Pure laziness. Dont see why they dont update and keep it fresh. I want to play as my mets. But they have Marta and McNeil hitting 1 and 2. (Why?) And no Pete Alonso.

@MatrixTN_PSN no idea how I missed that..thanks
For whatever reason I can't find the option. I just want music off when in the menus. Not in game. Extremely annoying to listen to
@PriorFir4383355_XBL I think you're missing my point of the post. I'm saying after college and high school.
Last year SDS sold us on this new and improve pre draft stuff. And it was fun. Bit after you're drafted you go to the minor leagues and you play game after game after game. Then in the pros. Same thing. There is zero choice or any off field stuff. It becomes dull and boring quick.
I'm hoping this year is not the same. But it appears to be
@CanadianGamer_03_PSN Sounds about right for SDS. But thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll be passing on it. Few high school games and couple college games isn't worth $75 imo
I'm wondering what comes after the draft. Sure the high school and college stuff looks fun. But once you're on a team. Do you still do any off friend stuff? Interviews, sponsorships or anything like that? Or is it just more the same. Play game, upgrade character rinse and repeat?
MLB the show has gotten real good at making the first 20 mins of RTTS fun. But dull after.
@david_duby of course not. But you download someone's work and use it. You don't change it and claim as your own.
I have two stadiums that I put a bunch of time and work into. I'm having the same issue. On PS5.
The thing that really annoys me is I heard this was an issue last year. I skipped 23 because frankly SDS is a trash studio anymore. Should have skipped 24 also.
@david_duby I mean, frankly I hope you keep having problems. You're taking someone else's work and just uploading as your own
Or these greedy D bag ls could just make RTTS worth playing again.
@bucknut0211 ah OK found it. Thanks
The team that was stacked wasn't the Whales. It was the Cats. And their lowest ranked player was a 90. My highest ranked was a 87. They had a few cards that were 99.
This whole mode annoys me. But hey ruined RTTS. So not much else to play
Why am I playing teams that have a 99 hall of fame babe Ruth, plus a bunch of other 99 overalls. When my highest ranked player is 87.
This is why these casino modes are a [censored] joke
I might have to give the female side a try. Not because I want to play with a female in a MLB game. But at least there might be some sort of interesting story or something.
In my male RTTS. I tore up the minors and was called up to the majors right after all star break. There has been zero storyline. No interviews nothing. Hell when I got traded and sent from the triple A back to the double A. There wasn't even a cut scene in the coaches office. The male version of this mood is as boring as it gets
I got call up to the majors right after the all star break. Which is a shame. The minor league coukd be a lot of fun. If you know, they actually put effort in the mode.
Did we really expect anything less from them? This is the company who forced a female into a male league. Just to prove their wokeness. They could careless what gamers want or think.
With that said, For me personally, this is the least annoying thing about the game. She really knows her stuff when it comes to baseball. Yes, her audio can be distracting. But frankly she's better than the broadcast team. They are so dull and boring
Where do you even get equipment packs? I've never gotten a diamond anything in a pack. So I just sell my diamond cards and buy the stuff from marketplace
I was throwing a no no into the 6th with like 11 strikeouts. And I still got pulled in 6th. Ended up being drafted in the 7th round.
Though I do think it's nice they finally brought back this feature. I think it's just lipstick. I've played through it a few times. Sometimes preforming extremely well. And other times not so great. And my draft always was like 6th or 7th round
I'm all for including women in games. But you guys can't even get the basics of this game mode to work right. Maybe you should focus on that and improving the mode, before worrying about provibg how woke you are.
My perks won't save. I've tried to change my pants style from high socks to baggy about 20 times. Won't save. My "program task have reset itself multi times. That annoying heartbeat thing gets locked in and wont stop until you exit back to the menu. There is still zero to do outside playing one series after another. No interviews, no storyline, nothing. The one man broadcast team litterally repeats the same lines over and over.
You guys are a joke. I completely skipped mlb the show 23 until I found a used copy for like 15 bucks back in Jan. Thought maybe you guys finally did something worthwhile in 24. Guess I was wrong. And I'll be skipping the series moving forward.I've bought every MLB since like 2011. It's a shame with how badly you guys ruined this series.
Because they are lazy. Because they only care about finding new ways to milk people for money with these stupid pointless card packs. All other modes are barebone. I was pumped they finally added this feature. And I thought for sure this year we could really make some amazing parks. They did nothing.This is my last MLB the show. I wanted to give them one more chance. Baseball is my favorite sport and I've been buying this series since like 2013. Plus I wanted my updated Mets roster. But this game is trash unless you're a DD player.
Opening Day MTO Rosters
How do you turn of jukebox music?
How do you turn of jukebox music?
RTTS after draft
RTTS after draft
RTTS after draft
Stadium uploads keep failing
Begging for an SDS Response and Stadium Creator Attention/Fixes
Stadium uploads keep failing
Bring back RTTS in Diamond Dynasty
Diamond Equipment
Mini seasons
Mini seasons
Female hitting gets stuck
Being promoted in RTTS
Sarah Langs commentary
Diamond Equipment
RTTS Combine
Can't even get the basics right.
How/WHY did they leave out...?