Playing Away Games
I don’t mind playing away games, just not at minute maid. They really need to make it to where you can choose a list of say 5 stadiums you don’t ever want to play at. People that play at Minute Maid are either brain dead or are cheesers
I don’t mind playing away games, just not at minute maid. They really need to make it to where you can choose a list of say 5 stadiums you don’t ever want to play at. People that play at Minute Maid are either brain dead or are cheesers
@the_dragon1912 said in Playing Away Games:
I don’t mind playing away games, just not at minute maid. They really need to make it to where you can choose a list of say 5 stadiums you don’t ever want to play at. People that play at Minute Maid are either brain dead or are cheesers
There was no doubt in my mind that this guy knew what he was doing.
What’s up w minmaid lag or glare? Haven’t played there yet in RS
@MaxHarvest said in Playing Away Games:
What’s up w minmaid lag or glare? Haven’t played there yet in RS
Both. And its worse than any other MLB park
I don’t get why people intentionally choose the glare parks w west time of day, like neither of us can even see the ball. The dev team really needs to remove the glare where u cannot see the ball. It’s just stupid , it’s a video game. I don’t want to squint and try to see a white ball that blends in to white glare.
Somehow, especially in the Event, I'm literally ALWAYS the home team, like 9 times out of 10. I have noticed it for the past week, so it wasn't just one day of playing. Anyone know why this is the case? In the Event, I actually prefer to play away because if you jump on them early a lot of guys will just quit.
if everybody backed out of away games then there would never be any games played. Man up and play the game. In real baseball you are away half the time. sometimes you will run into cheese balls and that sucks but you have to deal with it. You can't play on your home stadium at your time every single game. How is that fair to your opponent's?
Dude, really? Man up?
In case you didn’t read the post, I did play the game. It was a lousy gaming experience. How exactly does that make me a man?
@MaxHarvest said in Playing Away Games:
I don’t get why people intentionally choose the glare parks w west time of day, like neither of us can even see the ball. The dev team really needs to remove the glare where u cannot see the ball. It’s just stupid , it’s a video game. I don’t want to squint and try to see a white ball that blends in to white glare.
Camden Yards got me a while back.. dude chose that ballpark during twilight with no clouds and threw Chris Sale at me with his 3/4 sling delivery...
I actually could NOT see the ball until it was at home plate... was absolutely miserable.
I was laughed at two weeks ago for bringing this up
I avoid away games when i feel the lag is way too big by scrolling
I make my home nice and hospitable. You will get to play in a minor league park, in the evening, nice moderate temperature. The host is usually 2-3 drinks in so already slow reflexes are powered with liquid confidence, a not winning combination. You would be missing all of these benefits by simply quitting.
I wouldn’t quit a game like that. It’s just the away games at Minute Maid or Progressive Field with glare or whatever that make me ask for a FQ.
Why waste time fighting lag?
@Bounceman75 said in Playing Away Games:
I make my home nice and hospitable. You will get to play in a minor league park, in the evening, nice moderate temperature. The host is usually 2-3 drinks in so already slow reflexes are powered with liquid confidence, a not winning combination. You would be missing all of these benefits by simply quitting.
Playing an away game is the only way you can actually tell exactly how much lag you will have before you play.
Away games where the lag is barely present at the line up screen are usually nice and smooth.
If I press down 4 times, have to wait 3 seconds, then the curser moves down 4 spots ... I’m backing out because it’s gunna be miserable
How do you guys know your the away team? I actually have no preference, just curious as I didn’t know this was a thing
In terms of being a realistic baseball game, I’m pretty sure big leaguers can see the ball at any park. This game however? Some major league parks during the day are impossible to even see the ball come in, and that’s an issue that needs to be addressed
SDS should seriously consider only allowing minor league parks for ranked seasons. The dropped frame rate in MLB stadiums is ridiculous. They said this was fixed previously but (shocker) it hasn't been
@MaxHarvest said in Playing Away Games:
How do you guys know your the away team? I actually have no preference, just curious as I didn’t know this was a thing
I’m interested in this too