Ok so it’s not just me, thanks!

Is anyone else having trouble logging into the show’s desktop website? Not the app but theshow.com official desktop site
Dashboarding is absolutely horrible and needs to be addressed 100%
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Jazz:
He'll be a bench player because there is no where for him to play, and a cancer in the club house
This comment aged like milk
I’m honestly not sure if they did bc yesterday was my first time using him this year
trust me I was surprised he performed so well lol
He’s def my new second baseman
I used Soriano for the first time yesterday in ranked… he went 3-4 with three HRs
@Imbeater_MLBTS said in Should I switch to Xbox?:
I play on a monitor. Maybe my timing just gets messed up going from grinding on rookie and veteran straight to playing on hall of fame. I definitely don’t practice as much as I used to. Also usually don’t play ranked after I complete the program.
Never play that way… playing on rookie/veteran and then going to HOF is doing a disservice
I start by playing at least 2 casual games on HOF and then I go into ranked or grinding
It’s much easier to do the harder difficulty first and then go play on the lower difficulty… and it makes the lower difficulty much easier
And trust me the more HOf games you play online(casual) you’ll get used to the speed in no time
But don’t play rookie first and then try HOf after bc it’s gonna seem super difficult
If you can’t catch up to a FB on HOF on ps5 switching to an Xbox isn’t going to miraculously change that
Xbox performs slightly better but it’s for people that are already good that are looking to get a slight edge
35 isn’t old either lol… I’m sure you’re problem is your just not practicing. Play nothing but casual online games on HOF difficulty. Do that until you feel comfortable and get adjusted to the pitch speed
That’s going to make you better at hitting outlier fastballs on HOf… and Xbox isn’t going to magically do that
And yes I have both ps5 and Xbox X
And I’m not sure if you have a monitor or not but that’s also needed
This year is the most lack luster version of this game I’ve ever played- this is absolutely horrible
Yes season 2 cards and core/live series
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Post patch hitting:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Post patch hitting:
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Post patch hitting:
@Mazter-Baitur_XBL said in Post patch hitting:
I also thought hitting had changed as well but I figured out it was me and took a break for a day and lo and behold I could hit again. It be like that sometimes haha!
But if this were true wouldn't the yips last game mode to game mode? I switch from ranked to casual 400-700 in most cases I play above my skill in casual because queue times are bad and I play HoF. My gameplay is almost always much better in casual than ranked even with the same live series players many times.
Does your card/player get the yips or does the user?
You’re not as tense in a casual game hence it being casual
Ranked you will tense up bc it matters record/rating wise
when you tense up you’ll play worse
I'd argue I don't care about rank and have been in a losing record long enough to say that I treat both mode with equal emotion. Considering I've had games go into overtime on casual and I sweat more than I have in ranked cause the game became just as competitive. I mean I guess you make an argument for my opponent but I can't say the same for myself.
Does the PS5 sense emotion or have heart rate monitors? Again, if this is the case casual is sweaty for me. Just as much as ranked since I see no difference in emotional care.Casuals don’t count there is no such thing as sweating a casual game. It’s meaningless therefore you wouldn’t “sweat” a meaningless game.
And if you’re losing enough in ranked to have a losing record, which means you’re on allstar, but you’re playing casual games on HOF and winning then you’re just proving my point
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Post patch hitting:
@Mazter-Baitur_XBL said in Post patch hitting:
I also thought hitting had changed as well but I figured out it was me and took a break for a day and lo and behold I could hit again. It be like that sometimes haha!
But if this were true wouldn't the yips last game mode to game mode? I switch from ranked to casual 400-700 in most cases I play above my skill in casual because queue times are bad and I play HoF. My gameplay is almost always much better in casual than ranked even with the same live series players many times.
Does your card/player get the yips or does the user?
You’re not as tense in a casual game hence it being casual
Ranked you will tense up bc it matters record/rating wise
when you tense up you’ll play worse
Yes last years model was light years better than this
@allday9128_PSN said in On Paper this looked horrible.:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in On Paper this looked horrible.:
If they would’ve did a true power creep then I wouldn’t mind
What I mean by true power creep meaning that at this point in the game cycle the highest cards would be 92-95 the Id agree with you. We’d still be able to use LS cards etc etc
When this was the old way of doing things people would be crying that the 92 of their favorite player that they got now wouldn't be "useable" in a month when 94 started dropping.
And I don't think there are many people around that were still using the boss they got out of a 1st inning program by the time the 6th inning program dropped.
The way seasons works now is pretty much the same way people would play the game before. Get a card, use it for a month or 2 and then it becomes collection filler when higher rated cards start dropping.
You’re contradicting what I’m saying… right once higher rated cards are available obviously you stop using the lower cards… that’s what a power creep is but you weren’t forced to do it 3 times in one game cycle every other month lol.
You power crept until you got to 99s
We’re getting to 99s within a month and a half and can use them for a few weeks then forced to go back to 88s. Wash rinse repeat
And again this was to boost in game micro transactions. This was not done to make the game more enjoyable
You know what would’ve make the game more enjoyable? A new online mode lol
Not this
I didnt even touch on the horrible xp reward path the majority of the player base didn’t reach or when they did it was 24 hours left until season 2 started lol
If they would’ve did a true power creep then I wouldn’t mind
What I mean by true power creep meaning that at this point in the game cycle the highest cards would be 92-95 the Id agree with you. We’d still be able to use LS cards etc etc
But using 89s at the beginning of the game for a month then jumping to high 90s to eventually 99s and then just being able to use those 99s for a very limited time before having to start the revolving door all over again seems like an exhausting chore and kinda a headache
To me this is absolutely not the way to go about sets/seasons but ultimately it’s a money grab
This wasn’t done to freshen up the game and make it more fun this was done to keep you buying new cards every other week
I agree 23 was the perfect way to implement the sets/seasons model
I feel the same way and I’ve played this game everyday(sans being away on vacation) since 21
Yesterday was the first day that I was home with nothing to do and wasn’t even tempted to play
I turned the game on to look at content and then turned it off… feel the same way today as well
I could deal with the sets/seasons model that was in last years game
But this new model of starting from scratch every 2 months is not for me
You should’ve definitely played last years version
At least you would’ve been able to use your set 1 cards during set 2
@Rypien91 said in Event Durations are Too Long:
How long is the event?
14 days to get 15 wins in a moonshot event lol
this is comical at this point
@BJDUBBYAH said in No Sell Cards:
@Mazter-Baitur You can quick sell any dupes, no sell or not. I just quick sold all of my no sell dupes on the companion app.
It's one hundred percent a thing you can do.
Not sure if this is the pack he’s talking about but you cannot sell them:
Desktop Issue
Desktop Issue
Fix Dashboarding!!!!
HOF Beltre
HOF Beltre
Should I switch to Xbox?
Should I switch to Xbox?
Hey SDS.... How about a little incentive to actually play your game?
All-star Cards for event
Post patch hitting
Post patch hitting
Unpopular opinion!
On Paper this looked horrible.
On Paper this looked horrible.
My Idea for 2025
haviing a tough time to get motivated
Someone please tell me I'm hallucinating (Season 2?!)
Event Durations are Too Long
No Sell Cards