Welcome to the Show!

I've been good. I've tried to help others find the hard to find things, I've given guys free at bats/hits/HRs when they ask for it in event games. But SDS where are you??? I've been on your side since day one because I knew the multi-platform/next gen was going to be an issue way before it was release. But you are now going on community silence! There is 0 information available to the public, and guys are grinding extremely hard, but when your servers crash....there is nothing to show for it because the server crashed during an individuals moment/at bat/TA challenge etc...to the tune where guys have done and completed these challenges to no avail. WTAF man??? I've been against compensation because I know you guys are working hard to complete the game. But C'mon man! Something has to give and you better make things right with a darn good explanation of why these issues continue. No one is compensated after completing moments acheivements, but you want a trouble ticket and not a post.... But tickets aren't getting resolved in a timely fashion. It's obvious where the issue stands, but what is SDS going to do about it? Anything, even a hint?
I'll make you feel better! .178 in about 300 games. But I still enjoy the game and have fun... until I get pissed.
When are people going to understand that the Prestige Status has nothing to do with player skill and only represents game progress? I've gotten too many messages from Silver and Gold status players that are sooo excited telling me I'm trash and they can't believe how I am at a prestige status, and I'm better of killing myself...blah blah blah. I get it, most players are better than me...just let me have my dang fun.
He may run like haze, but he hits like [censored]! Took a few tries, but eventually you beat it.
That's the only reason I paused the game...I'm not doing it to annoy anyone, I gotta weak bladder!! I can see multiple pauses through a game, but for a 2 minute pee-pee! C'mon! Why can't I play against prestiged players?? I tried increasing the window, but I guess I'm not good enough to compete. I could care less if I lose...look at my darned record.
People grinded all year to get these Ruth and Trout cards only to get squashed by 1 game wonder pitchers and "future" stars with nerfed cards. Oh well!
@cccstunna30_psn said in Pack Odds:
@thaghettoblasta said in Pack Odds:
I acted a fool and was childish and went on numerous drunken angry rants and got banned from the forum for Toxicity, which I will admit I was. I'm only joking anyway. I've served my time in the MLBTS Forum Jail and will not be a repeat offender and I doubt they keep a list. The game sucked 10 fold and I'm doing 10 times better on 21 than 20.
Give you props my man on this post. Admitting you acted that way, accepting you deserved the punishment you got, and growing out of the “childish” rants shows character growth and my guess is this change goes beyond just the MLBTS forums. Props my dude.
Thanks dude! Bruh, i'm 45! Sad to admit, but this pandemic got the best of me. Spending well over 2,000 hours on 2020 and being stuck in my house because I can't find fair employment at my age and having nothing better to do in the meantime. The release of 2021 was like a crack fix in the drug world...lmao.
These are getting hilarious!!
Keep fighting the good fight I guess.
@fredmoney2020_psn said in 4th inning program XP only 3k??:
Is everyone else only getting about 3k XP for full game of ranked?I was getting about 6 to 7k xp before
It's been this way since the last patch. XP was shorted because of people XP boosting or something to that effect. So basically the community is now paying the price. Or something like that.
Then WTF is he like on legend??????
Assigned to the Dodgers/Padres series
. We should start wagering on how many blown calls he'll have.
I would also like to see a Phil Plantier. His sitting batting stance was his signature and those powerful uppercut swings. They were always great to watch.
@matt_42187_psn said in This is ridiculous.:
@levity7_psn said in This is ridiculous.:
Hey guys what’s up a/s/l
14/m/GA. Pic4pic?
Ahhhhh....the good ole days. All on the machine you paid $2500 for - a 10 GB HD 500MHz processor and 500MB Ram and 18" Screen that weighed 150 lbs...and you were God if you had that model...lol
@gmoney-1234_psn said in Pack Odds:
@ThaGhettoBlasta wdym put on a list?
I acted a fool and was childish and went on numerous drunken angry rants and got banned from the forum for Toxicity, which I will admit I was. I'm only joking anyway. I've served my time in the MLBTS Forum Jail and will not be a repeat offender and I doubt they keep a list. The game sucked 10 fold and I'm doing 10 times better on 21 than 20.
@speedy44_psn said in Previous Inning Programs:
It’s been over two weeks so maybe you should keep a closer eye
I think your point came across...LOL. I don't get this forum, you are only allowed 1 post per minute, then they dupe comments.
After 2 Salmon pulls, a ton of whining about pack luck, the right fish has finally been reeled in!
I can't help but picture SDS as Shooter McGaven in this thread: "Yeeeaaaahh right and Sergio Romo had a beard"
Please make sure you keep us updated on KT's condition once his dad finds out.
I was a directional guy for 3/4 of 2020 and switched after realizing that this hitting mode is all RNG based. Basically, the only tip to give is swing on time and lay off the pitches out of the zone and that's it. Both analog and directional, the CPU decides where your PCI is going to be which results in many pop outs and good/good lazy flies. While you will hit some perfect/perfects, you'll notice most of them not going where you would think it would go. Stick with directional until you can learn the timing windows. Once you learn that, the PCI swinging becomes easy to use after a little practice.
RS is frustrating me
A Call For Answers
Whats your batting average ?
Prestige Status
Mays Daily moments
BRO!!! I Only have to Pee!!!
Too many 99s
Pack Odds
Please give Sergio Romo his beard back!!!
4th inning program XP only 3k??
If That's Nolan Ryan on Rookie....
Angel Hernandez
Interesting Cards That You Want to See
This is ridiculous.
Pack Odds
Previous Inning Programs
Please give Sergio Romo his beard back!!!
Auction House Is Kind Of A Scam IMO
How many use directional hitting? Any tips?