there should be a mlb the show reddit logo thread i think there's a lot of great people there who make logos. I don't know the exact reddit tho

With using both analog and pinpoint and being a world series player right now, pinpoint is an absolute gamechanger and has kept me in games when I've forgotten how to hit.
Dude you were definitely spoiled by MLB 20 and the insane content they had but they had to make up for the fact there was no season for the first 3 months. Now that there is a season, content is going to be much more spaced out and not thrown at us all at once. Just be patient this game is only a week and a half old
@derpmets5_psn said in Just not very good:
The game is bad because every year the online hitting is more Ridiculous and favored for people that stream with monitors
U just sound like ur making excuses for being bad at the game bro u need to man up and admit that ur not that good instead of blaming the game
@riles-iv_xbl said in To the Guy...:
Something about spending hundreds of dollars to have a significant advantage early on is so just gross to me. Cards and collections will be released to where guys can get great players without pumping tons money into the game. Guys compensating the skill gap by spending money just ruins the competitive players experience who relies on skill over their wallet.
Bro I have collections completed nms having 99 ortiz is completely fine but if they suck then you can beat them with a fairly solid lineup. Just because you don't have ortiz yet doesn't mean other people who do this game for content or have fun can't have him. Also don't always assume that people who have collections done have spent money too
This is a perfect example of us being spoiled by 20
Imagine saying that's the ugliest card you have ever seen when they literally released 32 face of the franchise legends with just their face and team colors behind them lmao
it's gonna cost u around 1500 bucks to complete them day 1
change ur resolution setting on mlb to faster. Change your resolution on the ps5 from automatic to 1080p and switch ur ps5 to performance mode.
mlb 20 plays worse for PS5 because the show was made for a ps4. Once 21 comes out the timing windows will be fine on next gen. But some things u can do to make it better is setting resolution mode on mlb the shows audio/video settings to faster and setting ur PS5 to performance mode under game presets. Also setting ur ps5 to 1080p instead of automatic will help
I would save the mil for cards that will come out later, like Willie Mays
U have to win 10 ranked seasons games. The one that says win 10 online games is any multiplayer mode such as events and battle royale
James karinchak pitcher on the indians has a 0.6 era thru 15 innings glitchy windup with curveball fastball combo
First time I faced him he allowed 6 runs in less than an inning would not recommend
I picked jose for the prestige 25 just cause I like his swing rn. Currently hitting .490 with him in ranked on HOF and legend. It's based on personal preference and who u think u will be the best with.
@ejwik13 said in Rivera reviews:
@eatyum said in Rivera reviews:
I've been very happy with Rivera, 17 innings 1.59 ERA 27 strikeouts.
What’s your pitch selection look like? Mostly sinker slider? Or what?
U gotta abuse that slider cutter combo with rivera. The changeup also works as long as u don't throw it too often
They legit have no value at this point except for a couple and nobody needs them. If anything, it would just congest the marketplace.
Well in real life he did hit the homerun against the Yankees in that Wild Card Game and against a righty. Using Gerrit Cole might've been questionable but it's still reasonable
Ur saying that 98 Herscheiser wouldn't replace one person in ur starting rotation, I highly doubt that
cqc's are so good. I couldn't even imagine going back to using the regular joysticks. I would highly recommend cqcs
Anyone on here willing to make me a logo?
Is there a major difference between Pin point & Analog
Anybody spending extra stubs on this?
Just not very good
To the Guy...
Card art
live series day one cost
Retouching in something I said a week ago
Am I the only one?
Looking for advise
"Win 10 ranked games online"
what players in the mlb are people sleeping on
Prime Cueto
Prestige 25 choice pack
Rivera reviews
Since TA3 Is Sellable...
Assumed conversation at SDS
Kontrol freek