Uhhh....pinpoint made this game better.

A non toxic thread? It can be done. We can be civilized here! Lol.
Buying packs in general is a ripoff, why do it?
I’m also hoping awards so I can get the three homeruns with Cruz and avoid ranked with him, lol
At least now you can choose your pitcher instead of a dice roll and never getting the pitcher you wanted
Classic mini seasons you can use whoever. The lefty loosey one it has to be all lefty pitchers and hitters.
Who doesn’t? Lol. I need more commons.
Im guessing because of the stub sale and the trout collection
@arvcpa said in Where are all the bad players?:
@LoveThatTribe said in Where are all the bad players?:
I've noticed 90% of the guys I play are prestige level already. I'm only at gold 45. Are most guys here prestige level already?
I'm prestige 55. But not that good. Just play WAY too much this year with working from home...
Same here. Prestige 44, but still have the worst pci placement known to man, lol.
This is the perfect sds moment...card stinks, card rakes...haha. Like the old Miller lite commercial, less filling...tastes great, lol
Good luck! Go get the Sultan of Swat, the colossus of clout...
I just want to go into the next moment from the game screen, ala madden or reset the multi game moment without having to back out into the main screen
But yet, first and third basemen can’t get to foul balls half the time, lol
How in the world do people dashboard so fast? Lol. It’s like the ball just left the bat and boom, opponent has left.
They did say best card ever and no way is that a relief pitcher. Gotta be more to it.
Cut your messages off or limit it to friends. Problem solved.
@raesONE said in GOT HIM!:
2 base rounds and 5 headliners full of silvers. Back to the last of us 2 it is!
How is it so far? Starting mine tomorrow night.
Pretty sure there isn’t a pattern. Just whatever strikes their fancy. I loved that 3 inning quick count event a while back. Games flew by.
What I get annoyed with is a perfect/perfect from trout that barely gets to the warning track, lol. Happened a couple of times yesterday.
Moments, 4 of each league
PINPOINT pitching ruined this game
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
Signature Event 1
Setting lineups based off righty/lefty online
Mini seasons
Why the Radio Silence SDS?
Why is the market so inflated right now??
Where are all the bad players?
Joe Morgan can’t hit
Babe Ruth
Restarting moments at any time.
Outfield Defense is Literally "Unreal" This Year
Quick Dashboards
Rob Dibble is a last big collection reward
SDS you made a mistake
Current Signature question
Dashboarding during Conquest
Post Season Cards