They 'fixed' this issue with the latest live rosters.
They just removed all the 2024 stats. I guess that's one way to do it.
They 'fixed' this issue with the latest live rosters.
They just removed all the 2024 stats. I guess that's one way to do it.
So, they recently updated live rosters and (almost) all players stats with 2024 numbers. AFAIK, this is first time they've done this at the end of season.
However, around 80-90% of the rookies have their stats listed as having played for Baltimore.
When you start a new franchise, all of these players have those stats wiped out.
Also (this probably should be in the Franchise forum but I don't feel like double posting) when you start a new Franchise with the updated 2024 rosters, there's no way to start in 2025. So everyone gets a second 2024 season which really puts a wrench into career stats.
Any possibility of these issues being addressed?
I've kind of figured it out, now.
If the ball goes through the wall without touching the field, it's a home run.
If the balls bounces once and goes through, it's an automatic double.
If it does more than one bounce and goes through ... it rolls forever.
The obvious answer being 'remove the windows'. That, however, ruins the entire aesthetic of my ballpark.
Make sure draft is set to manual?
Also, make sure you have designated the right user settings.
When controlling more than one team, you have to click those 3 dots at the end of the setting tab and choose which user setting each team uses.
You might choose casual and your friend might want simulation, but you have your team set to the wrong one.
My advice is for each of you to change the settings the way you want them and then save them under your name. Then set your team to those settings.
UPDATE: So, fun new twist to this.
Now, there are spots where the AI acts like there is no wall at all. Balls go right through the window and keep going. Right through any props or buildings. The outfielders will also ignore the walls and chase the ball right through the wall and props.
3 inside the park homers in the past several games.
@oONLY-IN-OHIOo_PSN said in Face scan:
How do I do the face scan? I'm clueless
You download the companion app on an android/ios device.
Login to your account on the app. Then click on the '23' tab at the far right. The first thing on the list is the face scan.
After MUCH futzing and fiddling, you will finally get a picture to take. It will tell you your picture is no good. Just use it anyway. Then, finally, upload it.
Then, go to your game and at the bottom of your player, you will see the face scan option.
And, after all this nonsense, if you're anything like me, you will be completely disgusted with how fugly you are and just create a normal face instead.
Hope that helps.
Has anyone been called up earlier than the end of July/start of August?
I've played through 3 careers and it is always the same thing. AAA after the AA all-star game and MLB a few weeks later.
I did a little experiment. I created a power-hitting 1B, set the difficulty to 'cheese' and started swinging for the fences. By the AA all-star game I was hitting .800 with 200+ HRs and 400+ RBIs ... I still got called up at the exact same times.
I remember the game used to start you in June right after the draft (unless I'm not remembering correctly), but since they are starting you at the beginning of the year, why not go to spring training and get a shot to make the team from there?
Seems crazy for any team to allow an absolute phenom waste away in the minors for so long.
... Unless they were trying to cheese an extra year out of his rookie contract.
@Peebs212344_PSN said in Windows on walls.:
I have a stadium that i can't put 2 windows nest to each other. Instead of IMPROVING on the feature, it seems worse. So defeating.
Yeah, I had this keep happening, too. And when I did, they would start flashing red.
I went in and deleted one and then added it right back and it eventually took.
Put some windows on the outfield walls and balls are going right through them.
I've had a quite a few 'automatic doubles' and one or two 'home runs'.
I don't really care about the doubles, they were probably going to be doubles anyway, but the home runs are perturbing.
Anyone else?
I understand this is a game, but why are we able to learn unlearnable skills?
My 6' 5" 250lb 1st baseman can go from 30 speed to 70 speed just by hitting extra base hits?
A 5' 8" 180lb 2nd baseman can go from 30 power to 70 power by make 'solid contact'?
Contact, fielding, throw accuracy ... absolutely. But you can't 'learn' physicality.
I think I understand what you're talking about. I just had something similar happen.
If I'm guessing correctly what you are talking about, it loads your active ballplayer no matter what save you choose.
If you're playing your 2 way pitcher and save and then change your active ballplayer to the position player, when you load the pitcher save, you'll be playing as that player.
So, make sure you change your active ballplayer to the one that goes with the right save. Worked for me.
Really? B.u.m. got censored but bums didn't?
Here's a workaround for this problem.
Trade/Sign a bunch of [censored] players with high value 1-year contracts. This will give you a huge amount of free budget for next year.
Renew all the contracts you want and then trade the bums away for some bats and a bucket of used balls.
Is your user settings preset being changed?
If not, create a new preset and see if that works.
I came here to ask this very question.
Seemingly, it's the 'San' the game finds offensive.
Maybe I'm too old and this is some new slang the kids use?
@dap1234567890 said in No stealing XP from stealing bases.:
Stealing XP is gained by getting good jumps and not stealing bases! The steal attribute is about the player's good jump ability and speed is more about getting that extra base and that is why the XP is gained the way it is.
That's my point. The stealing attribute has nothing to do with actually stealing bases.
I'm wondering if it's just me or is this working as intended.
I get no stealing XP from stealing bases. I only get speed XP.
My stealing XP only goes up if I get a good jump. (And down if it's ).
Also I lose XP if I get picked off, but do not gain XP if I make it back safely.
So, theoretically, one could go 100-0 in stealing chances and lose XP every time or go 0-100 and gain XP every time?
I've been pulling my hair out since day one with this game. No matter what my settings were, the cpu would change my lineups, pitching rotations, rosters, you name it.
Well, I figured it out and I feel like an idiot.
When I would go to user settings and make all my changes, nothing would take. What I neglected to notice is that I was not making the changes on the preset I was using. I was making all the changes on the casual preset and then playing on simulation.
If you're having similar problems, make sure you hit the lb/rb or r1/r2 buttons and actually change it to the correct preset and then you won't feel like a [censored], like myself.
I posted about this some time ago.
The problem seems to be with injuries. Even with injuries off, players still get injured and it doesn't matter what your settings are, the cpu will make changes for you.
The only way I've found to stop this is to play every single game without simming. Good luck with that.
This happened to me as well.
As soon as it gives you the error and deletes your save, you immediately need to go to settings and use the 'upload to the cloud' option. Then you need to completely quit and restart the game. Then, click the X button on rtts and select 'download from cloud '. At this point you should be able to save the game normally.
Unfortunately for you, your game is gone. Sorry.