That's really cool they are gonna play a real regular season game on the field from the movie field of dreams. Cornfield in Iowa. Yankees-Whitesox Aug 12th

99 C- Josh Gibson. I'm sure it's not but would be awesome.
Glad to hear your doing better MRAD. Home myself with a disability and like you this game has got me thru some tough times. I realize all the complaints but for me this game has been a godsend.
Ofcourse it's frustrating but it's still within the first week of launch coming off a year with the pandemic and adding x-box users to the mix. They deserve a chance to work thru these issues. A month down the road if these problems are still there then I would agree it's a major problem. From most of the posts I've read people are happy with the gameplay and content. I know I am.
It says on twitter 10 min ago that noon content today will be delayed due to technical difficulties and that they will po provide updates.
Just curious how everyone deals with friendly quits. My rule of thumb is although I dont like it if the game hasnt started yet I will give them the benefit of the doubt and accept. Or if I'm losing and they ask for one I will accept assuming they had something come up. But if I'm winning (which is rare) I wont accept. I'm not a very good player online so if I'm actually able to take a lead I'm not gonna give it away because someone dosent want to take a loss. I can actually say I've never asked for a friendly quit. Just wondering what everyone's take is on this. Happens almost every online game I play.
In all fairness SDS did say they would adjust the cap if they felt it needed to be.
Ryan McMahon Topps Now.
I bet you missed the spaces top left of map. And if you only have 1 in the hex it will say no territory to attack have atleast 2 in hex and move around until you find missing territory.
You know they just launched this game less than a week ago. Why cant everyone be patient and give SDS time to work thru these problems. Yes it's frustrating but they have acknowledged they understand the problem and are working to solve the issues. Everyone here agrees they have put out a good product but are dealing with server issues. They have always put out a good product or you wouldnt keep coming back year after year. Instead of all the negativity let's be patient.
I pulled mookie who earlier that day dropped from a 91 to an 89. Was still selling for 88,000 at the time.
We should start a 50 plus league. Pitchers can only throw changeup and 5 built in bathroom breaks per
Field of Dreams
This game helped me during some difficult times.
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
MA Content
Friendly Quits
Take a second and breathe
who are you raking with on day 1 ?!!?
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
650,000 pull
Well, I tried…