Piazza can play first so can joe mauer etc try someone with a secondry, maybe devers

@nauracy347_psn said in Way to early June potm:
@whiplash0013_psn said in Way to early June potm:
Doubt it will be a 97, when Devers was a 95. 96 is much more likely.
Will definitely be a 97. In April Dawson was a 91 and rizzo was a 92, may rice was a 94, devers 95. Now sale is a 96, so POTM will be 97
Jim rice was a 94, Devers 95, Chris sale is a 96 so it'll defintely be a 97 as andre dawson was a 91, we got a 92 rizzo
try jimmy fox hes only 23k if you dont like him then mauer is supposed be sick
@eatyum_psn said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
I'll never understand the reasoning for trash talking someone via message for a game.
Now please take this with as much offense as possible if you are trash talking someone via chat for a game your ego so much need so much stroking it's not even funny. Like do you feel like a big man when you trash talk an oppent? Like what's the purpose so you feel better, did you ever consider that the person on the other side is a father who works a 9-5 cooks, plays with his kids, puts them to bed and then spends time with their spouse and then they get maybe 1 to 2 hours to themselves to play their game and get some alone time and here you come acting like a big man trying to talk trash over chat.
You know what's soft....you my friend and your frigle ego and self confidence
I rarely message anyone, He was the one who messaged me and started gloating because he played badly and still managed to pull the win off
His first message was HAHA EZ
His 2nd message was 3 homeruns from that N word hard R (meaning mookie) and you still lost
3rd message Haha get F'd kidAll i did was reply to this and say I guess thats why noobs play at custom circus stadiums and i bet your PCI wasn't even on the ball, So i guess by replying to someone being abusive on messages is me having a Massive Ego right lol
Xbox has now deleted all his messages in the chat so i guess hes been suspended too hopefully for longer with the words he was writing
"I used to trash talk for fun with people on playstation and in my 8 years on that console i didn't once get a ban for anything."
You literally said you trashed talked for 8 years but you rarely do it, so which is?
If you are going to act like a big man online at least keep your lies straight
Yes trash talk for fun means what it says theres a difference between trash talk which happens in every video game and straight up abusing people with hate , Like have you never went out with your friends drinking im overweight and sometimes my friend would go its your turn to buy drinks fatty, But hes bald so when its his turn i'd say something like go get the drinks the reflection from your head is blinding me we just laugh about it , Thats what trash talk is.
Are you thinking im messaging random people and bullying them or something? Cause thats far from what i do
like the other day i told some guy i guess thats what i get with my weak irish internet, he responded with ahh poor irish boy can't hit because of lag, to which i replied alright kid when i get better internet if we match again ill win, so he replied with alright LMK when you get rid of the potato internet
I honestly don't see how you feel i have a huge ego , All i do is play games out of 220 games ive played ive maybe spoke to 3 people ive played against all year and all 3 of them was just joking about, I have a right to defend myself when people try to harass me
This is me guessing, but I would assume he thinks you have a big ego because of the language you use and when I say that, I don't mean swear words.
The word soft is generally used by certain political groups to demean people or groups they don't like. It's a way of dismissing how they feel by just saying they should be able to handle it.
Now since Xbox automated whatever isn't a person or group, the above really doesn't apply, but it's a built in instinct, atleast for me when I see that word. My mind immediately goes to a red hat wearing flag toting guy in sunglasses.
I live in northern ireland we use the word soft for anyone who gets offended easily or for any company which takes action over something very small , I think americans use the word snowflake but in my eyes that word is alot more hateful than the way we use the word soft for describing something, I was just basically saying xbox has got very fast to jump the gun in situations now than they used to back when i was a teenager on xbox 360 and it was nearly impossible to get a ban unless you went way too far, But no the word soft over here isn't used to demean people or groups its basically a way to describe people taking action on something , Like example if i walked into a store and they told me to get out cause i accidently said the F word i'd say that the person kicked me out of the store was soft as it didn't take much to get them to react to it
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
I'll never understand the reasoning for trash talking someone via message for a game.
Now please take this with as much offense as possible if you are trash talking someone via chat for a game your ego so much need so much stroking it's not even funny. Like do you feel like a big man when you trash talk an oppent? Like what's the purpose so you feel better, did you ever consider that the person on the other side is a father who works a 9-5 cooks, plays with his kids, puts them to bed and then spends time with their spouse and then they get maybe 1 to 2 hours to themselves to play their game and get some alone time and here you come acting like a big man trying to talk trash over chat.
You know what's soft....you my friend and your frigle ego and self confidence
I rarely message anyone, He was the one who messaged me and started gloating because he played badly and still managed to pull the win off
His first message was HAHA EZ
His 2nd message was 3 homeruns from that N word hard R (meaning mookie) and you still lost
3rd message Haha get F'd kidAll i did was reply to this and say I guess thats why noobs play at custom circus stadiums and i bet your PCI wasn't even on the ball, So i guess by replying to someone being abusive on messages is me having a Massive Ego right lol
Xbox has now deleted all his messages in the chat so i guess hes been suspended too hopefully for longer with the words he was writing
"I used to trash talk for fun with people on playstation and in my 8 years on that console i didn't once get a ban for anything."
You literally said you trashed talked for 8 years but you rarely do it, so which is?
If you are going to act like a big man online at least keep your lies straight
Yes trash talk for fun means what it says theres a difference between trash talk which happens in every video game and straight up abusing people with hate , Like have you never went out with your friends drinking im overweight and sometimes my friend would go its your turn to buy drinks fatty, But hes bald so when its his turn i'd say something like go get the drinks the reflection from your head is blinding me we just laugh about it , Thats what trash talk is.
Are you thinking im messaging random people and bullying them or something? Cause thats far from what i do
like the other day i told some guy i guess thats what i get with my weak irish internet, he responded with ahh poor irish boy can't hit because of lag, to which i replied alright kid when i get better internet if we match again ill win, so he replied with alright LMK when you get rid of the potato internet
I honestly don't see how you feel i have a huge ego , All i do is play games out of 220 games ive played ive maybe spoke to 3 people ive played against all year and all 3 of them was just joking about, I have a right to defend myself when people try to harass me
@eatyum_psn said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
I'll never understand the reasoning for trash talking someone via message for a game.
Now please take this with as much offense as possible if you are trash talking someone via chat for a game your ego so much need so much stroking it's not even funny. Like do you feel like a big man when you trash talk an oppent? Like what's the purpose so you feel better, did you ever consider that the person on the other side is a father who works a 9-5 cooks, plays with his kids, puts them to bed and then spends time with their spouse and then they get maybe 1 to 2 hours to themselves to play their game and get some alone time and here you come acting like a big man trying to talk trash over chat.
You know what's soft....you my friend and your frigle ego and self confidence
I rarely message anyone, He was the one who messaged me and started gloating because he played badly and still managed to pull the win off
His first message was HAHA EZ
His 2nd message was 3 homeruns from that N word hard R (meaning mookie) and you still lost
3rd message Haha get F'd kidAll i did was reply to this and say I guess thats why noobs play at custom circus stadiums and i bet your PCI wasn't even on the ball, So i guess by replying to someone being abusive on messages is me having a Massive Ego right lol
Xbox has now deleted all his messages in the chat so i guess hes been suspended too hopefully for longer with the words he was writing
Pretty sure who you are responding to was referring to this "I used to trash talk for fun with people on playstation and in my 8 years on that console i didn't once get a ban for anything."
Not that one current scenario
Theres a difference between trash talking like saying get good kid or better luck next time just having a bit of fun, And full on abusing someone i never swear at people or call them names, Competitive gaming always has had some form of trash talk , Like even overwatch has auto messages built in the game that says better luck next time or haha get wrecked same as games like rocket league , Real trash talk is joking about the other players or your team being less skillful
Abuse is bullying people or swearing , using racism and hate speech because you lost at a game , Big difference.
@jcassaro44_psn said in Swing Timing:
I’ve found since going from ps4 to ps5 online,, even last year, my timing seems to be off, everything seems like I’m on time and on the pci and then I see the feed back and it’s very late and nowhere near it, it’s like what it appears I’m doing and what’s happening are two different things.
Wait till it says perfect hit when you swing then the feedback after the swing says very early or late (it desyncs sometimes giving the wrong feedback)
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
I'll never understand the reasoning for trash talking someone via message for a game.
Now please take this with as much offense as possible if you are trash talking someone via chat for a game your ego so much need so much stroking it's not even funny. Like do you feel like a big man when you trash talk an oppent? Like what's the purpose so you feel better, did you ever consider that the person on the other side is a father who works a 9-5 cooks, plays with his kids, puts them to bed and then spends time with their spouse and then they get maybe 1 to 2 hours to themselves to play their game and get some alone time and here you come acting like a big man trying to talk trash over chat.
You know what's soft....you my friend and your frigle ego and self confidence
I rarely message anyone, He was the one who messaged me and started gloating because he played badly and still managed to pull the win off
His first message was HAHA EZ
His 2nd message was 3 homeruns from that N word hard R (meaning mookie) and you still lost
3rd message Haha get F'd kidAll i did was reply to this and say I guess thats why noobs play at custom circus stadiums and i bet your PCI wasn't even on the ball, So i guess by replying to someone being abusive on messages is me having a Massive Ego right lol
Xbox has now deleted all his messages in the chat so i guess hes been suspended too hopefully for longer with the words he was writing
@chuckclc_mlbts said in Xbox is very soft now a days:
I thought you said it was for 24 hours? Is that really worth a thread? Hardly noticeable. And you can still play games too right? I literally never use chat or voice.
Yeah its just a text and streaming suspension i just thought it was a bit funny how i got banned for the tiniest thing , I thought if i ever got suspended it would be when im trying to play MLB when im drinking and accidently swear in text but i highly believed i was banned for saying the word noob, They must think PCI is a swear or a racist term or something
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt:
@andysox_nsw said in You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt:
Well this post already didn't age well.
You're on the switch at least goldsmidt got +1 more upgrades than you've had games run smoothly
That might be the weakest dunk I've ever seen that wasn't performed by a toddler on a plastic basketball hoop. It reeks or stale Doritos and BO. We expect better around these parts.
Mods have been banning people by the dozens for practically no reason. If you're gonna go out for teasing someone since apparently the forum is now on kindergarten rules, you should go for the gold.
I miss the old 360 days where you could sit with friends on games and swear at the other team without feeling like you're going get handcuffed for saying one bad word
Reason for action
^^ Thats the message i got suspended for it wasn't the first message it was the 2nd message i didnt even write anything just hit space and sent it like im laughing at how bad the autobot is -
I got voice chat and text suspended for 24 hours for messaging a guy back when he said HAHA EZ when i had 18 hits 1 hit was a blooper i manged to go 3/4 with 2 perfects with Aaron judge against a leftie which im proud of with his 52 contact lol he had 11 runs he managed to walk it off because a player with 93 control threw 7 hittable pitchs on perfect accuracy and release pitchs i aimed outside the strikezone. he finished with 10 hits 4 of which were bloop hits he hit 2 grandslams on balls outside the zone after fouling everything
All i said back to him was i guess thats why noobs play in high elevation custom circus stadiums i bet you didn't even have the pci on anything.
Hes still spamming me with messages and swearing so i reported him twice but he hasn't been suspended for saying the F word and N word ,Having a weed emblem with a nazi logo in the middle of it
It wasn't even a human which banned me because about 10 seconds after i sent the message i got an email saying enforment action has been taken, I havn't had a single ban since 2014 im very careful to what i write so the guys obviously found a way to trick the autobot via reporting me as far i know calling someone a noob isn't a bannable reason
I used to trash talk for fun with people on playstation and in my 8 years on that console i didn't once get a ban for anything.
Just not fun when you can't say anything to anyone without getting parts of account restricted guess im gonna just turn off messages from randoms in the future , I mean c'mon the amount of hate messages i seen on twitter and xbox doesnt do anything about it but if your just generic trash talking and getting suspended for it , These kids would never of survived in modern warfare 2 lobbies ill tell you
@steelymacbeam said in Swing Timing:
I flat out can't hit this year. I'm not a great player, but in years past I was at least able to compete and made it just short of World Series most years. I get the PCI in the right spot but the swing timing is just so erratic that all contact I get is either crushed foul or if I get good timing it's like I'm swinging a pool noodle. Maybe it's all in my head but it just feels off. Same TV I used last year. The only difference I can see is the 60 fps but I think that would help me. Beyond frustrated.
Dont chase fastballs even in the zone, You cant get good timing on 90% of the ones you have to move the pci to , Would advise to get a monitor this year the timing windows are way more strict than previously
@andysox_nsw said in You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt:
Well this post already didn't age well.
You're on the switch at least goldsmidt got +1 more upgrades than you've had games run smoothly
@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt:
OP going in to hiding with that plus 1 upgrade.
Not my fault SDS dont watch baseball, trout +2 despite playing terrible, judge -1 despite having an mvp year lol
@theu715_psn said in You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt:
Going from a 90 to a 99 doesn't make him any more rare. The rarity tears for pulling cards are 85-89 and 90+ for diamonds. Unless they did something different this year that's not listed for rarity chance of pulling cards.
How many times have you pulled a 90 diamond compared to trout, acuna? exactly 90+ is a tier but theres also a lower odds % that you get a teal over the blue
@eatyum_psn said in ANOTHER PS Stub Sale:
Honestly, outside of Ls prices, everything is pretty cheap in relative terms to previous years.
I blame the rewind packs, I don't mind it tho means if i cba playing an event on hall of fame or 6 inning quick counts, Ill just wait till next event win 7 games and grab the player i want, Or just buy them for like 20k from the auction, i sold Perez for 55k after i got him, Cause i can pick him up if i want to for 15k when next event comes out or grab him from rewind packs , I tried him one game didn't feel like he was special like cabrera was tho
@nflman2033_mlbts said in LS collection complete:
@dlgltal-athlete_psn said in LS collection complete:
@samguenther1987 said in LS collection complete:
Finally done, time to try out Randy Johnson and Clemente. Happy this is over.
Nice. I just can't seem to pull the trigger on some of these over-inflated 90+s.
I know I'm not paying for them; I'm paying for Randy, Frank, and Roberto. But still.
If this Diamonds don't come down ALOT; this may be the first year that I don't complete the LS Collection.
Yeah, I'm with you. I mean I only have 600k and still need Trout, Acuna, Ohtani, Tatis, DeGrom, and Scherzer. So not enough to complete, even before inflated prices, but I feel like buying any one of them at these prices is too much considering I still won't be getting Randy any time soon.
You could grab trout and ohtani work towards 99 frank , franks meant to be unreal this year too
worst part is in the uk we only get 1 out of 5 stub sales, So the market keeps inflating and even if i wanted to i couldn't buy stubs so we get punished by card prices going up without having the option to buy cheaper stubs not that i would.
@bob_loblaw1984 said in SDS heres an idea for a new game mode for 23:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in SDS heres an idea for a new game mode for 23:
@bob_loblaw1984 said in SDS heres an idea for a new game mode for 23:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in SDS heres an idea for a new game mode for 23:
@bob_loblaw1984 said in SDS heres an idea for a new game mode for 23:
Some kind of ranked 9 inning mode that forces card variety and rewards creative roster construction would be great. I’m on board. God squads get old.
Basically ranked season with a salary cap.
Yes but every friday to monday with a different criteria so you can build different teams or make it weekend league with weekly and monthly reward system for points scored , play 10 games a week for the points depending on wins/loss packs,stubs,player,tokens to redeem for whatever rewards you want like 50 is a 85+ diamond pack, or 90 tokens is a 89+ diamond pack, with a 3 player diamond choice for 100
I’ll let SDS sort out the specifics. If enough people want something like this it could happen.
Could be a nice way to make Co-OP playable , By adding tokens per every win and then being able to exhange them for packs, banners, players, stubs and other stuff cause as right now Co-OP has no value for grinding
I was excited for co-op. Seems like they’ve largely abandoned it.
I think they expand on it next year by giving us a reason to play the mode, Maybe even adding like a mini seasons kind of reward structure doesn't have to be like 100k cards but some packs or players like the 89 longoria would be better than what they have now, Just hope they fix mini seasons and we get better reasons to play it later as of now its a dead mode too
I Must Be The Only Player in RS That Struggles The Most Filling This Position...
Way to early June potm
Xbox is very soft now a days
Xbox is very soft now a days
Xbox is very soft now a days
Swing Timing
Xbox is very soft now a days
Xbox is very soft now a days
You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt
Xbox is very soft now a days
Xbox is very soft now a days
Swing Timing
You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt
You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt
You've just over an hour to grab paul goldsmidt
LS collection complete
SDS heres an idea for a new game mode for 23