I’m a casual NMS offline player and finished the LS a while back. If you grind out TA3 on mini seasons using the 1 & 2 bosses, you can finish 3 fairly quickly. I commit as much into one division as possible and use vouchers on the one I want to do last. Racking up packs and selling dupes gives me a ton of stubs for the Season 1 collection fodder and cards I don’t grind for on events and BR. I’m at 324 Season 1 cards rights now and have spun the wheel 3 or 4 times. I’m not an SDS fanboy and have just as many complaints as the next person but have enjoyed the game so far and feel like some positivity is needed. Don't be discouraged by the trolls and haters. Enjoy the game and you do you since you’re the one who spent the money on the game.

Agreed. I preorder and get the twitch packs. I don’t flip but sell dupes and hope for pack luck. I finished the collection last year on April 7th, so about 3 weeks to finish. I don’t hardly play online so I couldn’t care less who gets what cards when. I enjoy the power creep and feel accomplished when I get the LS done. I’m really happy that sets and seasons are gone so I have more incentive to parallel cards this year. After playing for years and being on this forum, I know everyone can’t be pleased and trolls are going to complain about something. “Too many 99s on Day 1, power creep is boring, graphics suck, why can’t we use our OP RTTS player in DD, SDS doesn’t listen, etc.” I think they do a great job of responding with what they can. How many other game developers send out surveys and actually try to make as many happy as possible? Kudos to them and y’all enjoy 25. I know I will.
@Loyal-Wiglaf True. My wife is a flight attendant and usually has trips on the weekends. I typically have all the time that I want to play and grind, so yeah, I’ve put in a lot in the game. I’m just casual in the sense that I don’t get into the sweaty online matches because I’m not good and I get frustrated quickly. I play the conquest and mini season games on rookie if that says anything about my ability on the sticks.
Didn’t mean anyone one of you all in particular. Apologies. I mean as a whole, I’ve read a ton of positive posts from folks or just general questions and it’s a shame others drag them for liking a game we all play and pay for. If it’s so bad for those that always gripe, just stop playing and wasting time on these threads. SDS I’m sure does their best and can’t make everyone happy but doesn’t intentionally try to hurt the players. The fact they even try to make adjustments says a lot considering most gaming companies and others generally don’t care and will do anything necessary to make a buck, including never asking for feedback or charging crazy prices for the same product. Yeah micro transactions are here to stay but with all the NMS folks and skills still mattering to an extent, at least it isn’t pay to win. Let’s all be thankful we have time to play a sport we love even in video game form and feel like kids again. Us guys never grow up, we just get older so let’s enjoy it while we can. Peace!
I won the championship in the TA Mini Seasons and did not receive my awards (voucher bundle). Anyone else run into this issue?
Does anyone know how many Twitch packs will come before The Show 24? I got 3 from the Feature Premiere on 2/15, but was curious if all the streams will have drops. Do they ever put Elite packs in those drops?
Anyone have an idea when the April Scouting Report packs will drop?
@xxfrystealerxx 4 times. Got the stubs twice and the headliner pack twice. No diamonds.
Under. I’m thinking 6 vouchers. Probably a 50 star program. Maybe the last reward will be a gold choice pack redeemable on ‘25. Or an 85 diamond.
Stating the Obvious
It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s
Stating the Obvious
Stating the Obvious
Mini Seasons Vouchers
Twitch Packs
April Scouting Report?
Stating the Obvious
Over/Under on Now and Later packs in the 2/4 program (looks like 11, plus a 1955 Mays Finest)