Never mind, I see the expiration date

Will the 5th inning conquest maps still be available after the 5th inning ends? This is the first time I haven’t done them during the inning
I think it’s funny they gave Glasnow a POTM card. I really like the guy and will love using his card so I’m not complaining, but it’s clearly just a token card because they know they won’t have the opportunity to do other cards with him being injured.
@allday9128_psn said in Suspended for what?:
@mackattack000012_psn said in Suspended for what?:
@fresnoguy316_psn said in Suspended for what?:
My account was suspended for an unknown reason... I have never sent racist sexist or any of the things it says in messages... How so I fight this
Same here. I’ve messaged one guy in about 8 months and didn’t say a single slur or even a curse word I just called him out for being cocky while having a 12.63 ERA irl and got banned for a week.
I think they’re just soft and stupid
I've seen you post this several times. What do you mean 12.63 ERA in real life? Did you play a guy who pitched in the MLB for a couple games? Or did you look up someone's little league pitching stats? I just want to know what you mean by "12.63 ERA irl"
I have legit been wondering the same thing. My guess is he is either incorrectly using “irl” or they got into a debate, the other guy said something to the effect of “dude I played pro ball” and then revealed who he was, and this guy looked up his stats and is trying to turn that back on him rather than just be impressed that the other guy played pro ball.
Either way, my guess is this guy goes MIA after being called out
@pbake12_psn said in Suspended for what?:
How about just don't messages people unless it is GG...
^^this. People are so childish. The only reason I would ever message someone is to compliment them, thank them for the game, or ask them a question like how they like using a specific player or something like that. Anything else should not be sent. Contrary to what others have implied, no, Sony did not implement a messaging tool so that you could spam other players. That stuff should you get banned 100% of the time, and I am very glad to hear it is happening.
What is that?
Just getting unhandled server exception error
@rowzdower3000 said in I'm confused. How is this better than actually playing the game?:
Doing the rtts sim has gotten me to 350k xp in like 3 days the last two programs. For XP, It definitely is better than just playing.
How do you sim and get xp? Do you just go to the calendar and sim, or do you actually get into games?
@the_dragon1912 said in How does one get by 5XBS in 3 games with Carter?:
@pox911_mlbts said in How does one get by 5XBS in 3 games with Carter?:
@the_dragon1912 said in How does one get by 5XBS in 3 games with Carter?:
If you don't get 2 in the first game, reset. If you don't get 2 in the 2nd game, dashboard, same goes for the last one in the 3rd game. Another option is to skip that moment and do the other missions instead
What does dashboard mean?
Close the game. For multi game moments if you dashboard it will be like you never attempted it in the first place
Wow. I had no idea
@the_dragon1912 said in How does one get by 5XBS in 3 games with Carter?:
If you don't get 2 in the first game, reset. If you don't get 2 in the 2nd game, dashboard, same goes for the last one in the 3rd game. Another option is to skip that moment and do the other missions instead
What does dashboard mean?
@bobbyromano24 said in Small QOL Request:
Oh the good old ratings tiers where an 87 was a gold
Lol. I can’t remember for sure, but I feel like it used to be that diamond started at 92 or 93, gold was 85-91/92, silver 75-84, etc. This was like maybe 2015? Somewhere around then. But I could be remembering wrong.
@chuckclc_psn said in Small QOL Request:
I agree. Not a big problem, but in years past they did have this taken care of. Anytime you added someone to your lineup it had their team logo next to their name.
This is what I was talking about.
@chuckclc_psn said in Small QOL Request:
I agree. Not a big problem, but in years past they did have this taken care of. Anytime you added someone to your lineup it had their team logo next to their name.
Yeah, it wasn’t just that. On the back of the card itself it displayed the team. I’ll see if I can post an image from a previous game.
Maybe it’s just me and I’m missing it, but when I am looking at the stats of a card it does not show the player’s team. Most of them are really obvious, but for some of the flashbacks it is difficult at first glance to tell which team the card is for. Like for example, Richie Ashburn 86 card from the 3rd Inning program. If I really squint I can make out the little “P” on his hat and guess that he was a Phillie. But no where on the card does it say that. If I remember correctly it used to say the player’s team on the top of the screen, next to their name. Am I remembering wrong? Was this taken out? Adding the player’s team would be a very minor change that would make it quicker to tell the team when glancing at cards.
EDIT: I added a pic to show what I’m talking about. This was an image I found showing what the cards looked like in 2017. The team name was on the left side
@lazy_toast_psn said in After 7 years:
Oh hell yea man. Congrats you better celebrate.
Get a bowl of suga, some brown liquor, clean your gun, field dress a cat, look for womenLove the Santa Clause lol. Tim Allen is just so good
I like the black and white moments. I wish they would have programmed more than just making in black and white.
The 100 foot flat screens and brand new Nike really take you out of it.
Yeah, this is seriously half-a$$ed. The black and white hurts my eyes, but I would put up with it more if they had put a little more effort in. Period-appropriate uniforms, fan clothing, players on the teams, stadiums, etc.
I posted this a couple weeks back and tagged the moderators. They never replied. I actually didn’t make this mistake but after seeing that so many have I can’t believe they haven’t made an exchange.
@notoriousheb_psn said in 0/8 in update investments:
@pox911_mlbts said in 0/8 in update investments:
Ugh. I invested very heavily in 8 players I thought could get the bump from silver to gold. For each one I bought anywhere between 150-600 cards. None of them were upgraded. Now I have to sit on all that for another two weeks and hope these guys keep performing.
I don’t understand why Gausman gets bumped to diamond while others who have a better track record and comparable stats this year are still silver.
In April me and my buddies all went heavy on Glasnow, knowing his talent, underlying metrics, and how underrated he was in the game. I owned 222 of him, the most between us had approx 450... We bought when he was silver. We are all millionaires now... Well, were, I spent mine all last night completing NL and buying all the 42 legends haha.
You need to be patient with investments and your comment on Gausman is very unfair, he was solid last year, probably gold level -- Only Woodruff and deGrom have comparable stats to him especially when you look at how many innings he's gone. Dude has been outstanding... 1.27 ERA in 77 innings with a 0.76 WHIP and 10+ K9 -- if you are arguing against that you are just upset right now or if it is sincere you just don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, I missed on Glasnow. I bought a few of him when he was a silver. I really didn’t think he would go diamond. This year is radically different than previous years I’ve played in terms of SDS upgrades. In fact a few years ago they actually had a limit of how many LS players were diamond. It was like 25 or something. The rating system was different then too. They really didn’t tweak the ratings so drastically those years. Now it seems like by the end of the season every team will have 3-5 diamond LS players.
With regards to Gausman, I am a lifelong Os fan. I’m not bitter at all about Gausman (or Bundy or any of them) but after seeing him for years it’s just hard for me to believe that he’s really that good. He had so much potential and just couldn’t reach it. I guess with other pitching coaches maybe he was finally able to reach his peak. No question that the Orioles have (in recent history) had no idea how to develop farm hands.
@pennstatefencer said in Disable black/white mode in moments?:
I thought the black and white filter was a cool addition the first time I saw it back in 19 with the Babe Ruth moments, but at this point the novelty has worn off for me. I found it a little annoying when playing all of those moments back to back yesterday, and there really is no reason for there not to be an on/off toggle.
The main issue for most people is that it makes the ball a little harder to see along with some of the meters/indicators. If you like the novelty of it, there are still little things that make it feel off. We're playing in a modern park instead of a retro one like Polo Grounds from the Ruth moments. The fans also wear modern clothing which clashes with the black and white aesthetic. Having the fans wear time appropriate clothing would be pretty cool, although I understand that would be a lot of work that probably wouldn't be worth the trouble for a few moments. I can't actually see SDS devoting resources to something like that anytime soon. Film grain would also make it more immersive, although that would make seeing even more difficult.
I just feel that they should either commit to it all the way, or give you the option to turn it off. As it stands right now, it feels a little half-assed.
I could get down with this. Like if they went full out and used old stadiums and also had teams full of yesteryear’s players, that would be pretty cool. Probably way more effort than they want to commit though.
@jaytal6_psn said in 0/8 in update investments:
@pox911_mlbts said in 0/8 in update investments:
Ugh. I invested very heavily in 8 players I thought could get the bump from silver to gold. For each one I bought anywhere between 150-600 cards. None of them were upgraded. Now I have to sit on all that for another two weeks and hope these guys keep performing.
I don’t understand why Gausman gets bumped to diamond while others who have a better track record and comparable stats this year are still silver.
Why not just flip cards. You could have enough stubs to do whatever you want by now. You gamble, you lose. I flip a lot and got the collections done. It's not hard to do.
I agree it’s not hard. I hate it though. It’s so tedious. A couple weeks back I flipped for 20 minutes and made about 25,000 stubs. It killed a part of my soul though lol. After that I was like I’m not doing this anymore, I’ll just invest in silvers that are around 100-300 stubs a piece and when they go gold I’ll really cash in huge. As long as they don’t get downgraded to bronze, I’ll at least be able to get back my investment if they stop performing and I don’t think they’ll turn gold anymore.
I will say I saw someone suggest buying a ton of bronzes at 25 stubs a piece and then selling them for 125-200 the next day. I can see how that is possible with some of these cards and I might have the patience to do that. If I’m making 100 stubs per card I only need to do 100 to make 10,000 stubs (not counting the tax), and it would only take me a few minutes to put in all those orders.
5th inning conquest?
5th inning conquest?
Glasnow token card
Suspended for what?
Suspended for what?
Isnt it about time for Extreme!?
Servers are down? EDIT working now
I'm confused. How is this better than actually playing the game?
How does one get by 5XBS in 3 games with Carter?
How does one get by 5XBS in 3 games with Carter?
Small QOL Request
Small QOL Request
Small QOL Request
Small QOL Request
After 7 years
SDS should just make an exchange set for those who accidentally picked 2 of the same card
0/8 in update investments
Disable black/white mode in moments?
0/8 in update investments