@beatlesnews_PSN got me beat by a year

It's an option . I use it in RTTS.
Have to turnit on and then use catcher view when pitching to see it -
Still happen just not as often
Is there a position that favors fielding and and speed or contact instead of power? Seems like any position I play have to pick power to get higher overall. Also seem to always place me 3rd in lineup. Would like to lead off. Just get tired of always having to hit for power. Even tried playing as female and wanted me to chose power attributes
Had this happen for current series. Switch hitter doubling on first base line. Even bunt went for double. Next series was fine but then happened agai n
Or create a new profile to log in with
In my case they announce wrong positions when I bat
I have same issue
Helped my bunting
Decided to try playing as female on my PS5 to see what story was like. Set up as a switch hitter. Several times hit a double time down right field line. For rest of series no matter how i swung continued getting that double. Bunts also and both sudes of plate.
How many of y’all are olds?
Just got the Show 24
Do training drill stop being offered in AAA?
Attributes not favoring power
Hitting bug?
New Ballplayer skill set
RTTS Minor League Broadcast
Catcher pitch suggestions
Female hitting gets stuck
Female hitting gets stuck