I would love a new Al Kaline card as a Tigers fan. Sad to see him pass away

U don't need a monitor, u just need practice. I made world series playing on a projector screen. Go into custom practice and time up the fastball on legend with pitch sliders all the way up. That's what helped me catch up to all the pitch speeds on HOF. It's all about practice
They legit have no value at this point except for a couple and nobody needs them. If anything, it would just congest the marketplace.
@ejwik13 said in Rivera reviews:
@eatyum said in Rivera reviews:
I've been very happy with Rivera, 17 innings 1.59 ERA 27 strikeouts.
What’s your pitch selection look like? Mostly sinker slider? Or what?
U gotta abuse that slider cutter combo with rivera. The changeup also works as long as u don't throw it too often
@bhall09 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS can you just clarify one thing: does this affect the way we hit or is it just a change in the feedback we see?
@Victor_SDS I second this
@mrwonderful95 said in SDS you need to fix collection rewards:
I also don’t understand the decision not to allow us to sell the duplicate rewards from TA. That’s straight up weird
If they did that then the value of the silvers in every collection basically be worth the same as commons.
It's basically to keep value for each tier of cards and not have a huge inflation on silver cards.
Buxton gets u some sneaky homeruns if you square the ball up. I struggled with him at first but now I love. I know I can track any gapper with his speed and reaction and his swing is great. Extremely underrated card
The roster update just added those players on to their respective teams so right now they are pretty rare. That's why they are going for so much. You just gotta wait a week or two and their prices will go back to normal.
All I want is a usable Tigers positional player. Our team is basically all pitchers and I would love to be able to use a former Tigers positional player soon. Please SDS.
Osuna is pretty good
up and away definitely works a lot, it's just harder to locate and u can miss down the middle easier.
Kluber is not hard to hit once u get used to him, I actually look forward to facing Kluber sometimes because I know I can score at least a run or two off of him
Hitting on all star is super unpredictable, I hate how the hitting is on All Star. It's not as bad on Hall of Fame, definitely an improvement but there's still some unpredictability there. I'm not complaining or anything but I just feel like All Star is so bad right now
@mrKoala123 said in Pure analog pitching:
Use the meter and outfield camera for RHP and pitcher center camera for LHP. meter is way better and camera angle for each side helps alot
I do almost exactly this except I use pitcher zoom for left handed pitchers, it helps so much. I might try it with analog too but meter is working fine for me
@mrKoala123 said in Pure analog pitching:
Also love using the pitch trail rather than the old fashioned arrows using those camera angles really allows you to see where you’re actually throwing a pitch and the break it has on it
I use those mainly because I feel I get better timing on the meter using those angles but what u said about seeing the break on the ball is so true. I use the trail as well.
What did they do
Hall of fame isn't that hard once you get adjusted. U just gotta put in the time and practice and get adjusted to it.
They made this game mode with the specific use of improving ur team without having to actually use ur team. This is a great mode that anybody can take advantage of. If ur not good enough to skip to the end then play through the moments. It's not that bad
Ur saying that 98 Herscheiser wouldn't replace one person in ur starting rotation, I highly doubt that
I picked jose for the prestige 25 just cause I like his swing rn. Currently hitting .490 with him in ranked on HOF and legend. It's based on personal preference and who u think u will be the best with.
Al Kaline dies at 85
Why did they do this to me
Since TA3 Is Sellable...
Rivera reviews
Update 1.13 Discussion
SDS you need to fix collection rewards
FOF Buxton
Yo market gurus
Would appreciate a nice Tigers Affinity player for the Spring
best non-diamond RP's/CP's
I get that pitch speeds are faster but...
Tired of facing Corey Kluber!
All Star is a Mess
Pure analog pitching
Pure analog pitching
Great gesture by SDS recognizing Al Kaline
1st RS game on HOF
If your going to tweak sliders in Showdown
Prestige 25 choice pack