I’ve opened 126ish packs in the last 72hrs and not a diamond in sight. Got 2-3 chase packs, all golds from the chase. Like give me a break, at 1 in 50 chance I should of gotten one.
OG Ca5hMoney_XBL
@OG Ca5hMoney_XBL
As the OP, I was more just venting my frustrations. I know it’s 1:50 every pack, and the math, statistics, etc… just complaining about bad luck lol
I’m sure that’s coming lol
Is mini seasons broken like last year? Back to back times I’ve played through it for the TA vouchers, only to win each game in the semi’s and have them counted as losses.
Packs are a joke
Packs are a joke
Rank Season Innings
Mini Seasons