Barry Bonds!
I think Votto. Partly just for sentimental reasons. Great player for a long time on not great teams. Awesome to see him have a run like this. Thought his power was gone 5 years ago.
Squeaked in at the end and grabbed DeGrom. Happy with it.
Ortiz = kind of worth it
Chipper = very worth it -
Chipper for a lefty, Thome for a righty
I had to go to directional and power swing up and inside. Got gunned down at home 3 times and was overall very annoyed
I don’t get the “WAR doesn’t matter crowd”. I’m not saying it is a perfect measure of all things, but it is a measure of total value. A great defensive CF is more valuable than a great defensive 1B. War includes that. When you start talking about slash lines, etc and Trout you kind of miss the point. Trout isn’t the best player because of any one number. He’s the best player because he plays a premium defensive position, great defense (despite a weak arm), walks, hits for a good avg, and has power. Everyone else discussed here has a weakness he doesn’t. Tatis commits an insane number of errors, Acuna strikes out a ton and doesn’t walk as much. Both guys steal way more bases, but SB are not actually that valuable. Will trout be the best player in baseball in 2-3 years? Probably not. But if you look at the actual value of what he does in baseball compared to the actual value of others, he’s unquestionably the best still and has been since his age 21 season.
I’m on the Chipper is worth it by himself train… then again I can’t stand having an unbalanced lineup and place a premium on SH. With that said, I can’t imagine a 3B I would take him out for.
@jkooch66_xbl said in Ohtani not able to play OF:
He’s a 99 pitcher and 99 hitter in a game with no DH, so he’s bonkers whether he can play OF and regain stamina or not. I agree that it would be more ideal to be able to start him in the OF, but just because you can’t doesn’t mean the card is bad. It’s still an insane card. And there’s plenty of other options for the OF anyways.
Plus if you pitch him you can lead off w/ the pitcher and have a rotating cast of PH in the 1 hole for late innings of you need...
My last two were awards and signature. Grabbed Eck as the inning boss to finish signature. Honestly 42 was the toughest but Jackie is very, very worth it.
Nice card. Unfortunately he’s not going to get Thome or Ortiz out of the lineup. LH 1B is loaded.
Very usable. Hit a lot of bombs for me. TA2 options would be Mauricio and Groshans. Ripken has good stats but I can’t hit with him at all.
@yankeefan412_xbl said in Opponent had Swastika as logo:
@drewshbag420_psn said in Opponent had Swastika as logo:
@icards1_psn said in Opponent had Swastika as logo:
I played this gem in ranked, I hope they follow through and ban this scumbag. Trash Human Logo Here
I played some loser yesterday whose logo was the a racist epitaph....he raged quit after I hit 3 HRs off of him. I reported him and hope he gets banned. He was of couse an Xbox player since the Xbox just attracts all the racists
Right….It has nothing to do with Halo or Gears or the other Xbox exclusives like gamepass. When I was deciding which one to get it was my love of racism that made me choose Xbox. You’re extremely intelligent & intuitive.
I love these takes. (FWIW I own a PS5). I’m not usually a fan of the “go outside” advice that gets thrown around on these boards, but if you think that console choice is indicative of personality traits.... go outside.
@silverbullet3519 said in Is anyone else?:
My biggest issue, and it is completely self-inflicted, is I haven't gotten to spend as much time as I want playing with my main squad. I dedicate so much time to division-specific lineups trying to grind out the TA programs that I feel like I barely get to use the cards I unlock. Need to just accept that I'll have to trade speed of completing content for time spent enjoying my main team in ranked, conquest, whatever else.
Yeah for TA2 I kinda stopped doing this. I just run out the main squad then add in the TA players as they get unlocked. It’s a bit slower at first but there are usually only 1-2 players I really want anyways and this lets me keep having new lineups without it feeling too forced. The only exception is the NL Central. For whatever reason there are very, very few NL central hitters I enjoy playing with so I have to force them into the lineup. Although Joe Torre has helped.
I would go:
- Trout
- Cole
3 NL guys in whatever order. But pick one division to do first
Trout’s price is the least likely to drop significantly. Demand will pretty much always exceed supply. Grabbing Cole after gives you Ortiz. With those two in place a quarter of your lineup is set. After that it’s kind of your call, Finley and Glavine are both awesome. Soriano sucks but chipper is a god (particularly w/ all the LHP in ranked). Hope this helps!
They put CAP into DD years ago to get RTTS players to start playing DD (which is the only place they really make money after launch.) They are not going to demonetize primary RTTS players. OP is 100% correct though that no CAP starter should be able to throw 140 pitches.
@dap1234567890 said in Prospect Card Idea:
@pats1124_psn said in Prospect Card Idea:
Love it. Especially as a replacement for the TA2 cards. There should be at least a bit of grind to make Cabrera and Crochet two of the best cards in the game...
The TA programs are "a bit of a grind"!
Fair, but you also complete them kind of automatically. I think it would make some logical sense to “evolve” your prospect card into the hypothetical superstar card.
Sox fan here: Devers should not be a diamond with his 3B defense. When JD winds down he is headed for DH (which will probably be a good thing guys like JD and Cruz became way better hitters once they became primarily DHs). If he moved to 1B he might be good enough defensively to be diamond overall. All of this said, outside of investment/quick sell value (which admittedly is why pretty much everyone cares about LS cards after the 1st month) it really doesn’t matter much.
Love it. Especially as a replacement for the TA2 cards. There should be at least a bit of grind to make Cabrera and Crochet two of the best cards in the game...
@xhydroaphid_xbl said in Who ya got going gold/diamond?:
Pablo lopez and Sandy Alcantara going gold
Dear god please yes. I have no allegiance to the Marlins. I’m not a Marlins fan. I don’t live in Florda... but if there is one group SDS has actively disrespected with the ratings it is the Marlins entire rotation.
What card would you pay $5 mil for
Who do you think deserves the July Player of the Month?
90+ Diamond card, who’d ya pull?
Landed the Big Fish!!!
Clutch Hitter
A homer in Forbes with Clemente? Pound salt.
No new roster updates until July 30th.
Ohtani not able to play OF
Milestone Mariano Rivera
Today's HL - 96 Sig Anothy Rizzo
Is Tatis usable online? I don't see many LS cards besides Trout
Opponent had Swastika as logo
Is anyone else?
Live Series Collection Advice
Trash/Cheese SDS love!!!
Prospect Card Idea
does dever go diamond this season?
Prospect Card Idea
Who ya got going gold/diamond?