@nymets1987_PSN If that works, thank you.
OG Ca5hMoney_XBL
I have tried everything that I can think of, but I can’t put more than one season 2 card into my active team. It keeps making me designate my season 2 player as my wildcard, does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you in advance!
I wasn’t paying attention and accidentally locked in Senga, is there another way to be able to get the Buxton captain card?
Can other captain cards receive a different captains boost?
I bought both the mvp and digital deluxe editions, and I only received the packs and stubs from the digital deluxe edition. Can someone from SDS tell me if I will receive those?
Thank you in advance.
Can someone tell me how you get the Padres city connect jersey?
Awesome, thanks. I’m sure that’s where I’ve always seen it in the past, I just couldn’t remember for the life of me where to find it.
Maybe I’m oblivious, does it say anywhere if a player is a pull hitter or not? I know in past years I’ve seen it say that somewhere, and figure I’m just blind. If someone could tell me, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am on Xbox S and when trying to load the game it freeze on the Sony Interactive logo, and it won’t let me go back to the Home Screen. SDS, any ideas?
Is mini seasons broken like last year? Back to back times I’ve played through it for the TA vouchers, only to win each game in the semi’s and have them counted as losses.
They swear they didn’t buy them, so idk. I just thought I’d see if anyone else has seen this.
Anyone else log on last night and their account show they have 600k stubs? Two of my boys logged on last night and their accounts showed as having 600k stubs and was able to complete most the LS, where I’m sitting here only haves pulled 5 diamonds this year.
I wish two freeze offs was the worst of my problems. Opened 400 packs and only pulled 5 diamonds, but both my boys logged on last night and their accounts showed them having 600k and were able to complete half of the live series collection.
Is this the last ranked season, or will there be one more?
I’m trying to sell the one I have.
So I have one, and I’m trying to create a sell order since there are currently 0, but no matter what price I try it says there is a better offer. Can anyone tell me why?
He stays in pack rotation, right? Just trying to understand why his price has shot way up.
I’ll buy that
I’m sure that’s coming lol
This maybe an old thing, but is anyone else not getting fully credit for inning played? Multiple times this week I’ve completed full 9 inning games, and only getting credit for 7.
Diamond Dynasty Lineup
Diamond Dynasty Lineup
Captain Boost
Didn’t receive packs or stubs
San Diego City Connect
Hitter Tendencies
Hitter Tendencies
Freeze on Sony Screen
Mini Seasons
600k Stubs
600k Stubs
Ranked Seasons
Robert Suarez
Robert Suarez
LS Tatis
Rank Season Innings
Rank Season Innings
Rank Season Innings