My boy Javy Baez and Schwarbs.
Sorry to hear that 814
Forgive my ignorance but did you have your ps4 on a surge protector? I learned my lesson to never have my ps4 plugged in when Im not playing(lost a ps4 prior).
I recommend getting the series s and gamepass if you are open to the console switch, but the show will be free for you.
Look at players I cant afford
Just switched to xbox series s from ps4 last week. Seems i made the right choice. Gamepass is undefeated!!
@leddbedder_psn said in MLB the show 21 honest opinion:
I don't think I'll ever be getting the show anymore. There are no real changes to the game and online play has become so ridiculously flawed that it's not worth it for me anymore. I'd rather spend my money on NHL or Madden.
I respect your opinion but what I am curious of is the changes or positive offerings NHL or especially Madden offer every year? Not trying to start a fight, genuinely wondering.
Old monitor
@ArmyND said in Asus monitor question:
Which mode should I have this set for? Any advice would be appreciated because I am dog poo online.
Scenery mode
Racing mode
Cinema mode
RTS/RPG mode
FPS mode
sRGB modeI have same question actually. I was confused by this
@jz2016cubs said in You need FS Michael Kopech in your rotation:
@mrcityofwin said in You need FS Michael Kopech in your rotation:
When did this card come out?
A few weeks ago in the "Let the Kids Play" event
Very cool. Might give em a go. I love arrieta but he is getting tagged heavy in my two starts with him.
When did this card come out?
Why would you want to sell gwynn? Dude could be woken up in the middle of the night and get you 2 hits, easy.
Fight YU!!!
I love conquest since its a buffer to see if my ps4 will turn off prematurely. If i make it through a full conquest game, that means my ps4 wants me to venture into h2h.
One of my all time favorite cubbies. Going to miss that man
dysentery huh? Dont think I should be allowed to participate anymore after going out like that.
Grabbed 2? Are you selling one of them?
[censored], I need to change my flamingo, hot pink home jerseys. Thanks for reminding me.
@SchnauzerFace said in It's back! Tell me a fact about yourself, and I'll tell you what card you are.:
@mrcityofwin said in It's back! Tell me a fact about yourself, and I'll tell you what card you are.:
Ive been laid off twice in 10 months. Tough breaks, I know but I am curious to know what you come up with.
You're a diamond stadium. People are excited to see you at first, but then they almost immediately get rid of you.
(jk -- sorry about the tough times).
lmao, that was good. Well done sir!
Ive been laid off twice in 10 months. Tough breaks, I know but I am curious to know what you come up with.
@NCStateHokie said in OMG how do u pitch in this event.:
I just won a 1-0, 6 inning game. Gave up 1 hit. I think I should end the event on that note. Will not be happening again.
You should make an e-book. You would make a killling
@mitchhammond24 said in Opponent Team Names:
My team name and location is something like “I’m washed afff I can’t hit”
But according to the lie detecter...Thats a lie!!
Youre the father!
DD 21- What players are you going to target 1st?
Well this sucks.
What is the VERY FIRST THING you do when you load MLB 21?
The show 21 will be free on Xbox day 1...
MLB the show 21 honest opinion
Asus monitor question
You need FS Michael Kopech in your rotation
You need FS Michael Kopech in your rotation
I Can’t Sell my Tony Gwynn
Hunger Games, Finest version!
Hunger Games, TSN version! Current simulation: Favorite MLBTheShow card. Join now!
Target PS5 is live NOW!!
Home uniforms are lighter colors, away darker!!
It's back! Tell me a fact about yourself, and I'll tell you what card you are.
It's back! Tell me a fact about yourself, and I'll tell you what card you are.
OMG how do u pitch in this event.
Opponent Team Names