can't get on the dumb website or app to give an answer, somethings never change

there just aren't enough supply of desirable/easily obtainable cards to go around at this early stage of the game, hence the margins suffer because everyone is trying to buy and sell the same cards
Got a bad feeling that the 70k I spent on these 4 cards is gone forever, can't even submit a ticket, what do you know I get an error for that too?!?
I had bought a 95 Mookie, 94 Ortiz, 88 Mantle and 88 Vladdy to flip right before the servers went down, after I was finally able to login to the app, it shows those transactions as being completed, but the cards aren't credited to my inventory?!? Like WTF?!! Just tried to submit a ticket and it says something about Access to was denied... You don't have authorization to view this page.
I had bought a couple cards to flip, it shows up in my completed orders before the servers crashed, now I'm able to log back into app and it's glitchy. also, the cards I bought to flip aren't showing up as in my inventory?!?!
@theu715_psn said in Event cheaters:
@hustlinowl_mlbts said in Event cheaters:
Same way @Ewogimia365_PSN matches up vs himself on multiple systems to get free wins
I've heard someone else say this, but how do you get so lucky you matchup with yourself? Even if you had 100 switch consoles with different accounts and only playing other switch users, it seems really hard to match vs the same account. Obviously it's happening, I just wonder how?
yep i have often had the same thought, how in the world could they consistently matchup with themselves. makes no sense
Pulled 3 Delgados, never got Pujols though, have pulled quite a few of Chase packs and will say more often than not have gottten a diamond
@dj5six_psn said in No way to access card from completed orders?:
I would like to SECOND the comment about the completed orders. On the companion app it would be very nice if you could just click on the completed order to open it up. Instead, if a buy order is completed, in order to place the sell order you have to go back to community market and search for it when you should be able to just click on it from the completed orders page. This was be a very nice addition to an already nice app
add cards you frequently flip to your watchlist on the website, it makes finding them on the app much easier.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Unfairly banned:
Serious question here!!!! If i pulled Trout and decided i wanted to do something nice like make an announcement for a certain day/time i will sell him for 100k is that market manipulation?
The way the buy/sell orders are set up you can't really sell him under market value
supply and demand, Wagner is rare, the 98's you are referring to are likely widely available
@cbpm72_psn said in When did Aroldis Chapman go common?:
@pootiecat_psn said in When did Aroldis Chapman go common?:
One glitch after another.......
faced him in the event?
Yea as long as you have just about none of the Live Series done (due to collected players still being inventory) you can cull your inventory of all common relievers and put whoever you want in bullpen. But i mean, it’s bullspit but not surprising people exploit
But isnt the difference that with SDS stubs can be purchased to buy players AND packs, whereas EA model you purchase points that will only allow you to buy packs?
@kovz88_psn said in 99 Diamond the Participation trophy of the gaming world:
You clearly think a lot of yourself. Why do you play if you despise just about everything about this game model? You're totally free to play as much as you want I'm just curious
Every time (hour) this guy posts something complaining incessantly I wonder the exact same thing
How do you explain the guys with record of like 66-3 that absolutely murder anything and everything in the strike zone and don't even consider swinging at anything just off the plate?
@mygunsarebig_xbl said in Collections Bugged Can’t Get Ortiz or Soriano:
@stradaddy_psn said in Collections Bugged Can’t Get Ortiz or Soriano:
So it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve contacted them my collections are bugged they say they’re all done but I don’t have rewards for 3 or 4 teams (Royals, Arizona, Texas and another I can’t remember) I paid 150$ Canadian for this game and I can’t even play with cards I’ve earned seeing everyone I play against have god squads with Chipper Ortiz etc and I’m stuck without them because the game is broken does anyone know anyway I could possibly fix this? Or am I screwed and just never going to be able to use the cards
each of those collections has probably had an adjustment since you first did them. have you tried to see if you still have 40/40 in it? or does it just say completed because you had 40 in it at one time?
they definitely have had new players added, but once you complete the collection, you are no longer responsible for having to acquire the guys that are added from that point forward
@hustlinowl_psn said in When will SDS fix the garbage they call online?:
@bigdirty06_xbl said in When will SDS fix the garbage they call online?:
I got my [censored] handed to me earlier Monday night. This guy hit 3 or 4 home runs and his [censored] pci wasn't even near the pitch. Not to mention that his swing timing on 80% of his hits were either Very Late, or Very Early. Meanwhile, I had hit 4 or 5 with Perfect swing timing and with my pci completely over the pitch. All of those were squibs in the infield. For the sake of not making this post a whole page long, I'm not going to mention the all the other BS that happened while playing just this last game.
I have no problem taking an [censored] whooping when the opposing player is playing better than me, or are clearly better than me. But this was by far the case here.Lol you had zero perfects
yea this one isnt so bad since all i need to do is buff my bullpen up and throw maddux and nola in as starters, but the ones where the autogenerated team is like 4 points above the max overall just make me not wanna bother. but completely agree, this seems like an easy fix that would make the game more enjoyable
Even though I struggle with Soriano and just decent with Chipper, Glavine is so much fun to pitch with, and I know that at least with Chipper he'll do better as i use him more. Story is great now, probably will be for a good long while, but there will be better cheaper short stops likely in the near future
@rosborn27_psn said in [censored] Polo Grounds:
Has anyone hit it out of CF yet? I came close just now with Posada and came close a few times last year but never got it the 470+ so curious if anyone has.
Some alien took me deep to center with Giambi a few years ago, best hitter I ever faced, absolutely demolished anything and everything in the strike zone
Alright let's hear your complaint for today's content
Will flipping be a viable option this year?
Did anyone else not receive cards you purchased right before servers glitched out?
Pretty random time for the server to be down
Event cheaters
Chase packs are a joke
No way to access card from completed orders?
Unfairly banned
What’s up with card prices
When did Aroldis Chapman go common?
Preview Packs
99 Diamond the Participation trophy of the gaming world
The DDA is dismal
Collections Bugged Can’t Get Ortiz or Soriano
When will SDS fix the garbage they call online?
Why don't event teams save , it's so annoying?
would you trade trevor story 99 for glavine,chipper,soriano
I don't like Polo Grounds
I don't like Polo Grounds