It's a valid complaint. Just don't need five new threads about the same issue every time connections are dropped. SDS gets the importance of fixing this.

Unless you work on a software development team you will not fully understand the cost associated with bringing any software to the market and sustaining that product. There are more costs than you could ever imagine. You have to pay developers to develop new features, those features have to be tested, database administrators supporting a data warehouse, system administrators supporting servers, load balancers, networking folks, security efforts, virtual machine efforts, you have hardware costs associated with faster consoles and other platforms, you have to market the game, you have to pay for licenses, technical support staffing to work and track support tickets.
Then...when you roll something out that goes worse than planned, you have the additional cost of researching the issue, developing hotfixes, testing those fixes, deploying those fixes and community outreach. If people want to talk about money and limit resources then they should understand why SDS isn't responding to the masses with constant updates. I am as upset about how the game has functioned thus far as everyone else, but I whole heartedly believe that SDS is working crazy hours trying to fix all of the issues and will have the issues resolved moving forward. SDS can be plenty accountable without giving you your money back. But...if anyone wants to know why companies gives out extras for preorders, this release is a perfect example of mitigating the risk.
Personally, I am not interested in either of those guys. Now, if it was Barry Bonds.
So SDS changes the analysis method on hitting. I still don't get it. My issue continues to be that a circle (not the ball or the bat) determines if a ball that is timed well is struck well. If the PCI isn't the ball (which it is not) and timed swings are good or better, what metric determines why a ball was popped up or grounded out for example? If we only get two data points when three are needed, how do we really analyze a result?
Ball is in the PCI and timed well. Now what determines the outcome, launch angle and exit velocity?
I will chime in:
Fielding issue pop up and errors do not always feel even. Many are poorly decided.. an error in inning one is not the same as an error in inning 8.
Bloopers when they couldn't previously touch you. They didn't figure you out the third time through. In real baseball the odds of hitting a pitcher increase the more you see them. Maybe the game implements late inning sliders accordingly?
Pitch stamina and recovery... one person may be starting their first ranked game. You can be at a disadvantage to start. Why does stamina impact a new game against a different opponent?
Baserunning... this could go with fielding, but it is a huge problem. Baserunning when tied with poor fielding animations could equal something other than skill impacting the outcome.
Internet connection and lagging.
There are MANY things that can impact these games outside of basic ability.
Too, too funny!
What about Mookie justifies a huge card?
White Sox: Thomas
Oakland: Giambi
Tampa Bay: David Price
Reds: Larkin
Rockies: Vinny Castillo (New Legend)
Mets: Seaver
Pirates: Honus Wagner -
Mike Scott and Robin Yount are the Evolution players for the month. Reggie Jackson is the big reward at 25 points. The main difference this month is:
27: FoD Pack
29: BO Sheffield
30: Prime Britton
32: MS Sandoval
33: Sig McCutchen
34: MS Young
35: Sig ThomeIf you didn't think a bigger collection was coming, you should now, lol.
I thought that rating mods were not used any longer.
I think he has a valid complaint, BUT I am not sure why he would expect otherwise. All other online sporting games do the same thing.
@lucas8181 said in You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?:
@DarthKDog09 said in You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?:
@lucas8181 said in You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?:
@Raider52Morrison said in You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?:
@lucas8181 said in You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?:
@MaxHarvest said in You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?:
They will add an elite teir to the pack like they did w ducks, effectively tanking the value of the rare cards to greike and Boggs level
I strongly disagree. Those packs were released at a completely different time in the games life cycle. We are now at the place in which they release 99's. What cards could they possibly release to outdo Roberts/Ryan/Honrsby? 99 Jeter isn't walking through that door
Alomar, Kershaw, Chipper. A lot more players that will be better than the mid tier currently in the packs.
Just as they added a third tier to HRD, Prospects, etc? They won't, promise. Robert is the best 5 tool OF in the game right now, Hornsby is the best offensive 2b in the game right now, Nolan doesn't have the control and I don't love him, but he's a top 5 pitcher in the game.
Robert is nowhere near as good as MVP trout or Mickey Mantle.
I disagree completely. But if you locked in all those stubs, I can completely understand the need to justify that decision.
Trout: 90 speed 94 fielding, 89 arm, 90 acc, 93 reaction in CF
Robert: 97 speed 97 fielding 96 arm 89 acc 94 reaction and maintains diamond fielding in all three OF spots.
Only Pache and Robert can keep diamond in all three OF spots.
Hitting is too subjective, as everyone hits differently with cards, and defense is more valuable than offense in the OF (Just ask Cbrev if you think I'm crazy).
How does any argument for the best card in the game ignore offensive attributes as subjective? Cbrev rated Trout, Mantle and Walker ahead of Robert, right?
He's not worth it. No chance. There are too many LF options that are as good or better to justify paying that price for that card.
99 Tatis
I think people misunderstand "bugs". Something not working the way you would prefer doesn't make it a bug. A bug is basically code that is not working as designed. If sliders were implemented to be used and are used as designed, that is not a bug. But will the game have bugs? Likely and nothing about that is abnormal. SDS makes a living out of making this game and they do a LOT of things right. The things that they miss do not make the game unplayable. If you want to focus on the negative you can find what you are looking for, but if you focus on what you like about the game you will have a much better time.
I know that everyone has been arms about server issues, rightfully so, but there are too many issues in other areas. I will only address my issues:
I am 100% complete on Team Affinity and missing reward cards needed for the Robinson collection.
Road to the Show is difficult to grasp and I am a software tester. The additional of a two way player could have caused more emphasis in that area verses overall functionality. There is one player in the league who pitches and plays the field on some of his off days. There hasn't been many since the creation of baseball.
Baserunning has continued to be an issue for me and actual cost me a game in RS the other day.
I am going to bring up post patch game play without ensinuating the alteration of sliders. A patch can change gameplay without a slider being altered. The end result can feel like something was altered even though it could just be a byproduct of code changes.
These issues go along with PXP progress locking at times and other smaller glitches that are more of a nuisance. I think the game looks awesome and I love the content and overall design of the game. But missing cards and a broken/user unfriendly Ballplayer model in conjunction with server/connectivity issues are making it harder for me to enjoy pretty much the sole reason why I own a gaming console.
I do have faith in SDS and I love the game, but there are other things I could be doing with my free time and free money than being frustrated with pretty much every aspect of the game thus far. I hope they fix this soon and provide us with a status on the top issues that are impacting game functionality.
@zkeymonkey_psn said in No valid loadouts found for the position?:
Put a on random bronze archetype such as cheese or painter on your pitcher build, and then put your CAP in the pen. Once he’s in there, put your usual upgraded archetype back on
Awesome job! Works for me!!! Thanks
@therainmaker29_xbl said in Down Again:
So many more important things in life. Go outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Go hang out with some friends or family. Do something constructive like volunteer or get a job if you don’t have one. No need to whine you can’t sit and play a video game in the middle of the day on a Friday.
I agree and disagree. You paid for a service. PSN Online and the video game costs money. I think perspective is important from both angles.
When everyone you face is averaging 15+ K's with Ohtani, deGrom, Cabrera and Crochett the game is broken SDS. I can pick the pitch, pick the location, swing as fast as I can and I am still late.
I am playing games where my and my opponent do not break 9 hits between the two of us and the strikeout totals show that fastballs are just too fast.
Add on the fact that I lost a game that would have taken me to CS because my catcher got locked in a throwing motion and allowed my opponent to score from third. The next batter came up and grounded to Chipper at third who threw the ball in the dirt at first. My first baseman picked the ball up to throw home and threw it in the stands.
With all the content that gets dropped I can't do everything and fit in 40 online games to make a run at WS. I think I had to go 13-2 or 14-2 to even get to that game. I am 22-10 online and 3 or 4 of those were gamed being dropped early in the game cycle. I have no idea how elite players hit with balls moving like they are in this game.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Since we have the time...:
OMG can this community cry any more
The amount of children in here crying because they can play their little game.
Dude it's an outage it happens and beside the first couple weeks of this game the server issue have be ver few and very far between
Go cry more in your pillow
Valid question IMO. The gameplay can lag when the servers are functioning. What I wonder is do online shooters drop the frame rate for everyone if one connection is off? I am curious about how it is handled as an IT guy.
Stop complaining about servers
People dont understand the business of MONEY
Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense
Hitting input vs. Output still makes no sense
Officially done carrying about my RS record
Homerun Derby moment against Ramone in AS Acuna Program!
So it was Mookie B
Just announced TA4 Legends
November Daily Program
Facing sweats!!
Thanks SDS for making my FOTF Snell card useless now
You think these 99 beach ball cards will go up when packs out of store?
Is Ricky worth it?
Who Will be the POTM
Early Release Bugs
Too many areas not functioning
No valid loadouts found for the position?
Down Again
Playing Online Sucks
Since we have the time...