This games pure trash. Face the same 99 pitchers every single game and all runs are scored on home runs. Dumbest version of the game I’ve ever played by far and never buying another one unless they change this [censored]. Playing a home run derby against the same cards every game gets really boring really fast
It’s 100% a home run derby game. I constantly play games where all runs scored are via home run
The grinding seems so pointless but for some reason I find myself wanting to get these cards that I’ll probably never use.
Like this new incognito program.. probably never going to use that 97 belt in my main online lineup since that 99 big papi will eventually be obtainable.
Only reason I’m trying to complete it is for collections I guess?
I honestly don’t even play ranked as much anymore. I’ve just been playing event games.. the 3 innings and requirements is enjoyable.
Can’t even imagine what ranked is like right now with all these 99 cards.
Guarantee the first game I play ranked I’ll face a person with every 99 possible. Screw that
Jesus Christ how in the world is that even possible? Just played a dude in an event game who had him and a ton of these other cards… dude must have no life other then playing the cpu on rookie all day and night… you need a 130 set 2 cards and that program just came out 2 weeks ago hahaha wow… dude was not very good but I ended up quitting the game cause all he would do is pause the game the whole time
Who in their right minds has the capacity or time to watch somebody play this game on YouTube… what is this world coming to..
This game is underwhelming. Never played a more broken version of mlb the show. I mean mlb home run derby 2023
Wow people have way too much time on their hands if they already have all these cards I’m seeing online… wish I could sit on my [censored] all day and play a video game.. dude had all the 97s from the affinity program already LOL… get a life pals. Jesus how can people play the cpu on rookie all day? Weird..
Previous years I could destroy people online but all of a sudden this years game I can’t throw a pitch in the zone without giving up home runs… interesting. Doing the same stuff but different results.. wonder what made them want to change the game and cater to bums…
“Grinding” this [censored] is the biggest waste of time… games broken. Cards will be obsolete in a few weeks anyways and most of them suck compared to all the free 99s in season 1. It’s almost like they realized that and made this cards crappy just forcing people to waste their time playing the cpu on rookie all day then once you try to play online the game is completely broken and plays nothing like offline
Inside pitches go opposite field on very late swings all game.. balls in the dirt are fouled off easily.. bunts are cheesy and automatic no matter what. About 95% of runs scored are due to home runs.. this game is the most broken game by far. -
Why don’t they just change the name to this instead of the show…. Would be more appropriate since all scoring is home runs. Hey sds.. since you’ve already lost me as a customer because I’m never buying this broken game again but could you at least adjust and tone down the home runs.. thanks.
Dude if it’s the 99 big Papi from season 2 collections you need 130 season 2 cards and that program just came out 3 days ago… how in the world is that even possible? Did you just buy a ton of those cards or just play 24 hours a day!???
Don’t you need a ton of season 2 cards for this card? Jesus Christ how in the world is it even possible to have that card already…
Not sure if this is just an issue on the switch but when I place a pitch in a certain direction with good release the pitch will float in weird fashion then end up no where near where I was placing it..
Pitcher isn’t tired. Release is green and the pitch will float in slow motion up and down then end up in a completely random location.
Example I wanted to throw a splitter low outside the zone where I knew my opponent was gonna swing and miss but the teleporting glitch happened and the ball ended up top in the zone.
Sometimes it’ll go a few pitches like this and makes it extremely hard to pitch when I’m locating the pitch and it for whatever reason starts glitching.
Also bunting is still broken and way too automatic.
Had a dude 0-2 and the pitch was way low outside the zone and somehow he was able to bunt it with a guy who has 10 bunting rating.. -
@Honor_The_Game44_PSN said in Team Affinity:
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Team Affinity:
Bummer you all feel that way. My favorite aspect of this game is having content to complete. Collecting cards of my favorite players and using them in game to see who has a great swing, who can’t catch up to a fastball. Who hits well with guys on base and who has a solid enough pitch mix to baffle my opponent.
I get it, it’s a grind. But when you enjoy the game, that’s the pay off. If you all just want the God squad, you’re missing out on a lot of fun. That’s my two cents.
I really get that mentality. It is just a lot if you like to play online. If you do want to complete collections, you have to grind a lot of offline to keep up with things. This year has made it really hard to do both.
Exactly. It’s pretty nuts how were being forced to play the cpu on rookie more then ever..
It’s a bummer as well all these season 1 cards won’t be viable in a few weeks online so you’re forced to do this grueling grinding against the cpu which sucks and is boring.
Good thing I’ve got like 650k stubs cause I think at some point I’m just gonna have to buy cards off the market place to play online cause I’m already sick and tired of this grinding stuff.
I remember in past years I would never do this grinding stuff and could compete online with market cards and using inside edge
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Team Affinity:
Bummer you all feel that way. My favorite aspect of this game is having content to complete. Collecting cards of my favorite players and using them in game to see who has a great swing, who can’t catch up to a fastball. Who hits well with guys on base and who has a solid enough pitch mix to baffle my opponent.
I get it, it’s a grind. But when you enjoy the game, that’s the pay off. If you all just want the God squad, you’re missing out on a lot of fun. That’s my two cents.
I don’t even care about having a god squad. Never have had one in this game.. for some reason season 1 felt like 99s were everywhere and was impossible to compete even with 97s.
I don’t know how it’s gonna go when season 1 cards are obsolete online but this grind is just too much.
I grinded a lot for season 1 to be honest but now for this new content I’m just burned out so fast. I’m actually doing this challenges on all star just so I don’t get bored cause rookie is too easy and I’ll burn out after a couple challenges.
The grind is too much. I’m just trying to play online but I’m playing against the cpu more then ever thinking I need to finish these collections and I don’t like that. I’d rather just play online
You people honestly don’t feel the grinding is too much? Guess I’m just gonna have to buy cards off the marketplace once season 1 cards aren’t viable online anymore.
To me, it’s too much at this point.
It’s just stale and boring to me at this point.
I grinded a lot for season 1 rewards and have a solid group of cards but I am unmotivated to grind this season 2 stuff.
I strictly only enjoy playing online win or lose. But now I feel forced to have to waste hours playing the cpu on rookie which is extremely boring because apparently in a few weeks these season 1 cards won’t be allowed online.At the end of the day a moment where you have to hit a home run is the same over and over again whether you change the pitcher and hitter. It’s repetitive and boring. Even the showdowns are stale. I used to read the captions but now it’s obviously just score a run or more runs then the cpu.
Why do I have to be forced to grind this [censored] if I don’t want to? Then I have to buy cards on the market which is a losing method because cards decline in price drastically.
This stuff is just dumb… bums online just bunting and no matter where the pitch is and whoever they use it’s automatic bunts every time and it’s beyond dumb.
My awful opponent bunts the runner from 2nd in extras and keeps running and scores… 0-2 count ball way outside and of course it’s an automatic successful bunt. I immediately quite because if bums online have to resort to abusing this broken game then go ahead have the win since you’re probably overweight and work at target. Probably the highlight of his week
Please fix this garbage broken game. You’ve already lost me as a customer because I’m never buying this game ever again in my life but can you at least attempt to fix obvious broken parts of your trash game?
lol again… low inside pitch goes opposite field on a late swing… I mean, how does this make any sense?
How in the world does it make sense for an inside pitch to go opposite field on a very late swing? What the heck is this broken game..
First ranked game in a while and I have 13 ks through 4 innings cause my opponent sucks… everything I square up with good timing goes directly at defenders for outs… such a great game.. love spending my free time playing this trash game.. oh and I’m sure if the the game didn’t disconnect then one of us would hit a very late opposite field home run on an inside pitch. Classic mlb the show 23…
This years game has to be by far the worst most broken version of the game I’ve ever played
Sorry SDS. But this cartoon junk ruined the game. At least for me.
All 99s undermined their own game.
If you have 99 big papi already..
YouTube "Influencers"
TA Season 2 is underwhelming
This game… lol
Grinding. Effectively and efficiently!
Mlb home run derby 2023
Cant sell My big Papi
Cant sell My big Papi
Fix teleporting pitch glitching & bunting plz
Team Affinity
Team Affinity
Grinding is too much
Grinding is too much
Fixing bunting please
Very late inside pitch oppo
Very late inside pitch oppo
This game sucks