@GoldenGamingKM said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
@Dolenz64 No. Here's what this is:
The "in" thing is to be as trollish and self-aggrandizing as possible. No matter the situation.
Trump, unfortunately, gave (and still tries to give) everyone the impression that to attempt belittlement and character assassination is the most appropriate way to get things done in the world, i.e. troll to your heart's content because that's the American Way.
I've been sick of cats like this mofo on these boards for a long long time. Everything is about them and everyone else is "bubble-wrapped" and soft because they actually have empathy. Trolling is nothing more than a shittier way to continue being a shitty person.
Make America Normal Again.
Imagine being this person right here. Not one ounce of testosterone detected. You forgot to list your pronouns. Just embarrassing