Hell no, I love it. It gives us offline players something to do. I've done the conquest map 5-6 times.

7 total bases with gold jackie in one game. Yuck
Sad day in the baseball world as Mr. Tiger passes away. The Hall of Famer was 85.
SDS, please give us some Kaline moments as a nice way to honor him.
So, we've all seen many threads of complaints and what people want changed for the next game. I'm curious to see what changes SDS made for MLB The Show 19 that were spot on. What changes did you like?
Some of these things will seem very minor in the grand scheme of things, but even the little touches can make a big difference.
Multiple lineups. This was much needed and I love it. Four is a good number, too, I think.
Searchable players for lineups. This was also a much-needed feature. It really cut down on the time trying to set a lineup for a specific thing, either team affinity or dailies.
Updated Conquest maps. I'm an offline player, so seeing new Conquest maps all the time has been great. I've been even more happy lately with maps coming out nearly weekly.
Inning programs. I think this is a great idea. I really liked 17's version of programs, and this feels like a version of it. Putting the best rewards at 300 stars while being able to earn beyond that is perfect. You can get the best reward without having to play every day, but if you want to play every day, you can keep getting better stuff.
Choice packs. This might be the best one. Getting a choice on who you grab in a pack is fantastic. Doing all that work or spending all those stubs just to land a guy you didn't want really stinks.
Stadium sounds. Love it. I think this should be tweaked a bit, but I like customization.
Moments. I'm a little hesitant to put Moments on here. I really hated these early on as I actually enjoyed the stat grinds (not to the MLB The Show 18 level, though). So, I didn't like the initial change, but it's grown on me. I think it's a pretty good middle ground between those who like to do stat grinds and those who cringe at the thought of it.
New Legends. I'm a bit bummed that some players didn't return for 19 (Fisk being the biggest loss for me), but I think we got better returns than we lost. I hope we can keep most of what we gained in 19 and expand on it.
How cards are revealed in packs. Great addition. Show all or one at a time. Get an animation for the better cards.
Quick sell feature in packs. I didn't touch this early on, but now that it's so late in the year, I like that I can just hit 'quick sell' when I get a bronze free agent relief pitcher. Saves me a step. I like that you can list a player to the market when opening a pack, but I think you have to see what he's currently going for, and that's not available at the moment.
What changes did you guys like in 19?
Wow, I missed that first part. That really annoys me. I also hate the no quickselling/exchanging locked card. Absolutely NO ONE asked for that.
At the very least, let us exchange duplicate 'no sell' cards. So many Tanaka cards just sitting there...
Look, if you want to ask out Skepple, just do it. The repeated stalking and baiting posts are a bit much. We see the obsession. Just ask.
They've done a great job in getting real card art into the game this year. I've counted 70 Topps/Bowman cards that are new to Diamond Dynasty this year. I think that's already more new card art (minus Topps Now) than they did all of last year. It's nice not seeing an overflow of Signature Series cards.
I know this is such a minor thing when considering the myriad of things that need addressing in the game, but as someone who enjoys collecting cards IRL, this is a nice touch.
Go to Mother's Day map, skip everything until 'Steal Fans', choose the Red Sox and pick your No. 2 starter. You'll be matched up against lefty Eduardo Rodriguez. Then just power swing and try to hit the monster. JD Martinez is not a good outfielder, so it's hard for him to throw you out. Keep quitting and repeating until it's done.
@beanball0571 said in Something we need to appreciate about this game:
No one complains about content. It’s the game play, hitting , pitching, defense .
and baserunning. Don't forget about the baserunning.
I"d probably be dumping all the cards I've been holding onto if it's Jeter.
Honus again would be ideal. Mays, Griffey or Ruth would all be welcomed, as well.
SDS, please add some silver sunglasses or other silver equipment so we can do these daily exchanges. This is already the second time the sunglasses one has popped up. The cheapest one to exchange (worth 500 and only need 400) is the gold Under Armor that's going for 3,000 stubs. Not worth it for 2 stars.
I'd rather hit 2 HRs with Jackie again than do this HR and SB mission. This is not fun at all.
That's called 'defensive indifference,' and do not count as steals. Regardless, that sucks.
Everyone complained about 18. Contact hitters were useless. It was HR or nothing. 19 is better, but still needs some tweaking.
Anyone who has Honus and doesn't have them in their main lineup is doing it wrong
I hope they do something this year for the offline players. Conquest is OK and Moments are, eh, but, I miss the stat grinds. They gave us a taste of it with the final Inning program by having stats in Conquest. Give us more of that! Give us a reason to keep (and use) all those All-Star, Hardware, Rookie, etc., cards.
Complaining about directional and people quitting. Gotta love how some things never change from year to year.
I feel offline players will revolt if there's a prestige requirement for a Honus-type collection. I can see them doing five prestige cards, the number you can get through XP progress. But, you never know.
Wow, that's way more involved than what I was doing when I was prestiging some cards. lol. nice work.
Was the RIB program a failure?
Jackie Robinson Evolution????? Program
Al Kaline dies at 85
What did SDS get RIGHT for The Show 19?
The three features that received the most L's in todays stream
Is Jimmie Foxx worth the 500k
I'll give SDS credit for one thing
Jackie doubles
Something we need to appreciate about this game
Expensive daily exchanges
Brandon Phillips Moments
Stole two bases with Phillips, neither counted.
Addressed issues in MLB 20
Super Utility cards
More offline grinds
Why is directiona hitting a thing online??
How important is Prestiging cards?
Prestige Spreadsheet