Yeah, updating the game has not been an issue. One strange thing about this particular issue is that it seems to be tied exclusively to Diamond Dynasty. I can play online matches with live rosters, as well as online HR-Derby. I am also able to buy players in the marketplace, and I can even purchase packs and open them. However, I cannot enter Diamond Dynasty itself, and I cannot see my squad when logged on to the website. I appreciate you trying to help out though, it really means a lot.

Mr Kalaspuff_XBL
I do not know a fix, but I am experiencing the same issue. Despite many messages exchanged with the support team it has been unresolved for more than a month. I have no idea what to do about it, but I can relate without a doubt.
I feel like you may be experiencing the same thing as me. Sadly, it has been over a month and I still have no idea what is going on. Among other things I have been told that I was suspended for uploading something to the vault, and when I asked them to look into it (as I haven’t uploaded anything to the vault) they told me that I am ”upon further investigation” not suspended, nor have I ever been according to their records. I feel for you, as I would also like to be able to play DD again. I’m afraid I cannot be of much help as I haven’t been able to get the issue resolved myself. If you manage to get back on, I’d very much appreciate if you would give an update as to how it all worked out. Naturally, I’ll let you know if I manage to find any way to resolve the issue.
@dyerwolf4_xbl said in Cannot enter Diamond Dynasty anymore.:
Dude, no one cares. You probably cheated. Bye.
I can understand why you don't care, seeing how you're probably able to play the game just fine and have no stakes in this whatsoever. As for me cheating, you'd know that cheating wasn't even the thing that SDS told me I was suspended for if you had actually bothered to read the thread you decided to comment on. Furthermore, you'd also know that SDS told me themselves that "upon further investigation" I am not and have never been suspended, so that's all beside the point.
I can't really blame you all that much for making assumptions, as it should really be fair to assume that something like this wouldn't happen without good reason, which makes me all the more surprised and disappointed that the issue is still ongoing and that nothing has been able to fix it.
Now, I have no idea why you decided to comment on a thread that you didn't even read, or at the very least weren't able to comprehend. Seeing how a large portion of your activity on these forums seems to be dedicated to calling people out for being dumb, stupid, and douches, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
One month has passed, and a while ago now I actually got clarification from SDS that I am not, and have in fact never been suspended.
While this was good to hear, I am still experiencing the same issue. In my last exchange with the support team, they asked me what problems I am experiencing. After I once again told them, no reply.I know that I am the only person posting in this thread, and that nobody except for the people at SDS are likely to be able to do anything about my issue. I mostly just want to put this here so that anybody else who experiences the same thing will know that they are not alone in being locked out of Diamond Dynasty for seemingly no reason. I suppose starting again from a different account would fix my issue, but like anyone else I would of course much rather not lose my progress, seeing how I had already played the game quite a bit before all of this started happening.
Okay, so I hate bumping my own thread, but it seems I cannot edit my thread and I don't want to bombard the forums with a new topic.
I finally heard something about my issue from SDS, but all it did was raise more questions.
Apparently, I was suspended for uploading an inappropriate image to the vault, according to their records. My first question, wouldn't it be reasonable to tell somebody that they have been suspended? I had no idea until I found out earlier today.
I am not questioning the fact that they suspend people for doing that, I am as tired as anyone else of seeing the offensive and grotesque stuff that is constantly on the front page of the vault whenever I open it up.
However, it does seem strange to me as I have not uploaded anything whatsoever to the vault. The only thing I can imagine could somehow end up in the vault is the logo that I created for my team, which is a donkey with a baseball bat. It is by no means a masterpiece, nor would I say it is at all beautiful, but surely my artistic limitations shouldn't be reason enough for me to get suspended?
This all seems very strange to me, and while it was good to finally get to know what is going on I cannot help but feel that I have been unjustly suspended. Also, I haven't been given any indication for how long this suspension will last, which leads me to believe that it is perhaps permanent(?).
I know that it may be imppossible for some of you to assume that I was suspended without doing anything wrong, and I cannot blame you for thinking so. It does indeed seem strange that they would suspend somebody for uploading inappropriate content to the vault without it being the case. If there is anything that I did which is a bannable offense without realizing it, I would just like to know what that was.
I am in no way perfect. I will quit games when I feel like they are out of reach or if I'm in a bad mood (not without handing my opponent the win, mind you), and I will occasionally plunk a batter out of frustration. But I am really dumbfounded by this whole situation, and while I don't expect you guys on here to be able to do much to help me I simply did not know where else I could voice this frustration. I have responded to the reply I got from SDS, and hopefully it will get resolved, either by my suspension being lifted or by me at least finding out exactly why this happened.
Experiencing this same issue, It wasn't always this way for me but it has now been like this for over a week. Also tried everything that has been suggested in this thread with no effect whatsoever. Can play other game modes and every other game just fine. Trying to remain patient but at this point I don't even know if I should expect to ever be able to play again. Submitted a ticket but got a response that didn't really give me the impression that they even read it. Also submitted another ticket where I tried to be even more detailed but so far no response. It is a shame as I really enjoy the game and DD in particular. Not so much angry as disappointed. If there is anything that can be done to fix it I would just like to know what that could be.
@Collin_SDS_PSN , any idea what could be going on?
Cannot enter Diamond Dynasty anymore.
Why Can’t I Play Online?
Did my account get suspended?
Cannot enter Diamond Dynasty anymore.
Cannot enter Diamond Dynasty anymore.
Cannot enter Diamond Dynasty anymore.
Diamond Dynasty won’t work