People gotta get arguing and name calling each other on the internet... It's not that important
Both of you just like playing a game. Shake hands and go in other directions
People gotta get arguing and name calling each other on the internet... It's not that important
Both of you just like playing a game. Shake hands and go in other directions
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Legends Trailer: List of Name mentioned in trailer:
Very happy not to see Barry Bonds
Not me, that was the first name I was looking for
Whoever the best hitter is
It'll prob crash like every year
I've been playing online rated today on all star. It's easier and quicker to get a game surprisingly compared to the event.
The game plays pretty good, lots of the defense is bad so more singles and doubles. Every single hit isn't a hr.
For the last week of the year in 24 it's probably the most fun mode imo at the moment. If someone starts out bunt dancing then you just quit and it doesn't matter because nothing counts.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Will there be xp caps, daily limits in 25?:
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Will there be xp caps, daily limits in 25?:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Will there be xp caps, daily limits in 25?:
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Will there be xp caps, daily limits in 25?:
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Will there be xp caps, daily limits in 25?:
It doesnt need to go away per se, but it needs to increase. I don’t stick up for SDS much they are in between a rock and a hard place. Limit it people complain, open it up people burn through it in a week and people complain that there is no new content
My guess is that the cap will be back. As long as SDS wants to control the pace that the rewards hit the market then there will be a cap.
It needs to be a rolling cap though, that resets every inning. I will keep advocating for this even though I have never hit the cap.
Lets say the cap is 25K per day
Day 1 - Everybody has the same cap. Player 1 plays and hits the cap. Player 2 does not play.
Day 2 - Player 1's cap is 25K. Player 2's cap is now at 50KThis is the most fair for those guys who, for example, can't play during the week and want to do a marathon 8 hour session on Saturday and Sunday in order to catch up. Nobody should be penalized because they can only play a few times a week.
Unless I am overlooking something obvious, the math should not be very hard:
Daily cap * Number of days the current program has run - the players current XP in that program.
(of course double XP weekends & double weekend caps throws a wrench into the math)would probaby be easier to just do a weekly cap. 210,000 per week.
See, I don't think that works. Sure it gives the guy who only plays a a couple days a week a chance to catch up. But you know there would be other guys hitting that weekly cap in like 3 days. Are they then supposed to go 4 days without earning any XP?
they'd still get xp rewards from conquest or programs. And maybe itll teach people to pace themselves. Not everything needs to be a race to first.
But some people like to race to be first
I think people should play the game how they want to play it.
As it stands now my best day to play is Monday and if I want to donate my weekend time then Saturday too but typically Tuesday thru Friday and Sunday I just can't really play
I kind've roll my eyes when someone has p5'd someone in a week but it doesn't bother me
@GoozeFn_PSN said in Will there be xp caps, daily limits in 25?:
@ref479ode_PSN Not that I’ve seen, which means it’s probably still going to be a thing again. It’s incredibly unpopular, so they’d mention it if it was going away.
That was kind've my assumption unfortunately.
I've watched a few streamers summarizing the DD info we have and none have mentioned anything about the daily xp cap.
Has sds mentioned anything about this?
Mlb 24 felt like homework honestly. I didn't hate the game but alot of times I felt like I was doing busy tedious tasks that resulted in no improvement of my team. I'm just trying to collect a ton of cards so eventually 2 months from now I'll get j roll and then lose him like 3 days later lol
I've played DD since 2020 and it never felt so much like busy work or homework as 24. I played alot of rookie cpu shield woods games just to get stats for the hell of it. I also feel like I finish a conquest map and then had to take another 20 mins to just Sim thru the non strongholds
23 servers working but I can't find a ranked game so.....
630am east coast and still down... I only play on Mondays so this sucks. Based on first post in this thread dd has been down for 10 hours
I don't care... I just want to have to do tasks to earn cards
Playing ranked and events now for nothing to earn is boring for me right now. I don't care if others get cards before me I just want to feel like I'm progressing towards something each time I play
I will preorder if bonds is in the game
I was 56-3 and just got capital Lange and then shield woods... I just quit out. I think I'm gonna do that next year too and to hell with the record. I'm not gonna spend 50 mins of my life playing at this arcade game stadiums
@YOSHI24_XBL said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
Let‘s focus on the real meaning of this thread since some devs returned
Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums or do not allow them in competitive modes. Thanks in advance
It really doesn't make sense that they nerf created stadiums from being outrageous yet allow shield woods and capital Lange... Also, why nerf shippett if you're going to put two fields in that play more silly than shippett did?
I personally don't feel Coors or laughing mtn play anywhere close to as dumb as shield woods. Shield woods like 83moh exit velo pop ups are hr
Maybe events just let anyone use whatever dumb stadium and we can just quit the game with no penalty if we don't like the stadium
But ranked/br shouldn't be little league fields
Go into practice mode, set it to fastballs against randy on hof or legend and then increase the fastball slider speed a bit
@huskerfan051214_XBL said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
Polo grounds is awful too.
If you line your lf and rf to cheat towards the gaps that helps make it a little better
Like you would tell your left fielder to shift to the left the whole game and he basically plays left center
Is this like "online rated exhibition" you're talking about. Does it count towards your ranked record?
Same thing today
I pretty much just play Mondays now
My first game was against user48575839
Is that just some burner type account for someone that had already been banned lol
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in Is play now ranked with regular teams the best mode?:
I wish they had RS where you could choose the difficulty that you wanted to play and the rewards would be relative to what difficulty you played…Make WS on rookie you get a 85 ovr, Make it on Vereran you get an 88…And so on.
I do find the toggle back and forth between all star and hof online a little annoying
I wish they'd make pitch speeds and break the same online but maybe just adjust the pci size