All the promises that they were going to fix this, add that. Don't worry, just keep buying it, and continue spending money on it. EVERYTHING that everyone complained about it, still messed up or non existent. Guess what? Next 1 is going to be the same pooped into a box game, same false fake promises. The one after that, and after that. Why? Because you'll still buy it, and thats all that matters to them is that they got your money, while BSing you

LOLOL Well, what else did you expect them to patch and address. The server issues they have ignored, or the fact that they have levels that serve no point, attributes that are fake, or the fact that your guys make 100 errors to the CPU's no errors, make world class plays, while your guys don't do the same????? They only care to make everything miserable, so you are forced towards spending money to get anywhere, because the 60-100 bucks you paid for this POS, is not enough for these greedy gaming companies. Some day, people will just figure to band together and refuse to spend a nickel, then see just how quick they care more about their customers
How can it be fun, when they connect the RTTS to the DD, but everything you achieve, serves no point. I mean, comeon, I build a guy who is fast as a bullet, but I am watching CPU players with 0 speed run just as fast, if not faster then my guy? Why bother with attributes, when they don't serve any point at all? Same with pitchers. Work to upgrade my player, build his control up high, but then use him on DD, and the guy's pitches are all over the place. Or, hey, let's do moments rated rookie, vet, etc. Yet, they are all the same difficulty. Or better yet, do moments that can't be completed, because the CPU pitcher just throws garbage, so you can't actually achieve them, etc, etc, this game is hot garbage and just a glorified baseball card collecting game, just missing the stick of gum and far more costly, because just another game that wants 70-100 bucks, but thats still not enough for these cockroach game companies.
RTTS is total garbage. Get you can't win every game by yourself, but that's the way they've made it. Got really sick, really fast of the CPU giving themselves 5,6,7 runs an inning. I noticed that the average strike out rate is at least 75 to 80 percent when your guy is on base. After of course hitting about 20 foul balls first. It's literally scripted out when you get on base. You can call it before they pitch the ball. As far as playing in the field goes, its pointless, because you do your job, and they just toss the CPU 5,6,7 runs, when you are not fielding. I lost count of the number of times the [censored] score was between 6-10, before I even got to start playing. Who wants to waste their time on that [censored]. Its funny, I've compared player stats for games I've played, and games simulated. The hitting is worse when played and the team averages about half the amount of runs. Again, it's one thing when its every once in awhile, not every game. This is not fun for me. I have weathered the bugs, garbage servers, and the company ignoring the issues thinking if they just keep saying they'll fix it for a year, they can just avoid it till the next version of this garbage takes its place. I am also curious about the dynamic challenge that once every 10,000 is for an item. After failing about 10 times I completed. Guess what????? There wasn't a [censored] item? Anybody like to say what or where it is? This game is just a joke. Levels that mean nothing, because the comp is always turning all star plays, player attributes that mean nothing. I've watched guys with speed of 25 outrunning players with 99. Thank god I didn't buy this, and they guarenteed I never will buy anything from them
This is not for the casual gamer. To even do 90% of the stuff they give you on DD to do, you are forced to play online against guys who either spend thousands to buy stuff, or live on this game 12 hours a day, because they don't have jobs or lives, or this is their job and life. I play once in awhile and its bad enough that this has multiple levels, yet when playing the CPU in DD, they ignore the levels and the CPU plays at a super all star mega level and your guys don't even get to play to the stats you've supposedly earned, which makes stats and levels pointless, but to achieve half the programs, you need to complete online [censored] against dudes who have played 12 hours a day on this the last 20 releases and have every 99 ranked player their first week playing, so I don't even bother to do any of the programs and moments, because they can't be completed fully
Yeah, that stats on DD are not the stats my ballplayer has. His speed shows as 20 and stealing 5. LOL I built the guy on speed and stealing. This game is such a [censored] joke. Literally everything on this thing is broken or just godawful. I tried to give it a chance, I really did. All I can say is Playstation can keep this hot garbage, it's apparent that the makers of this mess, don't give a good g@d [censored] about the people playing it, as long as they sell whatever, seeing as 100 bucks for a broken mess, just wasn't enough of a scam for them
@hikes83_psn said in What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation:
@duiaintez_psn said in What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation:
@hikes83_psn said in What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation:
@duiaintez_psn said in What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation:
@hoboadam_psn said in What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation:
No Stubs please. Inflation good, it is not.
Diamond 42 No Sell Choice pack is the closest thing you'll see.
I was thinking along the same line except a choice pack featuring the old XP bosses: SS Gwynn, Kershaw, Thomas, Newhouser... Those ones from 19.
Yuck, terrible idea
Let me guess, you have no shortage of time to grind or money to spend so you want good cards to be exclusive as possible for your benefit?
No, apart from LS collections, highest released cards are in the 92ish range. Now you magically want 99 handouts this early in the game? Unrealistic. Use some common sense
This isn't about wanting to get free anything or unrealistic. Their issues have cost paying customers hundreds of hours and in some cases, the lose of things they either purchased or lost, genius. This is why it's call equal COMPENSATION. Look up the word if you are not sure of its meaning. Nobody asked that they just give anything away free, they want compensation for the misery caused, and as it still stands, are still causing paying customers weeks later
@joshjays44_psn said in Patch?:
@deadshot-rb_xbl said in Patch?:
Can we get an update on possible patch timetable? The weekend is coming up and I’m sure there is other content dropping for DD. But the game really needs a patch, especially RTTS. So time constraining having to re-equip equipment, let alone trying to have the correct archetype be active in mid series when switching from batter to pitcher. Any news on these fixes and when they are coming?
When you casual noobs stop whining.
And you are a casual.....troll? Give yourself a round of applause, you've come in at not quite mediocre, your parents would be proud. LOL
Hmmmm...............all the fixes listed, yet not one is for the progress issues on RTTS or Diamond Dynasty, or the server issues. Let's see if they can draw out doing nothing until the release of 22. That is how video games work now, isn't it? LOL
Garbage game, garbage servers. Not much else to say. This is why I am grateful for Gamepass, because I wouldn't pay 100 bucks to get bent over and given it good, why they still were reaching into my pocket, looking for my wallet
(easy to notice from the "Dev Tracker" that they appear to be mostly concentrating on DD and marketplace issues). LOLOL You don't think they were going to worry about the poor guy who spent 100 bucks to buy this broken c@*@, did ya? Priorities. Time to send a message to companies that want people to literally pay them 100 bucks a pop, to be allowed to pay them to play broken stuff they are not legally obligated to fix. Let's talk about the real piracy that goes on. LOL
@sobs311_mlbts said in Road to the show missions:
This putting games out that don't work correctly is a nightmare that companies should never get away with. If you hire someone to build a house but they don't put the roof on they wouldn't get paid and probably sued. Put out a finished product or delay the release.
Couldn't of put it better. This is what happens when companies run around worried somebody will steal their product, but don't feel they should be held accountable for stealing from or ripping off their consumers. A growing trending
I'll bet the parts of the game that take even more of everyone's money, are running smooth as silk. Better believe if they weren't, they'd already have like 50 patches to fix that issue
RTTS - CAP - Simulation - Fixed?
The more I play Diamond Dynasty, the less fun it gets.
The worst RTTS to date.
This game is not for the casual player anymore.
Quick question (Ballplayer stuck at 65-Diamond Dynasty)
What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation
Servers really as bad as people make it out to be?
RTTS "Break list"
Road to the show missions
Task Missions don’t work!