@dodgers19k88_MLBTS I disagree. I think start now is very useful and fun in other games.

@ccunnin4_MLBTS Pretty sure regression is based off of service time. I've read that somewhere else. If I recall, it's either 6 years or 8 years and after that it's nothing but down hill from there. They could fix it, but they just don't think it's important enough. Probably to worried about DD. But hey, they're still not as bad as EA. (Actually, I quite enjoy the actual gameplay, it's just a few minor complaints I have with The Show.)
Try turning down your pitch control and pitch consistency to 0 on legend. I know it sounds extreme, but I get realistic stats using this method, especially realistic walk numbers. It forces you to really work the edges and sometimes your guy will miss and get hammered. But for the guys who have high control ratings, you'll still be able to dominate at times. I've thrown a no hitter on this setting, and I've also given up 10 plus runs on multiple occasions (I play out every game and was into my 3rd season last year in 24 with the reds, so pretty large sample size) give it a try, you might like it. -
Regression is my biggest problem. It's been the same forever and it's so unrealistic. Anybody in their 30's decline so rapidly and if they're over 35 forget about it, they'll be out of the league (or just sitting in free agency until they retire) after a year. I wish regression would be at the end of the year and it needs to be dialed back to a few points overall per season. I see too many guys go from high 70's or low 80's to low 60's in a season. Sure there are outliers where a guy will fall off the cliff, but come on man.
@Urnheart3_XBL dl
Same here, between that the low frame rate at certain times with runners on base and the silly sliding into first base all the time it's super annoying. Game would be awesome with a little TLC. -
I have guys sliding in to first on pop flys.
@BlazeKat_PSN Bump Again FIX IT! Also the frame rate drop with runners on base for XBSS.
Anyone notice the improvements with frame rate with the patch today? It's not totally fixed but it's at least playable now IMO. Frame rate still drops with Elly on screen during gameplay and drops a little with runners on during pitching and batting. All together a step in the right direction but work is still needed.
I noticed that the frame rate for the XBSS has been improved but not totally fixed. Pitching and batting are significantly improved, although I still have severe frame rate drops when Elly De La Cruz is on screen in game. Also frame rate still drops some when runners are on during pitching and batting but not to the point where it was virtually unplayable like before. Step in the right direction in this regard but still needs work.
Has anyone heard anything about an optimization patch forthcoming? I've had the game since Friday and haven't been able to play a single full game because I can't get past the crazy low frame rate with batters on and during pitching. There are clearly some issues going on that needs to be addressed. SDS is quiet as a church mouse.
@LookAt_MeNowww_PSN Oh cool. Hopefully they're aware of the frame rate issue as well and are planning addressing all of it. Thanks for the update.
@sbchamps17_NSW I do play as the Reds primarily, but the frame rate drops when he's (Elly) not even on screen. Even when I'm batting it doesn't matter who gets on base the frame rate still drops to unplayable levels.
@LookAt_MeNowww_PSN Are you guys having any issues with frame rate to go along with the overheating? The game is unplayable for me because of how stuttery it is because of the frame rate drops during batting and pitching.
Same here man. It's pitching and batting for me though. Specifically when someone gets on base during batting and ALL the time when pitching. I've tried every remedy known and nothing works. They just need to optimize it or at least try to.
@DFC_MLBTS I'm not getting any freezing, but I am getting severe frame rate drops during pitching and batting. Patch needed.
@OPD188_PSN Under their FAQ section it clearly states that no tech test would be preformed before release. That's why they're seeing all these problems from the overheating Playstation's to the terrible frame rate drops during pitching and batting on XBOX (and PS from other accounts) not to mention all the other various bugs and glitches that are going on. Hopefully they will take our legitimate complaints seriously and not lose some of us consumers business.
@LookAt_MeNowww_PSN I'm having severe frame rate issues and haven't been able to play a full game since purchasing Friday. So I feel your pain. Hopefully we will see some kind of optimization patch this week. If not, I'll also be asking for a refund. (Even though I really don't want to get a refund, The Show is my favorite game and it pains me to all ends that I can't enjoy a new game I purchased.) It doesn't seem like a good business model to ignore these issues, so I don't see them ignoring these problems. We'll see though.
Does anyone know if the team gets information from the forums?
@jaychvz_XBL Not on the app, but I did submit a ticket.
Start Today feature needed!
Franchise Change Suggestions
CPU offense dead
Franchise Change Suggestions
In Game Ticker
Game Patch #4
Frame rate
Game Patch #4
MLB 25 is the only game on my Xbox that keeps crashing
Update ?
Does this game "freeze" a lot for you guys, or is it just me?
Overheating ?
Frame rate
Does this game "freeze" a lot for you guys, or is it just me?
SDS has issues
Update ?
Frame Rate issues on XBOX Series X/S
Frame Rate issues on XBOX Series X/S