Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.
The vault should have mods checking in multiple times a day or a tech solution should be found, the state of the vault is unacceptable.
What, you don't like the overabundance of female breast logos for "The Knockers"? That one is tame compared to a couple of others out there multiple times.
This is an issue with their ridiculous vault configuration. It's why they have so many duplicates. For example did they need 1000s of copies of Costco Headquarters in the stadium vault last year when 99% of the people downloaded it and never made any changes?
I think they rely entirely on people reporting these logos and even then I don't think it is something that has a high priority for SDS. There are some logos that are worthy of automatic bans for anyone who uploads them and I don't say that as a prude but as someone who understands that the game is not an adult only title and that there are rules.
I understand that some people will say what does it matter what logo I use if I don't play online. It doesn't matter to me but the moment you upload it to the vault you have negated that argument.
Just report them.
@Jacky-Chan1 said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
Just report them.
Does that even work? I probably reported close to a dozen of "The Knockers" logos (among a few others) a month ago and yet, there are still god knows how many of them in the vault. If I can open up the logo vault and find multiple inappropriate logos in the first few pages of results then why can't someone from SDS.
Karen alert....
I do report all the inappropriate team names i come across. Supposedly it works. Someone the other day said they got banned for it on the forums complaining about it
@Panetrane said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
I have Michigan uniforms actually. I no longer play this garbage game but I do find soyboys like you entertainment much like the OP karen.You keep using that term incorrectly.
It is not entitled or demanding to ask the devs to enforce their own rules.
There are underaged kids that play this game one of them is my nephew, he is exposed to inapropate images through the vault, its a E rated video game that should mean something.
@Dolenz64 said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
@Panetrane said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
I have Michigan uniforms actually. I no longer play this garbage game but I do find soyboys like you entertainment much like the OP karen.You keep using that term incorrectly.
It is not entitled or demanding to ask the devs to enforce their own rules.
You ask by reporting....that is what the feature is there for. Now when you come to the forums...aka asking for the manager then you are indeed a karen.
@Doppelganger39 said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
There are underaged kids that play this game one of them is my nephew, he is exposed to inapropate images through the vault, its a E rated video game that should mean something.
It's your responsibility or the parents responsibility to monitor their children and their activities. If you don't want some adult content making it to your nephew or children then by all means don't allow them to play unsupervised. Pretty simple really.
@BJDUBBYAH said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
@Panetrane Wolverines then, makes sense. Just as basic of a team name as your Karen comment.
The amazing part is that you think you did something with your comment. I would retort but just being you is more punishment than I could possibly compete with. You most walk through life covered in bubble wrap.
@BJDUBBYAH said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
@Panetrane at least I’m not an edge lord, lurking on the community forum of a video game I don’t even play. Have fun beating up on the CPU on rookie when you do fire it up again.
Be may see a no no word on the forums and have to spend the next month in your 1 bedroom mobile home afraid to be online. Charmin soft I tell you.
Calling everyone Karen, insulting people who disagrees with them. Thinking that they are more clever than they actually are...
Are we thinking 13 years old? Maybe 15 tops? Because if it's more than that then it is just really embarrassing.
@Dolenz64 No. Here's what this is:
The "in" thing is to be as trollish and self-aggrandizing as possible. No matter the situation.
Trump, unfortunately, gave (and still tries to give) everyone the impression that to attempt belittlement and character assassination is the most appropriate way to get things done in the world, i.e. troll to your heart's content because that's the American Way.
I've been sick of cats like this mofo on these boards for a long long time. Everything is about them and everyone else is "bubble-wrapped" and soft because they actually have empathy. Trolling is nothing more than a shittier way to continue being a shitty person.
Make America Normal Again.
@GoldenGamingKM said in Get the explicit s.exual content out of the logo vault.:
@Dolenz64 No. Here's what this is:
The "in" thing is to be as trollish and self-aggrandizing as possible. No matter the situation.
Trump, unfortunately, gave (and still tries to give) everyone the impression that to attempt belittlement and character assassination is the most appropriate way to get things done in the world, i.e. troll to your heart's content because that's the American Way.
I've been sick of cats like this mofo on these boards for a long long time. Everything is about them and everyone else is "bubble-wrapped" and soft because they actually have empathy. Trolling is nothing more than a shittier way to continue being a shitty person.
Make America Normal Again.
Imagine being this person right here. Not one ounce of testosterone detected. You forgot to list your pronouns. Just embarrassing