Throwing in the dirt is very much baseball and it’s very much baseball to have a good eye and take those pitches and make your opponent throw strikes
If you’re swinging at balls in the dirt then I’m throwing balls in the dirt… and that’s baseball
Throwing in the dirt is very much baseball and it’s very much baseball to have a good eye and take those pitches and make your opponent throw strikes
If you’re swinging at balls in the dirt then I’m throwing balls in the dirt… and that’s baseball
@Blind_Bleeder said in Tech Test Funny:
You do know that there is no real money spent in the test tech, right? All the cards are free. You’re just funnin’ right?
That’s literally the point of this thread and op’s first post. Lol you guys alright today?
Isn’t this is a common thing with video games? they’re released and the developers create patches on the go as problems arise
Unless it’s as bad as cyberpunk I don’t think this warrants a refund.
The only people that should be asking for a refund is switch players
And lol at mentioning Ramone… Ramone is not a developer.
@VioletNine9 said in Is there anyone left that actually plays "baseball":
@mookieparlaybetts said in Is there anyone left that actually plays "baseball":
Throwing in the dirt is very much baseball and it’s very much baseball to have a good eye and take those pitches and make your opponent throw strikes
If you’re swinging at balls in the dirt then I’m throwing balls in the dirt… and that’s baseball
MLB pitchers throw like 80% strikes this game is trash online
this doesn’t make sense. They throw mostly in the zone bc they know professional baseball players mostly have good eyes
They aren’t going to throw balls in the dirt bc they know it’s a waste
This is a video game and majority of my opponents aren’t pro ball players
So again if you swing at balls in the dirt in a video game then I’m pitching you balls in the dirt.
Why in the world would I pitch you something in the zone when I know I can get you out with pitches in the dirt?
I feel the same way and I’ve played this game everyday(sans being away on vacation) since 21
Yesterday was the first day that I was home with nothing to do and wasn’t even tempted to play
I turned the game on to look at content and then turned it off… feel the same way today as well
I could deal with the sets/seasons model that was in last years game
But this new model of starting from scratch every 2 months is not for me
@JEEZY-E_MLBTS said in Cause you see, I’m a dinosaur…:
@wingo18_PSN said in Cause you see, I’m a dinosaur…:
@JEEZY-E_MLBTS said in Cause you see, I’m a dinosaur…:
@wingo18_PSN said in Cause you see, I’m a dinosaur…:
Looking at Black Friday deals, it looks like Sams and Costco both are going to have a pretty good deal on an Xbox series S.
Well, I’m still using my PS4. But it looks like the new NCAA game will be next Gen only, so it’s looking like it’s time to move on.
Anyways… I’m only going to play 1 or 2 games (when ncaa comes out). I’ll usually bang out the programs at the beginning and over the summer before high school football really begins to ruin my schedule.
Just confirming, you do have to have game pass or Xbox live for Diamond Dynasty, correct? Is it worth it over the long run to renew game pass or live versus just getting a PS5?
Help me weigh out my odds to see about buying a series S or just shelling out the money for a PS5.
Yes need xbox live or gamepass, gamepass is 150% worth the money if you want to play this game and have the option to play about 150 others. I usually own every console, but I won’t go back to Sony after getting gamepass.
In your opinion, with the type of gamer I am, would there be enough of a discrepancy between a series S or X?
The only real difference in the two from my knowledge is hard drive size, I have an X and I find it a bit more convenient to have the larger hard drive but I think you would be fine with the S and its 250 GB.
No i don’t think it’s just HD size that’s the difference
Series X is the counterpart to PS5
The series S is is not as powerful as the Series X
But that’s if you care about that sort of stuff(graphics and speed)
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Guess Mantle isn't the next Collection Reward:
Clues point to Dibble. Sell now.
Dibble is not then final collection- he’s apart of the reward path to the final collection
Just like last year the final collection was Griffey and Foxx was collected right before Griffey
You guys are in here comparing cars and eating at restaurants to video games smh
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Post patch hitting:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Post patch hitting:
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Post patch hitting:
@Mazter-Baitur_XBL said in Post patch hitting:
I also thought hitting had changed as well but I figured out it was me and took a break for a day and lo and behold I could hit again. It be like that sometimes haha!
But if this were true wouldn't the yips last game mode to game mode? I switch from ranked to casual 400-700 in most cases I play above my skill in casual because queue times are bad and I play HoF. My gameplay is almost always much better in casual than ranked even with the same live series players many times.
Does your card/player get the yips or does the user?
You’re not as tense in a casual game hence it being casual
Ranked you will tense up bc it matters record/rating wise
when you tense up you’ll play worse
I'd argue I don't care about rank and have been in a losing record long enough to say that I treat both mode with equal emotion. Considering I've had games go into overtime on casual and I sweat more than I have in ranked cause the game became just as competitive. I mean I guess you make an argument for my opponent but I can't say the same for myself.
Does the PS5 sense emotion or have heart rate monitors? Again, if this is the case casual is sweaty for me. Just as much as ranked since I see no difference in emotional care.
Casuals don’t count there is no such thing as sweating a casual game. It’s meaningless therefore you wouldn’t “sweat” a meaningless game.
And if you’re losing enough in ranked to have a losing record, which means you’re on allstar, but you’re playing casual games on HOF and winning then you’re just proving my point
@JEEZY-E_MLBTS said in Potm Mondesi:
Zero hype over the return of the monster…
I guess you’re not that in tuned with the show community
Streamers and everyone alike raved about this card when it was released
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in You know what would be awesome and helpful?:
@Mike__Honcho_361 said in You know what would be awesome and helpful?:
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in You know what would be awesome and helpful?:
@Mike__Honcho_361 said in You know what would be awesome and helpful?:
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in You know what would be awesome and helpful?:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in You know what would be awesome and helpful?:
You can see how much PXP you earned with each player by hitting R1 twice on the post game menu. Also weren’t you selling your PlayStation and quitting the game like 5 updates ago if they didn’t address this?
Do you man but the constant lying and exaggerating posts are a little old at this pointYes. I know you can see it there. But it also doesn't tell you how much you need to finish the mission. Some missions you need 150 per person, some you need 250, some you need 300, etc.
They had it before and stated they got rid of it because it caused crashes. Well, evidently they figure it wasn't worth the effort trying to fix it because they would much rather make 15 cards of the same player.
It tells me that. It says 187/350 with the name of the mission/program next to it. What am I missing here?
Are you on a next gen console? The Mission Progress screen on a PS4 is blank.
Yes I have a PS5. You didn’t mention that in your original post. Guess it’s time to upgrade bud.
Don't want to upgrade right now. What I want is for them to either fix it or explain why they can't fix it.
Why don’t you want to upgrade lol? And you complain about the gameplay so much but one of the main possible reasons gameplay is not great this year is because they still have to focus on old gen consoles instead of making a game that focuses strictly on next gen
@the_dragon1912 said in Better than Trout:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Better than Trout:
@the_dragon1912 said in Better than Trout:
Griffey is the only one you can reasonably make an argument for imo
Have you guys forgot that there was a collection for a retro finest Andrew McCutch??!!
Like he might literally be the best card in the game lol
I love the Cutch card, but even if you don't factor in active quirks Trout is still better in every single way
Cutch is better than Griffey
Like what are you dudes talking about lol?
Cutch is arguably the best card in the game- this ain’t me just speaking there’s a lot of people in the community that say this
Most content guys have Cutch in their lineup and a lot of them aren’t even using Griffey
@the_dragon1912 said in Better than Trout:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Better than Trout:
@the_dragon1912 said in Better than Trout:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Better than Trout:
@the_dragon1912 said in Better than Trout:
Griffey is the only one you can reasonably make an argument for imo
Have you guys forgot that there was a collection for a retro finest Andrew McCutch??!!
Like he might literally be the best card in the game lol
I love the Cutch card, but even if you don't factor in active quirks Trout is still better in every single way
Cutch is better than Griffey
Like what are you dudes talking about lol?
Cutch is arguably the best card in the game
McCutchen: 116/125/106/115/100 with 94 Fielding and 87 Speed
Griffey:122/111/125/121/109 with 98 Fielding and 90 Speed
Trout:113/121/125/125/81 with 91 Fielding and 99 Speed
Cutch has the lowest arm strength, vs. R is more important and vision doesn't matter enough to knock Trout for that. If you don't hit as well with Griffey or Trout that is fine but McCutchen is objectively not better than those two cards
Lol you’re really paying attention too much the attributes
If you go by attributes Gary Sheff is the best card in the game
Cutch is glitchy just like Brett- there are cards with better attributes but there’s just something about Brett that he plays wayyy better and same thing with Cutch
Cutch is better than Griffey lol- that’s not a debate- and as far as hitting with Griffey- he’s never even made my lineup my outfield is too stacked lol
But Trout will def be in there when I get him-
Remember the question that was raised is who is better than trout in the game and no way should the answer be Griffey over Andrew Cutch
Like I said before you see Cutch in most content creators line up still to this day- Griffey not so much
@icebergslim7669 said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
Announce earlier today that starting at Noon PST today ALL Takashi cards will be added to the Event parameters.
Guess I'm buying DeGrom.
You’re scared of facing Ohtani on all-star? Lol
Wasn’t he saying on an earlier post that Ohtani is bp, all of a sudden he’s afraid lol
Yep yesterday he was saying how Ohtani’s price point will be greatly reduced once “people find out he’s a SP only and see that he gets knocked around on the mound”
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Finest of the Franchise Event:
Announce earlier today that starting at Noon PST today ALL Takashi cards will be added to the Event parameters.
Guess I'm buying DeGrom.
You’re scared of facing Ohtani on all-star?
Nope. That's not it. But thanks for assuming you know my reason.
If you were playing the event perfectly fine before ohtani was included in the rosters and you won’t play them now
It means you’re scared of ohtani and you don’t want to face him every game
And ps I don’t even think a lot of ppl have him yet
I was planning on just buying him either way.
So what’s the point of this thread if you just planned on buying deGrom and not grinding the event to begin with?
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Guess Mantle isn't the next Collection Reward:
Clues point to Dibble. Sell now.
@IrishFist412_XBL said in Concerned about the new Vision reduction:
I’m an average player. I make WS a couple times a year & usually have a .650 winning percentage. I have always preferred high contact/high vision hitters like Gwynn, Wagner, ect…I’m not great at centering up the pitch consistently, Never have been…Have never used guys like Judge that have low vision for this reason. And now the highest vision hitters will have 60 ish vision? That really worries me. I certainly had no problem striking out on HOF difficulty facing outlier guys lol. I know people will say just practice…I have been - Since Show 15!
A batters vision hasn’t been decreased- you will still have batters with high vision which dictates timing windows for a batters swing
The pci(outer) had been taken away-
this is weird-
we’ve asked for this numerous times in regular ranked regarding dashboarding and the response is always “can’t penalize them because maybe they lost connection so it might not have been an intentional dashboard”
so if I randomly match up with some troll on my team that’s pitching FBs down the middle every pitch, not playing the field or intentionally making errors and he declines the mutual quit and I decide to quit
I will be the one penalized with a “cool down” period?
Please make that make sense lol
Ok this is ridiculous- my dear friend and I play co-op ranked every Sunday and we can’t today due to the fact we’re unable to send invites
Seems to be working fine now