Ebbets Field has always been the stadium I’d like added.

I’ve done it quite a few times, but I play a lot of CPU games. I think I did it at least once this week; perhaps with Nolan Ryan. The “arcade” feel of the games on Rookie is relaxing to me after hard work days. The 27 K games are much easier this year than in previous years. I’d say the majority of my games this year have been either perfect games or 1-hitters when I’m playing Rookie CPU. The only games I give up hits are games that I’m pitching to content to get fielding stats.
Much rather have Bench than Posey.
Really surprised no Fried. No Freddie means that he’s getting an MVP card in the next program I’m assuming.
All HR replays need to be from behind home plate perspective with the green trail showing how far the ball went. Whoever decided to throw in the other perspectives just must not play the game themselves. It’s annoying how often the bad visuals come up in the rotation.
If people would stop putting in orders for a million stubs, the price would come down. This happens every year late in the cycle and it freezes cards from people that aren’t stub-rich or buying stubs. I understand supply and demand, but I’ve never understood piling on million stub orders in the 100’s.
I feel like the last 10 days of program will be double XP to compensate for the shortness.
I felt like the wind had more of an effect in CPU games today. Hit windows seemed smaller even on Rookie.
Aaron, Mays, and Griffey should’ve all been released by 5th or 6th inning.
Sheffield is a shell of what the card was last year. The TA4 version is mediocre relatively.
He was a poor choice to have as a lock-in for a big collection like that. Should’ve been a legend position player like Aaron and not a current playing pitcher that will rarely be used over better pitchers.
I hit 650k last night, but only because I played so much during the double xp weekend and I was also leveling up my Ballplayer finally. Got Trout in my Diamond pack and financed some nice additions from the TA programs.
Kershaw is a huge letdown. I had hoped for Aaron. Don’t want another pitcher.
That absolutely sucks. Care nothing for a pitcher as big reward. Honestly tired of current players as big rewards. Want Aaron, Mays, other legends as rewards. Really don’t know what they’re thinking, going back to Trout last year and Mookie/Kershaw this year. Guess it’s just cheaper to use current players since they are already part of game.
With the amount of time they have been down, I’m assuming it’s something big on their end. How long would it take them to rebuild the databases?
SDS is overall a great company when compared to EA and 2K. However, this is where they are deficient. There’s rarely any communication while problems are occurring. Doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to pop on and say having server problems, working on it, sorry for the inconvenience.
Content this week is/will be great, but it’s definitely the most lackluster of the monthly awards program. I think it was partly so it wouldn’t compete with the goodness of the team affinity 4 dropping Friday. I like doing the moments and missions for POTM program, but if I’m being honest, the only one of these cards that I’m remotely interested in is Robert (and that’s only because I like him as a player IRL). I already owned all of the Topps Now cards so I’m happy to recover some of the stubs I spent the last couple weeks.
You’d get a player with decent contact and bronze fielding if it’s an honest card. No offense to anyone, but Jeter was a mediocre shortstop. He was a great team captain and a great Yankee. I watched Jeter his whole career. My comments are based on eye test.
I’m fine with those kinds of moments, but the cpu defense sliders still need to be toned down quite a bit. Sickening when a mediocre outfielder dives facing the outfield fence to rob doubles and triples. The number of times the cpu tries pickoffs and throws knockdown pitches is annoying too. Those things shouldn’t exist in the moments. I think some of the stadiums have glitches during moments too. Twice this week I’ve had balls that went over the fence that didn’t register as homers and I got doubles.
They’re basically free, really good cards. You don’t see 2K or Madden throwing their player bases bones like SDS (and don’t compare the cards you can earn on 2K; they aren’t as juiced as pack cards and they have toxic requirements on how to earn them). Look at the team you can put on the field just by playing TA.
Which stadiums would you like added?
27 K’s in a 9 inning game
9th inning boss clue.
WS program 14 reward cards
Why poor presentation in DD?
If a hundreds of people put in buy orders for Lou Gehrig and my buy order is mixed up in there when will it go through??
Not feeling the 350K XP
Is it wiffle ball day today?
"The Wait is Almost Over"
bellinger > Mantle
Kershaw reviews?
Let’s revisit XP
The Big Collection
Big Collection
Server issues at 5am?
Server issues at 5am?
Lame content drop
Not Trying to be Snarky
ENOUGH of the 8 bases in a game!
TA4 Players