Ok see you tomorrow..

Outlier and pin point ruined the offense. Every game is slow death.
Quitting on ranked games
- Opponent bunts and is good at it
- Timing window sucks. Supersonic outlier fastball.
- Opponent is a nibbler. Getting every borderline call on strikes.
- Stupid RNG errors.
- Squaring numerous hits with no reward.
- Horrible defense animations cost you runs.
Anybody else quit or is just me?
Cabrera's sinker is glitched. Are you supposed swing while ball is in his hand?
Timing... one minute your early on outlier fastball next one your so late you miss entirely.
Dear SDS,
Fix timing windows, fix perfect hits, fix animations, fix Baserunning, fix OP pitching
Sincerely .... -
@kyles779_psn said in Hitting on allstar:
@technoblue67_psn said in Hitting on allstar:
What happened to hitting on allstar. Everything is a pop up or line out. Sds always messing with game dynamics. Leave it the way it was when season started sheesh...
Its your own perception. They adjust sliders, a notch here, a notch there. If you play a ton then you can see it. (WAY too many double play balls SDS.) But until they over haul the hitting engine, there won't be anything dramatic. This game and last years game are very similar minus check swings and pitch speeds on the outliers. Both are adjusted using game sliders. They need to over haul the entire game engine. But, again, until they do, a large part is perception.
That makes sense. I just get don't why mess with sliders. I want offense. I'm sure I'm not alone in this...
@quinnymcquinn said in Reasons why I quit:
There are things and players I just accept at this point. A lot issues are connectivity and server. The competitiveness in me will not allow me to quit a game. If it gets out of hand which it has, I just roll with it. At the end of the days it’s a game. If I’m not enjoy it, I simply turn it off.
Games run way too long to sit through [censored] game play. I just quit and try again.
Return it...
That's like 10th on my list. Defense animations, random results in hitting comeback code etc...
Selling is manipulated by s...d...s prove me wrong...
@bostondirtdog21 said in Market manipulation:
@technoblue67_psn said in Market manipulation:
Selling is manipulated by s...d...s prove me wrong...
accurate. Grab some popcorn and just watch for an hour. Doesn’t take a Wall Street analyst to see it.
Exactly. Selling bots.
Clean it up sds... if you know you know
Seems like hitting against cpu is nerfed. CPU hitting got a bump. Anybody else notice?
Noticing alot of balls going to warning track. Exit velocity seems to be nerfed.
This is not baseball its a video game. The Game should reward you for perfect hits. Center pci placement, hitting hanging curves. Just real bad sds nerfed hitting now with all the great hitters they released.
@hustlinowl_psn said in Outside pci homeruns:
and you dont?
Yeah and.. should based on pci placement and timing. Not randomly
My opponents keep getting outside of pci homeruns. This is just garbage. That means home runs arbitrary.
@squid_adams_psn said in SDS F***ed Around and Broke Their Game:
Wow!! It wasn’t but a week or two am I was thinking to myself “Wow, this game is starting to feel like one of the better Show games I’ve played” after a a month or two of thinking the excessive home runs would ruin it before we even got to the 3rd inning program.
Boy, has something gone wrong. Even games I’m winning I still can’t help but think this game is doomed in the condition SDS has left it in. Let me just bullet point all the issues I’ve encountered in the past week or so.
- Was about to win an event game. Routine grounder to the first baseman. Hit circle to end the game, but inexplicably he starts running toward home. Circle was the only button I pressed.
-Caught stealing on several occasions. Perfect jump, but sometimes you can literally see the game slow the runner down with some janky animation that looks like he got a cramp halfway to second or third base, allowing the catcher to throw him out.
-Lost the lead in another game when my opponent decides to run home like an idiot. He’s not even halfway there and I throw the ball to my catcher who proceeds to not even attempt a tag.
-PCI placement doesn’t seem to mean anything. My opponents keep missing the ball or getting on top of it or under it…either some silly ground ball base hit, or bloop…or of course a home run (which are still excessive, but with the condition the game is in now it feels less egregious)
-Semi regular errors. Ground balls are apparently hard for diamond defenders and routine throws are off target by 20 feet. Has happened enough, and always in crucial late game situations….it feels like sometimes the game is literally preventing you from winning (which after sinking 20 minutes or more into that particular game, is not what you want)
Anyone else noticed this? The game was playing so smoothly and they just went in and nuked it with the last update.
Don't forget the speed of light fastballs.
- Was about to win an event game. Routine grounder to the first baseman. Hit circle to end the game, but inexplicably he starts running toward home. Circle was the only button I pressed.
SDS bs game outcome manipulation exposed.
Think I’m gonna hang it up gents
OP pitching
Reasons why I quit
HOF is on crack
My 3 favorite things about this game!!!
Dear SDS
Hitting on allstar
Reasons why I quit
New player
Number 1 Thing To Fix 2022
Market manipulation
Market manipulation
Cheating is rampant
Anyone notice?
Nerfed hitting?
Got 5 Good/Good results in a row and not 1 accounted for a hit.
Outside pci homeruns
Outside pci homeruns
SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game
Ok I am broken with this game