct; but I cancelled it this morning.
This game is the only game I play and I'm not spending $500, for a better console, when I can still play it on the PS4. Yes, I'll still have to deal with the 'laggy graphics' and not having the Mission Progress screen, but I'm not spending $500 to just have those items when I can't sell any of my rewards.
When you don't play online; you have no use for a 99 rated starter. You can do what needs to be done with a lower rated player. Why would I want to keep a player that I won't use?
Also, I was ready to buy $300 worth of stubs because I wanted to complete the LS Collection before Memorial Day weekend, as there will probably be a stub sale then, but I'm not buying any now.
I play with what players I have now and when I get bored; I'll move on to something else.
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
Your general idea is correct. Communism fails. But it’s not an economic system. It’s an authoritarian form of government with governmental ownership of all goods and services.
Socialism is an economic system. And every successful economy in the world uses a hybrid of capitalism and socialism of varying degrees.
All communists societies begin as socialist societies and evolve into the former which is where the authoritarian governments take over the economies and take away individual liberties to create the equity that the government seeks. In this scenario, equity is not the same as equality.
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
Your general idea is correct. Communism fails. But it’s not an economic system. It’s an authoritarian form of government with governmental ownership of all goods and services.
Socialism is an economic system. And every successful economy in the world uses a hybrid of capitalism and socialism of varying degrees.
By the way nice to see you in the forums again. I know we don’t agree on much but at least baseball unites us.