CBrev and it’s not even close
Honestly I just want a decent hitting engine along with pitches that don’t gravitate towards the middle. Let’s establish that first.
It’s actually really easy
Whether it’s having better swings or pitching better. Maybe even fluke errors by a diamond infielders or good/okays when it should be a hard hit gapper/home run. Don’t know if it was the recent bs back to back losses I took, but user input just isn’t there.
I mean if you know it’s coming you wouldn’t need guess pitch on in the first place.
Gonna have to say you never played 18, that was and still is by far the worst as far as gameplay and content.
Probably the most random it’s felt all year.
I bet if you squared it up it would still be good/okay
Is inevitable
Y’all can hate me for this one. 99 Bregman.
PCI placement generally doesn’t matter. I’ve had balls destroyed when it’s not anywhere near the pci and I’ve had balls be flyouts on great placed and timed swings.
Honestly if they’re skill involved keep it. I’d rather have this than 20’s gravity ball down the middle pitches.
Been having a lot of weird results on good inputs
Dude 18 is the worst. Only 2 lineups, All Immortals or 1 or 2 Finest mixed in to your immortal lineup. Pitch speeds are slow pitch. Sometimes even if you did square it up, it would be a pop fly. The content was absolute buns. It was either home run or pop out on that game. I’d rather play this than that abomination.
As much as I’d like it, it prolly will never happen. But hey Bret Hart returner to the WWE so anything is possible really.
Yes 20 has its flaws, it’s too random for the actual randomness in baseball, but 18 was terrible guys. I mean you couldn’t even hit a single over the third baseman’s head cause the physics in that game was just flyout or homerun. That’s just one issue, please stop using 18 cause all it proves is you love slow pitch with the same teams against each other.
Can we have him back please like a henchmen for the next inning. Even his finest card will do.
@eatyum said in Nolan Arenado downgrade imminent:
He would have been a 99 overall already if Colorado had given him to us.
Jk, but [censored] it would be nice to have someone in our lineup besides Goldy that strikes fear into pitchers lol
You know it’s bad when the second best hitter is Fowler. Man I wish O’Neill would find the barrel.
SDS treats the fans better than any sports gaming company. There’s no debate. Are they perfect? Far from it. Way better than EA and it’s no contest.
I mean when you look back when gameplay turned a little off it was when 18 introduced the attributes to 125. To counter argue downgrading it really wouldn’t be a problem, I mean look at 16 and 17’s attributes.
MLB the show survey- Best content creator
Biggest Fixes for 2021
Showdown is a joke
Can’t help but feel the game makes you lose.
Please Allow Guess Pitch in RS
So, is Good/Okay here to stay?
What's your take on hitting right now
Unbelievable pci placement for a home run *pic included*
99 Alex Mills
Since we see 99 Hader and Bellinger
Pinpoint Pitching Has Got to GO!
Hitting feels nerfed or something
Looking back at 18
Should there be a prime Jose Fernandez?
Let’s put the 18 comparisons to bed
2014 All Star Flashback Pat Neshek
Nolan Arenado downgrade imminent
Looks like people will be coming back to The Show
Go back to the 99 attribute cap - opinion