All existing modes work

@painpa_psn said in Randy Johnson and Ryan Howard:
@hustlinowl_psn said in Randy Johnson and Ryan Howard:
It looks no different. Like....the same as 18, 19, 20, etc. Everything is so stale But hey, at least we get new legends and card packs!
DD has ruined the priorities of this DEV team. They are now on the same level as EA.
of course it would, they dont show any new game stuff till the release streams.even the alphas and betas were mostly the old game with just what they were testing added in
Not even close to EA bro what.
- Awards J-Roll (SS)
- Finest Tatis (3B
- Awards Mickey Mantle (CF)
- Sig series Vladdy Guerrero (RF)
- Finest Harper (LF)
- Awards Mookie (2B)
- Sig series Jim Thome (1B)
- ASG JT Realmuto (C)
- Pitcher
Starting rotation:
- ASG Shohei Ohtani
- Finest Zack wheeler
- ASG Jacob degrom
- Milestone Bob Gibson
- Milestone CLiff Lee
Only guys I wanna add really are finest trout, milestone hank Aaron, and milestone cole Hamels
1 with keibert Ruiz perfect perfect to left thought for sure it was one hopping the wall lol.
No Jackie Robinson?
Pudge. Insane defense, great swing, decent speed, and those hitting stats will 100% play.
99 chase utley
Michael jack Schmidt elite defense. And a ridiculous bat. I know people have his swing but I actually love his card. Hasn’t hit too many homers for me yet but a lot of doubles in the gap
Anyone have any specific monitor settings they use on their benq monitors specifically?
With it being the trade deadline I decided to fire up a franchise with the Phillies and am gonna do some trades and just see if I can sim and create a winning team. Anyone y’all recommend trading for ?
@KOTANK1334 said in Not a game anymore:
@NicholasHowardT5 said in Not a game anymore:
Lmao, so a game where you don’t have to spend a single dime to get cards and compete is being complained about because they want our money? Hmm seems fishy.
You could look at it this way. Yes, SDS gives out a lot of free cards and a lot that are MORE than capable of staying in lineups year round. But don't you think that it might be possible that a company that is in the business of making money might be playing on the fact that it knows that just isn't enough for a lot of it's fan base? There are always going to be people that say yeah, I have this card...but what if I had THAT card. And THAT card is gonna cost ya. Now, sure someone could flip batting gloves for 5 months and get THAT card eventually, but I'm guessing that a company in the business of making money is banking on the fact that those players are going to pump money into the game if they dangle the carrot just enough( Keeping them engaged via RNG or what have you) so they get THAT card now !!
Well why do the top players always win? where is their RNG ? Top players are top players for a reason. They spot up everything wit their PCI and smash. So while it might happen to them during their games as well they usually have already won the game. most of the RNG I've experienced had been what like maybe 4-5 pitches per game maybe a random error here and there and all of my squared up balls going no where. So it probably affects us more because we aren't dropping bombs every other at bat. But maybe I would if I had THAT card
Yes some do pump money into the game but a majority dont. I have about 4 collections left and have only spent about $40 outside of buying the game because I’ve had good pulls. Just saying this game is pay to win or even a money grab is a massive joke.
Lmao, so a game where you don’t have to spend a single dime to get cards and compete is being complained about because they want our money? Hmm seems fishy.
@SF-GiantsDynasty said in List of revealed FS cards for TA 2:
With no real baseball, waited this whole time for the next faces of the franchise cards only to find out they’re all barely known prospects?? I’m not one to complain much about this game, but that sucks. I only cared to see the Giants next one, but still. That’s garbage, who cares about a bunch of prospects? Or am I it not going to be all prospects/not gonna be pointless?
Barely known prospects ? Lmao do you follow baseball or are you a casual fan?
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@NicholasHowardT5 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@Scarletgospel said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@vagimon said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@vagimon said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@Scarletgospel said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@Scarletgospel said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@CEZdominatesAD said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
Don’t waste ur money bro. Game broke. Monitor can’t fix it
He's right, but if you want to get a monitor, get a benq zowie. Next to no input lug and 1ms response time with a 144 hz refresh rate which will be good with next gen consoles.
You keep getting things wrong bud...144hz will be good for next gen consoles?, what are you smoking. 144 hz at 4K is so taxing that an RTX 2080 can't even cut that at like medium settings and you want a PS5 which will cost about $600 bucks to push that! An RTX 2080 cost two times what a PS5 would cost, dude you can't just go off spewing false information like that.
You do realise that a ps4 pro runs at 60hz on some games and both next gen consoles have stated that 120 hz will be more the norm? Google next gen specs.
Do you have your casual crack pipe out again, or are you simply brain damaged?
Dude stop it, just stop it!! Your ignorance is sickening and you still continue to argue. Listen I've worked for a computer company for 13 years, in fact for a little bit I even worked for Sony, training Best Buy sales rep on Sony TVs so I know a little bit of what I'm talking about. To push 144hz at 4K will need HDMI 2.1, which 99% of TVs don't have yet but that's not even it, its the horsepower you need to drive 4K at 144hz...did you read what I mentioned above of what is required for that? and the cost for it? Or did it just go right over your head?. Usually console life span is 5-7 years and consoles are basically outdated when they are release compared to PC hardware and you noobs have to stop saying next gen when it comes to consoles...consoles are basically always going to be current gen when they are released, get that word out of your vocabulary. So by the time the average person owns a TV with HDMI 2.1 there will be a PS6..maybe just maybe the PS5 will have like 5 games running at 4K/144hz compared to 500 games running at 4K/60Hz.
This is off topic from the original post, but you said you worked for Sony so I thought I’d ask. I have a Sony X900f, which is supposed to have 40ms input lag at 1080p, 23ms at 1440 and 2160p respectively. When I check my display info while playing Mlbts, it says it is displaying a 4k image regardless of whether I set the Show’s settings to faster, balanced, or sharper. I understand that it is because I have the PS4 display detection set to auto, but what input lag am I actually getting? At faster, the game is sending a 1080p image (I guess) but then my tv is just upscaling it. Am I introduced to new input lag when things are upscaled like that? What settings would you recommend to get the least amount of input lag? Thanks.
Hey bud yes you're correct about the input lags as per resolution and I know what you're trying to do with setting it to auto by letting your PS4 determine the best settings for less input lag. Its just that the x900f isn't really designed to play games at 60hz, input lag will be total garbage, in fact the x900f is designed to play games at 120hz with way less input lag with a PC. When it comes to video games that are FPS or racing games or anything that requires as little input lag as possible don't use a TV, TVs are garbage when it comes to games like that.....get a monitor. The only thing I can recommend with your current Sony TV is take off the auto and change it back to game mode, its the only thing that'll help you out but it will basically still be bad..if you want to change TVs for low input lag then just get a cough cough a Samsung Q8 or Q9 TV.
and Scarletgospel is a super casual noob that can't admit he's wrong.
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I’m hoping that the ps5 (and this game on it) will be able to do 1080p at 120hz, and then I’ll have about a 10ms input lag, which isn’t horrible.
Lol. If you want a monitor, that will set you up for the ps5, get a benq zowie (any model). Don't listen to the village idiot. There's a reason pro gamers use them.
By all means, listen to the biggest clown on the forum, if that floats your boat. You asked for monitor recommendations and you got the best one.
This guy is such a numbskull!! Stop listening to him for advice people, he has no idea what he's talking about. People you don't need to get a Benq Zowie monitor for The Show or basically any game that you want to play on a PS4 pr PS5...those are cheap TN panels, which explains why the refresh rate is 144hz and only at 1080P. Those are for competitive First Person Shooter PC gaming at 1080P only, they aren't made for 4K or proper colour reproduction., get a monitor that's either VA or IPS panel...please disregard everything Scarletgospel has said in this thread, dude is completely clueless when it comes to this stuff. There reason the BenQ zowies are only 1080p and intended for professioanal gaming is because the pixels are bigger, in fact gamers like this want even bigger pixels.....even 720p, some of them want 4:3 1024x768 cause the pixels are big [censored] F...they don't care about colours or contrast or picture quality they just want huge pixels and fast refresh rates. Scarletgospel, stop giving advice please!!!
Why are you assuming everyone gives a sh*** about 4K ? Most people who want monitors for mlb want them to be competitive not for pretty pictures
I give up on trying to make sense to you people, it just goes way over your heads, either you guys aren't paying attention or English is your second language.
Lmao no you just wanna think you are smarter than everyone else because all you do is look up gaming monitor specs. Most of us don’t care about making sure our monitor will be good for 4K when the ps5 comes out lmao. Chill out because you’re acting beyond toxic everytime I see your name comment.
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@Scarletgospel said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@vagimon said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@vagimon said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@Scarletgospel said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@joshjays44 said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@Scarletgospel said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
@CEZdominatesAD said in I need a monitor recommendation please.:
Don’t waste ur money bro. Game broke. Monitor can’t fix it
He's right, but if you want to get a monitor, get a benq zowie. Next to no input lug and 1ms response time with a 144 hz refresh rate which will be good with next gen consoles.
You keep getting things wrong bud...144hz will be good for next gen consoles?, what are you smoking. 144 hz at 4K is so taxing that an RTX 2080 can't even cut that at like medium settings and you want a PS5 which will cost about $600 bucks to push that! An RTX 2080 cost two times what a PS5 would cost, dude you can't just go off spewing false information like that.
You do realise that a ps4 pro runs at 60hz on some games and both next gen consoles have stated that 120 hz will be more the norm? Google next gen specs.
Do you have your casual crack pipe out again, or are you simply brain damaged?
Dude stop it, just stop it!! Your ignorance is sickening and you still continue to argue. Listen I've worked for a computer company for 13 years, in fact for a little bit I even worked for Sony, training Best Buy sales rep on Sony TVs so I know a little bit of what I'm talking about. To push 144hz at 4K will need HDMI 2.1, which 99% of TVs don't have yet but that's not even it, its the horsepower you need to drive 4K at 144hz...did you read what I mentioned above of what is required for that? and the cost for it? Or did it just go right over your head?. Usually console life span is 5-7 years and consoles are basically outdated when they are release compared to PC hardware and you noobs have to stop saying next gen when it comes to consoles...consoles are basically always going to be current gen when they are released, get that word out of your vocabulary. So by the time the average person owns a TV with HDMI 2.1 there will be a PS6..maybe just maybe the PS5 will have like 5 games running at 4K/144hz compared to 500 games running at 4K/60Hz.
This is off topic from the original post, but you said you worked for Sony so I thought I’d ask. I have a Sony X900f, which is supposed to have 40ms input lag at 1080p, 23ms at 1440 and 2160p respectively. When I check my display info while playing Mlbts, it says it is displaying a 4k image regardless of whether I set the Show’s settings to faster, balanced, or sharper. I understand that it is because I have the PS4 display detection set to auto, but what input lag am I actually getting? At faster, the game is sending a 1080p image (I guess) but then my tv is just upscaling it. Am I introduced to new input lag when things are upscaled like that? What settings would you recommend to get the least amount of input lag? Thanks.
Hey bud yes you're correct about the input lags as per resolution and I know what you're trying to do with setting it to auto by letting your PS4 determine the best settings for less input lag. Its just that the x900f isn't really designed to play games at 60hz, input lag will be total garbage, in fact the x900f is designed to play games at 120hz with way less input lag with a PC. When it comes to video games that are FPS or racing games or anything that requires as little input lag as possible don't use a TV, TVs are garbage when it comes to games like that.....get a monitor. The only thing I can recommend with your current Sony TV is take off the auto and change it back to game mode, its the only thing that'll help you out but it will basically still be bad..if you want to change TVs for low input lag then just get a cough cough a Samsung Q8 or Q9 TV.
and Scarletgospel is a super casual noob that can't admit he's wrong.
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I’m hoping that the ps5 (and this game on it) will be able to do 1080p at 120hz, and then I’ll have about a 10ms input lag, which isn’t horrible.
Lol. If you want a monitor, that will set you up for the ps5, get a benq zowie (any model). Don't listen to the village idiot. There's a reason pro gamers use them.
By all means, listen to the biggest clown on the forum, if that floats your boat. You asked for monitor recommendations and you got the best one.
This guy is such a numbskull!! Stop listening to him for advice people, he has no idea what he's talking about. People you don't need to get a Benq Zowie monitor for The Show or basically any game that you want to play on a PS4 pr PS5...those are cheap TN panels, which explains why the refresh rate is 144hz and only at 1080P. Those are for competitive First Person Shooter PC gaming at 1080P only, they aren't made for 4K or proper colour reproduction., get a monitor that's either VA or IPS panel...please disregard everything Scarletgospel has said in this thread, dude is completely clueless when it comes to this stuff. There reason the BenQ zowies are only 1080p and intended for professioanal gaming is because the pixels are bigger, in fact gamers like this want even bigger pixels.....even 720p, some of them want 4:3 1024x768 cause the pixels are big [censored] F...they don't care about colours or contrast or picture quality they just want huge pixels and fast refresh rates. Scarletgospel, stop giving advice please!!!
Why are you assuming everyone gives a sh*** about 4K ? Most people who want monitors for mlb want them to be competitive not for pretty pictures
Lmao no they don’t.
I think posada only because we got him kinda later in the year last year
@GixxerRyder750 said in Fernando Tatis Jr suggestion...:
Trea Turner says hello
Trea is good but tatis definitely has him beat
I have him on the bench as a pinch runner/defensive replacement. Am I making a mistake ? Should I start him over Reggie jackson, Ronald acuna, or FOF Gallo?
Fix existing modes before you introduce new ones
Randy Johnson and Ryan Howard
Your ultimate, end game roster
Deadball homeruns
Long list of best cards at each position
Which Catcher (no created ) if have access to all of them
From any Show, what’s one card you’d spend all your stubs on.
Best 3B outside chipper
Monitor settings
Phillies, trades
Not a game anymore
Not a game anymore
List of revealed FS cards for TA 2
I need a monitor recommendation please.
I need a monitor recommendation please.
This game is pathetic and they owe us money bacj
Legend catcher in Player program Tuesday...
Fernando Tatis Jr suggestion...
Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?