Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense
The chase for.... statement could literally just mean the chase for the card and the grind of it, but they wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t a hint, so my theory along with others I’ve seen is that it will be a collection for McGwire and Sosa, because of the chase for the home run record. It also lines up with the popularity after the 30 for 30, so that would be sick if it’s them
Give me that Sammy Sosa Hop Drink Coca Cola Hop all day .... Leggggooooo!!!!!
Personally, I am not interested in either of those guys. Now, if it was Barry Bonds.
@SevisonJN said in Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense:
Personally, I am not interested in either of those guys. Now, if it was Barry Bonds.
Reggie Stocker*
I would do 90s Bucco Bonds .... before balco.
I would take Juiced Sammy and Juiced McGwire. Is this because I’m a yoyer fan?
@FranklinSabers16 said in Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense:
The chase for.... statement could literally just mean the chase for the card and the grind of it, but they wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t a hint, so my theory along with others I’ve seen is that it will be a collection for McGwire and Sosa, because of the chase for the home run record. It also lines up with the popularity after the 30 for 30, so that would be sick if it’s them
Could also be Hammering Hank and his dual chase of 714 and 4000
@PAinPA said in Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense:
@FranklinSabers16 said in Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense:
The chase for.... statement could literally just mean the chase for the card and the grind of it, but they wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t a hint, so my theory along with others I’ve seen is that it will be a collection for McGwire and Sosa, because of the chase for the home run record. It also lines up with the popularity after the 30 for 30, so that would be sick if it’s them
Could also be Hammering Hank and his dual chase of 714 and 4000
Yeah I can do Hank ... Mo Braves Mo Problems
Again, no chance
Or it’s a 99 overall Jake Lamb who played at Chase Field shrug
To be honest with you's the chase for...
Impact Veteran 97 Stan Ross - coming out of retirement to chase that 3000th hit that was taken away.
125 contact against both lefty and right and the first with a negative on the speed (-20)! good luck everyone!
I almost don't even care who it is. I just like having an excuse to collect stuff lol
Roger Maris
Joe DiMaggio is my pick
I think it’s a yankee because the always use the chase for 28 slogan. However there are 4 Yankees names big enough for this are a Signature Ruth, 1961 Awards Maris, Prime Joe DiMaggio, and a prime Lou Gehrig.
A prime Maris would be disgusting he’d have probably around 115 contact vs both, 125 power vs both, 125 vision, high gold fielding bc he won the gold glove the year before, and they could prob give him 60-70 speed.
@stewart1465 said in Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense:
Joe DiMaggio is my pick
Yup, as someone on here yesterday said, I've seen chase for 56 or something along those lines, on some stadiums.
Luis Mendoza!
@Johnny_Coletrain said in Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense:
To be honest with you's the chase for...
Impact Veteran 97 Stan Ross - coming out of retirement to chase that 3000th hit that was taken away.
125 contact against both lefty and right and the first with a negative on the speed (-20)! good luck everyone!
Hahahahaha he strikes again!
I hadn’t thought of maris but a few people have mentioned him and at first I didn’t think he would even be good enough for a collection card but they could do a pretty [censored] good prime card. He had a 4 or 5 year stretch that was pretty elite.
As good of cards as Gehrig, Griffey, Wagner, Williams or Ruth might be, I feel in order for this collection to really work well, it needs to be a New Legend they've been keeping in their back pocket like they did with Wagner last year.
DiMaggio was a Golden Era Legend in MLB 08, so he's been in the game before.