I loaded up on live series CJ Cron and Rhys Hoskins last night... so I’m REALLY looking for one of the first two cards in the program to be a first baseman.
Easy stub flips if it turns out for me..
I loaded up on live series CJ Cron and Rhys Hoskins last night... so I’m REALLY looking for one of the first two cards in the program to be a first baseman.
Easy stub flips if it turns out for me..
FOTF Josh Bell (was the second FOTF I completed and still gets playing time on my DD squad)
Pros - switch hitter - nice swing for a big guy - has RF as a secondary position - plays a solid first base - has a decent amount of speed for a first baseman - absolutely MASHES right handed pitching... I’m talking moonshots!!
Cons - struggles a little bit against good left handed pitching - plays well below average at his secondary position (RF)
Aaron Bummer does well for me in events and BR.
Posey is my best hitter in Ranked (I took him at Silver 1) BUT I have fits trying to get Sandberg out when I play against him in ranked.. lol
So they’re probably both solid choices.
They’re correct. You can not change the pitch repertoire on a CAP. I’ve had a CAP pitcher for the last three years and you’ve got to work with the pitch arsenal SDS gives you.
You can, however, gets some variance in pitches all depending which type of pitcher path you decide to take (power, break, control).
@MaxHarvest said in Playing Away Games:
I don’t get why people intentionally choose the glare parks w west time of day, like neither of us can even see the ball. The dev team really needs to remove the glare where u cannot see the ball. It’s just stupid , it’s a video game. I don’t want to squint and try to see a white ball that blends in to white glare.
Camden Yards got me a while back.. dude chose that ballpark during twilight with no clouds and threw Chris Sale at me with his 3/4 sling delivery...
I actually could NOT see the ball until it was at home plate... was absolutely miserable.
@l_am_a_Skywalker said in Fun:
So i have a question... Does anyone actually have fun playing this game?
Cuz even Youtubers like Kyle, Kevingohd, etc are always just pissed And anoyed when playing this game. And it's the same with me, this game just annoys the [censored] outta me. Does anyone actually enjoy it?
There are times when I enjoy myself, and there are times when I want to bust the controller.
Thing is, for me at least, I like competition. I’ve always loved to compete and this game gives me an avenue to do that. That’s why I never quit out against players that have me dominated in ranked. I try and learn from them and study their pitch sequencing, lineup construction, plate approach, etc.
Being 38 years old there aren’t many things for me to do anymore which satisfy my desire for competition. This is one of them..
I joined a 30 and over baseball league last summer because men’s softball just wasn’t cutting it for me.. guys weren’t serious, guys drinking beers while playing.. I just didn’t like it. Hasn’t played baseball since high school and decided to take the jump back in and had the time of my life last year.. I looked forward to playing every week. This year Covid19 will most likely cancel/push back our league but I’ll be back again when the league fires back up.
@notoriousHEB said in TA Summer Stage Prediction:
KC get those guys that ran out and beat up the 1B coach?
The KC Trailer Trash Tandem... . Must be unlocked together however..
I’ve found that I have much more success at HOF level when I take as many pitches as I can and then try and pick up on my opponent’s pitching tendencies.
I am not skilled enough to purely read and react to pitches when they’re coming in at that speed (plus you’re nearly always dealing with facing the best arms in the game) so I try and level the playing field by getting into the mind of the opposition.
By the 4th or 5th inning I usually have a good idea of what the other guy is trying to do so I’ll start cheating my PCI towards certain locations in the strike zone.
I get super frustrated a lot of the time playing at the HOF level but I’d much rather play good players at ramped up pitch speeds because ultimately I feel like it helps me improve my own skill set.
@DeckerCurtis2002 said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
Winning freeze offs isn't about the points, it's about the pride of making your opponent give in before you.
Couldn’t have said it any better...
@ryansitko11 said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
@partyboy099 said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
@genopolanco said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
Are you playing quashtag?
Lol. No. Is he notorious for having epically long freeze offs?
Last year he basically did what your opponent is currently doing, trying to wait his opponent out for over 24 hours despite being down in the game. He was also a Sony partner so it looked extra bad on his part
Wow...smh. That is especially bad for someone that had their own moment on the game last year.
I just went out to drive some DoorDash orders for some extra dough... keeping myself busy so I’m not tempted to hit that power button on the PS4.
Beginning to wonder how long this dude is gonna lock horns with me.... like two stag bucks fighting over a doe. I guess we’ll see.. lol
@roguedrizzt said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
@partyboy099 said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
@roguedrizzt said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
I e left mine of for days on accident. You’ll be fine. Good luck!!!!
Just got back to the house and we’re still frozen. Working on about 19 hours now... I guess I’ll be firing up some Super Mario 3 for the NES tonight..
Super Mario 3 is legit one of the greatest video games ever. This is time well spent
Agree!!! I force myself to play it the long way without the whistles when I do sit down and give it a go... much more satisfying.
I grew up on the NES and then sold off all my games and the console in the late 90’s.
About a year and a half ago I started rebuilding a library of games (mostly as a collector but sometimes I play them as well)... I’ve got just over 140 titles now. I do well searching eBay and Mercari for game lots.. garage/yard sales are good too and they should be starting back up here soon.
It’s insane what some of the carts go for in sealed mint condition. Wish I would have known these things when I was a child.. I wouldn’t have to work anymore..
@genopolanco said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
Are you playing quashtag?
Lol. No. Is he notorious for having epically long freeze offs?
@GiantsXLII said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
Wouldn't the timer run down and you can forfeit your opponent? I'm missing something here...
Unfortunately no. We are just in a frozen game state in the top of the sixth inning. He’s down 6-1 and refuses to take the loss.
@Psycho__Kinetic said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
Just watch out for Server Maintenance. If they end up doing maintenance while your still in the freeze off you'll both lose connection and a few things can happen:
- The game never counts.
- One of you randomly get the loss.
I know that you're winning and the team losing, unless they have a chance at coming back, should quit; but it's been going on for longer tgan a few hours. Imagine how many more points you could've gained, even if you quit out while winning.
Oh it’s not about the Ranked Seasons points, or my record, it’s just principle now.
I just think it’s hilarious that I found the one dude that’s as hard headed as I am, and then I manage to get into my first freeze off in over a year.. lol.
@lucas8181 said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
@partyboy099 said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
@roguedrizzt said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
I e left mine of for days on accident. You’ll be fine. Good luck!!!!
Just got back to the house and we’re still frozen. Working on about 19 hours now... I guess I’ll be firing up some Super Mario 3 for the NES tonight..
I haven't turned my PS4 off since I bought it on release day, except for a move, and updates. You'll be just fine.
Stay strong, don't give in, the show 21 isn't that far out anyway.
Oh I won’t be giving in. I’ve got plenty of other things to do. I’ve got an NES library of about 140 games which I never play because The Show takes up all my free gaming time.
Just put my hand on the PS4... she’s holding up just fine. Not even warm.
@roguedrizzt said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
I e left mine of for days on accident. You’ll be fine. Good luck!!!!
Just got back to the house and we’re still frozen. Working on about 19 hours now... I guess I’ll be firing up some Super Mario 3 for the NES tonight..
@roguedrizzt said in I Want To Make Sure My Understanding Of A Freeze Off Is Correct:
Your understanding is correct. Also, BS move by him to not turn off his PS4. Down 6-1 you should give the other guy the W IMO
Yeah, I’ve been playing my original NES a lot more lately and can stream Netflix or whatever on my Roku so hopefully he’s prepared to not use his ps4 for a long long time. I’m a hard headed Slovak and now I’ve decided to see this one out until the end.
Just worries me a bit that I could fry my PlayStation but I’m sure hardcore gamers have left theirs on for days at a time so I’m probably ok.