Posted on here a few weeks ago about pitchers in moments frequently walking users. Doing the Honus moments and have been stuck on the 3 hits/1 XBH for a long time since Flaherty walks me on 4 not even close pitches at least once every game. Again, I understand they're not going to be grooving pitches right down the middle, but PLEASE make it so the CPU isn't actively pitching around 50 power Honus Wagner with nobody on and 2 outs early in the game...

As has been expressed on this site before, the outlier quirk is pretty ridiculous. I understand guys like Hicks, Pearson, Kopech CAN reach 102, but by no means SHOULD BE doing it pitch after pitch for 7+ innings. Absolutely ridiculous players can spam 102 MPH fastballs for an entire game with minimal repercussions.
@allmustfall16 said in Just pulled Trout out of a gold player pack!!!:
Must be nice. I’ve opened over 100 packs today and have one gold to show for it.
Haven’t pulled Trout since 2017. But I read people on here pulling him 5 times and you getting him from a gold pack. Congrats though.
Ooh man, I saved up a bunch of packs (~150) and opened them the other day. Had a little better luck with about 6-7 golds but packs are the absolute worst. Not sure how people are pulling Trout multiple times and I can't even get one diamond from 150 packs...
@Collin_SDS said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Going to post this here. Let's try to keep all discussion about 1.09 in this thread.
Okay, but both of these "glaring gameplay fielding issues" are still happening regularly. The patch went up less than a week ago and I can think of at least a dozen instances since then where fielders have worn a fly ball on their face because of no catch animation or ran straight over the ball. This has cost me multiple games over multiple modes and needs to be addressed immediately.
@Jeviduty said in PLEASE fix the Outlier Quirk:
I personally prefer they leave it as is.
But what if there was a limit of outlier pitches you can throw ? Say 15 and you can launch it at any time during the start?I really like this idea, make people pick and choose when they want to give it that extra effort. Much like guys probably do in, you know, real life...
Was just watching Javy's tag on Mondesi and was thinking how they could implement a tag rating. I know this is probably not possible as there's no stats to base ratings off of, but it would be cool to somehow quantify a player's tagging ability.
Has anyone heard of such a stat? I looked into it and didn't see anything, probably because it's such a small part of the game. In theory, it could be cool to see Javy Baez slapping those disgustingly quick tags down while other guys are much slower.
PLEASE fix the Outlier Quirk
Just pulled Trout out of a gold player pack!!!
1.09 Patch Discussion
PLEASE fix the Outlier Quirk
Tag Rating