This hulking thing drops down between innings in my conquest game with the Orioles and Red Sox logos. Neither team playing in the game of course. This is new with the patch. Why oh why???

@PScrabro_PSN said in Showdown can be Done!!!!:
If you can't beat Showdowns, you are either swinging at every single pitch or you are not hitting in any mode anyways, so why only cry about Showdown.
I wanted to come in here and whine about showdowns, but this statement is just so true. I have a lot of trouble with showdowns, but I do much better when I am patient and wait for good pitches to hit. I also do better when I am confident as opposed to anxious, i.e. I have been playing well in other modes lately.
Having said all that, I do wish that there were only one or two elimination showdowns on the path. The WBC path with 100% elimination showdowns is just ridiculous.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Team Affinity:
@Misfits_138_1_PSN said in Team Affinity:
It’s 90 free cards towards the Set Two collection^ this
I am still working on set 1 but getting close. I should have set 2 done by Labor Day.
He wore #5 when he played for the Kansas City Monarchs.
Hitting captains must be in the lineup and cannot be removed until after the 6th inning (or you lose the buff for all hitters). Pitching captains only need to be on the squad to supply the buff for any qualified pitcher that enters the game.
I am two stages away from the end. My next challenge is Lee Smith and the penultimate stage is likely Chafin. Should I just skip to Castillo?
Using zone hitting, you move the PCI around in an attempt to make perfect contact with the ball. With directional hitting, you hand that part of the process over to the CPU, and its ability to do so is based on the vision rating. Higher vision makes the CPU better at placing its PCI center on the sweet spot.
I don't want a workaround. I want the whole idea of nickname cards to go away. They should not be showing the nickname anywhere except on the front of the card.
Nolan Gorman
Buy the stubs and hold them for two weeks.
I am a casual offline player and a novice at playing the market, so I am looking for some advice. I will be interested in completing the live series for several teams (maybe all) eventually, but I really don't care how quickly I do it. I purchased the digital deluxe and I will have a bunch of now and later vouchers. Should I sell all of the diamonds and high golds that I pull in early access? If so, should I save the stubs for a few weeks or start buying again after the full launch? Or should I just keep everything I pull to avoid having to acquire it again? I know prices always fall over time, but players also jump up in level and therefore price. I just don't understand the best way to play this.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
If you're not doing the showdown, you can grind pxp to get the Wetherholt.
I see that now, thanks. I missed the obvious "repeatable" tag on the 1000 pxp with program cards. I am glad I have a path to get the card, but I would still rather buy the card with money and spend my game time using it instead of grinding cards that don't fit my captain bonus.
Why doesn't Sony want my money? It sounds like a good deal for both of us. Just make all of these program cards sellable.
I am a casual player. To be specific, I use directional hitting and I hit about .240 against the CPU on veteran. I am a Cardinals fan, like Dolenz, and I really want the Weatherholt card because he would fit great on my Cardinals TA team that is using Edmonds as hitting captain. However, I will never be able to complete the showdown even once, so I have to pass on a card that I really want simply because it cannot be sold. Why not let me buy stubs and buy the card?
I collect pre-1980 cards. I have a few nice ones. My favorite is a 1953 Bowman Stan Musial.
My pet peeve is new and hopefully will be fixed soon. The announcer continually calls a single to the outfield on line drive outs, flyball outs, and ground ball outs.
Yes, I cannot get past Quinn Matthews with a bunch of lefty hitters. This program is poorly designed and not worth the effort. They should just allow these cards to be sold. If I want to spend real money to complete collections, how does that hurt Sony?
Big scoreboard graphic with wrong logos
Showdown can be Done!!!!
Team Affinity
Jackie Robinson day program?!
Captain questions
Charisma showdown help.... PLEASE
How work?
Incognito and the companion app
Who is going to be May's lightning player?
Are stub sales pointless for us?
Keep or sell?
Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.
Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.
Real Life Card Collectors
One of my small pet peeves back for a second year..
Spring Breakout Showdown