In my opinion, Tim Raines is hands down the best LF in the game.

Yes I don’t understand why we could only choose 4.
I had no problem with last years game model. I would want two wild card slots. One for offense and one for pitching. I also want all captain cards to core cards.
@arvcpa I have maxed out Trout in previous years. I went with Griffey this year!
@IrishFist412 sounds like you’re the only one bro. It happens to me every single day. My logo is rarely there when I turn the ps5 on. After a few minutes it might appear, it might not.
How many have noticed this: I’m pitching and strike out the first two guys in an inning, then suddenly I can’t throw strikes. Which leads to a walk or bloop or whatever. It’s happened both for me and against me but so many times that it’s obviously a thing. Am I alone on this one?
This makes perfect sense, which is why they won’t do it.
I agree!! This will get people to play online more than anything. Hope they do it from the rip next year.
@BxnnyMxn_ I’ve robbed maybe three home runs in 10 years of playing this game. I’ve got full use of both my hands and I can’t even cover the whole strike zone.
Why do my logos keep disappearing?? Sometimes they disappear without even turning the game off. 2024 and they can’t fix this?
I don’t think it’s horrible. Played some good games last night and tonight. I’ve won some I’ve lost some. I don’t mind the foul balls. I’m an older player (49) and will never be as good as the kids. This is the only video game I play.
Just more disrespect from SDS. Man I wish they had a competitor!
@Skarmaen I agree with you sir. I happen to really enjoy Topps Now cards. Future Stars cards… that’s another story. I’d rather see more Topps Now or other current players get better flashback cards. Have never been a fan of future stars.
It’s nice to see a thread with some constructive thoughts. I DO agree that this year game seems more money driven and that’s unfortunate. This years Season 1 xp grind has been horrendous. They have always said “just play the game” in regard to getting rewards. That’s what people have been doing and most did not get to Rollins until the S1 recap drop. I know that was the case for me. I am NOT doing this dreadful grind for S2. I’m burnt already.
A previous gentleman brought up the lack of a competitor for SDS. I think this has a lot to do with the issues that have always been there. Until a quality competitor emerges, I just don’t believe positive changes will be made. -
@BxnnyMxn_ HoJo would be dope. Switch hitting 30/30 third baseman!
@Blind_Bleeder I never thought of that. Good call.
@Blujfan1992 Fisk had a decent card one year. I forgot about Evans too.
Wild Card Royce Lewis. 168 AB and hitting .345 w 22 bombs. Can play all over the field. Very good swing. If I can hit well rightVright that’s saying something.
@iBonafideScrub_ if I see Donaldson or Randy I just quit. I don’t even try for a friendly. I’m just so sick of facing them. I don’t care about wins or losses just if I’m having fun or not.
We gotta get Ted back in the game!
New Left Fielder
Team captains
Day 1 99's
My last P5 of 23
@sds are you ever going to fix the logo issues
Daily XP Roll Over
The best thing SDS has done in years…
Robbing homeruns
Custom uniforms
Worst MLB Ever
Jelly Beans
5 Reasons Why I Am Quitting The Show (Or Why SDS has Failed a Franchise)
How SDS Has Become Disconnected from the MLB The Show Community
New legends
My last P5 of 23
Does anyone have an exhaustive list of players that used to be in the game (any previous year)
Biggest Player/Card Surprises
Does anyone have an exhaustive list of players that used to be in the game (any previous year)
Does anyone have an exhaustive list of players that used to be in the game (any previous year)