The programs this year are wayyyyy too much of a grind. That’s all.

I was terrible in my last ranked game so I kept zone hitting and just turned the whole pci off and it seems way easier to track the pitches. Anyone else hit like that?
I went 3-0 in BR and got the egg. I can’t remember if the first two wins were quits or not
what usually happens is they get placed into your event lineup, even if you haven't played it. So go to events and start one if you haven't already and make sure you replace trout in your lineup with someone else. Then you should be able to sell him.
I love that defense actually seems to matter this year. Bronze outfielders take that extra second to start after the ball and are less likely to make tough catches. Last year the only difference between outfielders seemed to be speed. Might have to actually carry a defensive stud on the bench for late inning replacement.
Happens to me every time too. Has to be a widespread bug.
For L v L and R v R I move the PCI to the inner middle to cover the inside pitches better. For R v L and L v R I leave in the center.
I would like to see some events limited more to like 5 diamonds, 5 golds, the rest silver or below. So sort of like battle royale but with a few more higher tier players. The events where you can basically use any card you want are kind of tired.
SDS clearly wants everyone to play every mode, even though most players don't really enjoy some of them. I play pretty much everything except for battle royale. Ranked seasons are a mindless grind and events can be fun a few games at a time. They can shoot showdowns into the sun I hate that mode so much.
Foxx at 1st, Brett at 3rd with Miggy on the bench. Replaced Donaldson with Miggy to give him a try
Sinkers I only throw up in the zone now. They were getting crushed every time I threw them low. Cutters I throw away from same sided hitters and in on opposite sided hitters. Up in the zone too. They get crushed any other way it seems.
The regular headliner packs are so trash. If you are going to pull a diamond from them it should automatically be that headliner not some 85 diamond that everyone has by now. I hope they change those packs up for next year. I wonder if anyone actually buys them when they are in the shop. The choice ones are fine no problem with those.
I’m surprised they don’t have a blanket agreement with the HoF for all of those players.
Just use a speed team and keep bunting. Good chance In this mode the other team has lousy power hitting fielders.
Is there any skill based match making in events like there is in ranked seasons? I’m admittedly pretty bad but every game I’m playing twitch tv so and so and getting wins is tough.
What are the best tips for trying to hit some of these guys that are throwing 102? I play on switch so maybe my problem is just slower frames but I can never catch up to fastballs on-line.
Too Grindy
Turned off PCI
How to get each egg for the eggscelent award
Help!!! Selling cards
PCI PLACEMENT Lefties vs Righties?
Events Lineup
Mini Seasons and a rant.
Who is your 1st and 3rd basemen?
Tips on pitching please
Headliners bad luck
Players Rights
Cannot win online
Hitting 102