RTTS Minor League Broadcast
I appreciate how they have a different person and style for the minors broadcast. Only problem I have is that almost everything he says is the exact same thing the major league broadcast team says, word for word.
Only more flat
Yeah noticed that. Plus, my male player has been called “she” several times. Not huge deal but stands out.
@fejjo same here. I hope this gets fixed in the first patch
Ben Gellman has a horrible voice! He’s nails on a chalkboard to me. He also sounds like he’s doing a dramatic reading instead of calling a game. It’s terrible!
In my case they announce wrong positions when I bat
I not only have been called a female as a male player but I apparently have hit a 1st inning grandslam most of the time when in actuality it was a 1 run homer in the 3rd or similar result. It is bad for sure.
@worshipleader26 I keep hearing Gellman say my player is hitting under the Mendoza Line (<.200) with RISP even though I'm leading the league in RBIs
came to report that my rtts player is also called she/her, and I've had extra inning cues in the top of the 6th.
The game using my wrong pronouns, I'm very offended
seriously though, what a hot mess to listen to while playing.