Freeze off still a thing I see. Wow. Such an obvious glitch and nothing.

@c_lawson3_psn said in Bloop and a blast:
From watching twitch to playing my fair share of games, it seems like predetermined outcomes are real. I've especially noticed that when a fluky hit happens, the odds a home run happens thereafter increases dramatically. Can someone convince me otherwise?
Yep true. Also stupid error then hr. Or you have big inning opponents becomes god level.
@redjeff83_psn said in Have trout…not hitting well:
So I earned trout and I’m am sucking with home. I have zero hope of grinding trea. What is the turn around time if I sell em trout to buy turner?
Also any tips on how to hit with trout?Same... everyone pitches around him which sux.
Bunch of weirdos in this forum. A person has a real complaint . Weirdos proceed to Troll. Its the same issue year after year. Timing windows, defensive animations are garbage and sds messing with ingame sliders affecting offense.
Vida Blue's outlier quirk removed?
Is rng per at bat or by game. Some games when I square ball its nuked. Then next game same squaring up ball is dead.
I've noticed power in general has gone down due so many op cards. Sds always messing with in game sliders.
I was having a pretty good game. 7-7 bottom of 8th inning deep fly to mays.... yes he drops it. Runner on first comes in. Yes I quit.
@hustlinowl_psn said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
at responses. SDS loves your loyalty. Enjoy same hitting physics next to year.
The irony actually researched I'm flattered
@thehungryhole said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
@ericulous1_psn said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
@ericulous1_psn said in Hey dummies:
@eatyum_psn said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
at responses. SDS loves your loyalty. Enjoy same hitting physics next to year.
They love your loyalty to, anyone who has to say they are passing on something isn't serious, it's the quiet ones that are.
Exactly. Real Gangtas don't rap haha.
Two responses in one thread
. Instead trolling maybe push sds to create better a gaming experience. I'll wait for troll responses...
Nah, I'm sorry, not trying to Troll. I have my frustrations too with this game as we all do. But overall I've had a pretty good experience in my first season of MLBTS DD. Now that sounded like a lame ad.
My point is if community doesn't demand better game play by specifically letting sds know what's wrong nothing changes. They literally change ingame sliders whenever they choose. They made every game decided by who hits a homerun. Thats not baseball.
no one cares what you have to say - remember that - you are just an invisible whiner lost in the sea of the internet - everyone in this thread is laughing at you, not with you
Wow. What a miserable person.
@ericulous1_psn said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
@ericulous1_psn said in Hey dummies:
@eatyum_psn said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
at responses. SDS loves your loyalty. Enjoy same hitting physics next to year.
They love your loyalty to, anyone who has to say they are passing on something isn't serious, it's the quiet ones that are.
Exactly. Real Gangtas don't rap haha.
Two responses in one thread
. Instead trolling maybe push sds to create better a gaming experience. I'll wait for troll responses...
Nah, I'm sorry, not trying to Troll. I have my frustrations too with this game as we all do. But overall I've had a pretty good experience in my first season of MLBTS DD. Now that sounded like a lame ad.
My point is if community doesn't demand better game play by specifically letting sds know what's wrong nothing changes. They literally change ingame sliders whenever they choose. They made every game decided by who hits a homerun. Thats not baseball.
@ericulous1_psn said in Hey dummies:
@eatyum_psn said in Hey dummies:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hey dummies:
at responses. SDS loves your loyalty. Enjoy same hitting physics next to year.
They love your loyalty to, anyone who has to say they are passing on something isn't serious, it's the quiet ones that are.
Exactly. Real Gangtas don't rap haha.
Two responses in one thread
. Instead trolling maybe push sds to create better a gaming experience. I'll wait for troll responses...
at responses. SDS loves your loyalty. Enjoy same hitting physics next to year.
Inside pci pop ups outside pci homeruns. I'm passing on next years game. Hey dummies I play to have offense not pitching duels.
That's like 10th on my list. Defense animations, random results in hitting comeback code etc...
SDS messed with hitting sliders again. They are garbage. I've noticed an Increase in pop ups from good timing and inside pci.
Increase in pop ups from good timing and inside pci.
Nope nope
Return it...
You can't hit any offspeed but demolish outlier fastball in any location. How?
So... hit to second
Bloop and a blast
Have trout…not hitting well
Timing windows
Vida Blue
This game is unplayable nonsense at this point
Good game ruined
Hey dummies
Hey dummies
Hey dummies
Hey dummies
Hey dummies
Hey dummies
Number 1 Thing To Fix 2022
I cannot hit
Pop ups
Do quirks really matter???
New player