Well done!

I don't want to wait another week dammit!!!!
press X on the time counter and it takes you to the appropriate screen
I got mad hits like I was Rod Carew
AROD is a colossal douche.
As a former chubby athlete, I'll choose him because he is one of my own. I saw him play in Pittsburgh during his farewell season. Gave him a standing ovation in the first and he doubled off the left center field wall. Next AB he was cheered again and homered. We stopped honoring him for the remainder of the game.
It should carry over. Its stupid that it doesn't
I care so much
@the57deluxe_psn said in Let’s revisit XP:
I hit 650k last night, but only because I played so much during the double xp weekend and I was also leveling up my Ballplayer finally. Got Trout in my Diamond pack and financed some nice additions from the TA programs.
Same here. Exactly the same. Lol
I wanted a Brian Giles for the Buccos reward
Kurt Angle looks like a thumb
@baracesilk_psn said in Dropping connections for offline content:
@pc_username2020 said in Dropping connections for offline content:
Has anyone had LAN disconnections on a Samsung smart tv? Keeps randomly happening to me. I've googled troubleshooting it and I can't fix it. Anyone else have this issue and a solution?
I started having this issue last night. Have Samsung U7000 series and I kept getting disconnected in the middle of the 8innings pitch mission on this weeks Topps Now program. Had to do it 3 times before it finally let me play all the way through. First time disconnected in 4th inning and second time in the 6th... Then I started another moment and after its 3rd disconnect, I gave up for the night.
I've swapped ethernet cables, rebooted the TV, modem and router. Reset TV back to factory setting etc. Keeps happening
Old dudes rule
Later broski
Has anyone had LAN disconnections on a Samsung smart tv? Keeps randomly happening to me. I've googled troubleshooting it and I can't fix it. Anyone else have this issue and a solution?
HOFers and fan favorites?
Tough crowd. Entertaining though
I booed him once in PNC park as he rounded 3rd after hitting a home run. He smirked at me. My Matt Kemp fun fact.
It would be nice to have additional rewards for those of us who finished the program early.
Waiting until Friday for the XP
'Twas the night before The Show...
Auto download of ‘22 preorder on PS5
Auto download of ‘22 preorder on PS5
Anyone gonna talk about awards Rod Carew?
Boss #1 hint
XP after 6th inning before 7th?
Words Can’t Express my Disappointment
Let’s revisit XP
Honus question
I hate the Angles
Dropping connections for offline content
Just made my first WS
Think I’m gonna hang it up gents
Dropping connections for offline content
TA4 Coming
Psh, I don't take my job seriously
Well It's Matt Kemp guys one of our inning bosses
Double XP this far into the inning program is lame
Shark Map