Ah gotcha, so opposite of last year

So when you’re in the 600s you’re on all star. In the 700s you’re on HoF. This was typical every year. But this year if I’m in the 700s playing someone in the 600s I’m on HoF and they are on All Star. How is that fair? You used to have to play on the same difficulty so in that case the game would be on All Star. Can anyone verify this? Based on what I’m seeing this is how it is this year.
Just almost done with AL west so would have to be one of those guys. Usually a fan of Gallo every year but worried his PCI on HoF would be rough. And I’ve never used Alvarez before so not sure
Who’s better? Gonna be using them for online play, in the 700s Rn.
Do u guys know if the market place is Xbox and PS4? Or they are separate marketplaces for each console? IE different buy/sells for each
Lol to think you’re gonna get “rewarded” for this
What do you guys mean by “12 PCI” like what does the 12 mean?
Also yea the game feels is more random every year. Perfect-perfect ground outs where people aren’t even close with early/late timing and they are homers
Bump for players you can buy ie no TA players. Don’t have time for that grind.
How’s wander Franco?
Pulled trout day 1 out of a BIAH pack. Been playing since 2017 first time I’ve ever pulled him. Didn’t even feel real lol
Anyone use him online? I pulled trout day one and prob gonna use him all year. If Rendon is good might just do the angels collection.
My Lee smith magically disappeared after I got the server connection issue. Don’t care enough to report it, but thank god it wasn’t trout or someone else worth a lot.
Honestly shocked this is gone. It was fun eliminating one card at a time hoping to land on that Diamond that randomly showed up.
TBH, you can’t sell the TA cards anyway, and assuming it’s a collection (you get to keep the cards after you collect them vs an exchange where you lose the cards), I say he’s worth it. I have his 88 overall and he does great as a leadoff hitter with sneaky pop. He loves the high fastballs as they are usually gappers or line drive homers. This is all online play btw.
This little arrow is known as Inside Edge (you can find it on the home tab of DD). Basically this applies only to LS and is based on real life matchups. For example, you look at a players card, Trout in this case, and scroll over to the “inside edge” tab you will see that trout has had success against pitchers similar to the one he is playing today so it boosts his stats (which you can see +8 Con R and +8 Pow R on his attributes).
Thinking of picking up Bieber or Scherzer, both have chances of going to 90 this year (Scherzer is usually a 90 and Bieber has been striking everyone out). Anyone have experience with playing with either of them?
Just played two RS games and the errors were so bad in fielding. Might be worst TBH. Balls rolling right through my OFers feet and to the wall, when they made no effort to even put their glove down. Then guy gets caught between 3d and home, and decides to just go home where my pitcher is just sitting with the ball waiting for him, but never applies the tag. Like he never even tried to tag him, it wasn’t a close play at all, the ball was there way ahead of time. He takes the lead off of that. Then top 9th 2 outs down by 1 with a man on 2nd, and I hit a routine fly ball to center to end the game and his player just misses it. Camped under it but never locked on I guess, so I tied it. Whole game was controlled by fielding errors.
TBH for me I don’t see a difference between playing on a monitor vs tv. Almost all TVs today have low input lag and good enough refresh rate. Atleast for console gaming, since they are limited to 60fps.
@HustlinOwl said in How to hit high fastballs?:
above all-star need to invest in a monitor to hit them consistently
This, I started doing this in 17 when pitch speeds on HoF were legit blazing. Problem with doing this though is that you will swing under balls right down the middle of the plate a lot.
@Harrisville318 said in How to hit high fastballs?:
@RedJeff83 said in How to hit high fastballs?:
Seriously asking how to hit high fastballs? I gear up.....am ready for the 96+......and either miss, or am late. I changed the setting only tv to game. They hasn't helped much. Maybe my tv sucks? Needs a setting change?. Idk!!! Please help
I had an issue with high fastballs a couple of years ago so I decided to start my pci up and over the pitchers ball side shoulder. I found that I work down to the spot better than I do working up. After getting used to the change I had no issues getting to the low pitches as well.
Fix the Good-okay, hitting in general, to make it less rng and more skill based. Sure it’s baseball, RNG is part of the game, but this year it is worst than ever before.
Haven’t played in like two weeks. Played a game today and hitting is still random (IE good-okay when right on it, good-good on a hanger just is a soft fly ball, very early slightly rolled is a hit back up the middle, ect.) when’s patch 1.10 when u fix the hitting.
Ranked Seasons Difficulty
Ranked Seasons Difficulty
42 Gallo vs Alvarez
42 Gallo vs Alvarez
how many new players from xbox are there?
Online is still just a horrible place
Best cards that aren't crazy expensive?
Any Good Pack Openings For Anyone?
Anthony Rendon
Missing rewards??
No after game card?
For those who have 99 Jackie Robinson, is he good?
Player ratings
Starting Pitching
Update 1.10 Discussion
How to hit high fastballs?
How to hit high fastballs?
Update 1.10 Discussion
1.09 Patch Discussion