It's just getting everyone prepared to go down on release day >:-) lol

Screw this...going to get an XBOX
Play RTTS. It rains 80% of the time it seems. Sometimes, you get a rain delay but that's about it I think.
The final event is usually the Forever Moonshot and should start when this one ends
Can't agree more. It honestly feels like they are trying to drive away players from DD or the game all together. Every single opponent speed pitches with pin point accuracy and perfect feed back EVERY PITCH! I get it's a video game, but c'mon, that's just pure stupidity and just not fun.
@pbauler Ahhhh Now I'm gonna have to try it. I've tried everything and never thought of that.
I know there's a way to do it because someone did it in a BR game I played recently.
To achieve 1 inning pitched - you must record 3 outs with the same pitcher.
There is a major bug in this game when it comes to XP. It's funny, I completed the individual awards series missions EXCEPT...the total XP with awards series players which sits at 0. I'm not uninstalling//reinstalling shyte! Fix your f'n game!
Logos went from R rated to XXX rated. They just leave them up there for all to see and they never go away. Quite sickening for children to see these logos and use them.
in your squad, just filter by legends in the series section.
That's the toll we pay for using it. It's been like that since I started playing in 20. You kinda just learn to live with it after a while.
I was starting to take it Now I keep ketting kicked off line every 3 minutes so Im not going to bother today. Gonna be "one of those days".
I sat at 230,000 for the last 2 weeks straight and have been slowly creeping since last roster update to 280,000. Team Affinity - Completed all of AL and NL Central, East is 58% and West @ 92%. Played 25 event games, 2 or 3 BR games. Completed both mini-seasons.
I'm thinking I would have a ton more XP, but something doesn't jive here. Anyone else not really climbing in the XP department?
I hear you! Pulled one lousy diamond so far and that's it. Caved in and bought early release just 2 hours after saying in a post I was glad I saved my $40(2 days after early release). Well, I am saving my 99.99 on the 150K stubs and there is no caving gonna happen here.
That would be spending money on data, not the cards or the game. So you would technically be NMS still.
This how it starts off every year. After about a month, they fix it, then hitting turns to exrement for the remainder of the year. Glad I saved my $40 after reading these forums yesterday and today.
It used to mean you were getting your @$$ handed to you if your opponent had it.
Now it just means you're playing someone who's been there, and a lot of them just suck. I haven't played ranked since 21, but something tells me if I did this year, I would have one too....and I suck online.
LOL! As fate and SDS would have it, GGs my friend!
So call me a cry baby. Take your win and move on...and stop "crying" about being dahboarded.
Servers down?
Playstation Maintenance
No more Events after Fri?
Events used to be for casuals and those just wanting to chill for a bit before sweating it out in ranked....
Babe Ruth in Battle royale not a 2 way player?
Babe Ruth in Battle royale not a 2 way player?
Has SDS ever explained why innings only count if the same pitcher starts and ends the inning?
not getting xp
Legend players
Are they ever going to fix metered hanging pitches?
Program XP
Program XP
Pack Luck Horrid
Am I still considered NMS?
The cpu is throwing 75% balls plz fix now
World Series Profile Icon
Dashboarding HAS to GO
Dashboarding HAS to GO