Thank you I’ll double check that

So one of the new cards I got today was CP Tanner Scott. The problem is, when I try to add him to my S2 squad he does not show up. He shows up in non S2 squads but not my S2 squad even though he is a S2 card. Anything I can do to fix this or is it just a glitch in the game? Thanks
I’m sorry to hear that. So many jerks on the internet
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN Yes I did, and it worked fine when I did that
Nope mine is season 2 eligible 100%
@Cactus_Gamr_PSN Oh I see. Thanks for explaining
Still can’t join a ranked game if I am using a wildcard. Are they ever going to fix it?
Just curious but why is Honus Wagner suddenly 269,999 stubs?
Me too! What’s up with that?
Do you notice any difference? I don’t
It’s despicable some of the things!
Is there a place online where we can check the server status?
It's true! And there are sooooo many
Thanks for your help
It's very disappointing that I cannot get any type of response from them. Especially since they had that big message of how they support BLM on their site for over a year. Nobody cares. Now I sort of regret even buying the game because they are hypocrites. I know they can't monitor everything but they could have at least had the decency to give me some type of response is all I'm saying.
Where does one report offensive and racist graphics in logo vault? I don't just mean flag as inappropriate I mean report. Thank you.
In order to complete one of the inning programs or monthly programs is it necessary to complete all of the moments or is it just about getting enough points?
When you are playing online, why do people sometimes before a pitch show bunt, then not, then show bunt again, etc. over and over? Does it mean something or are they just being annoying?
Why is it that from time to time you will playing an online game and your team has the trippy green socks?
Why is it sometimes you will be playing online and suddenly your players are wearing those trippy green socks?
I get what you mean dude. Sure, it may be part of the game, but there's no honor in it.
Oh I see. Thanks for the info!
Can’t use Tanner Scott
Can’t use Tanner Scott
Frowned upon
No wildcards in ranked?
No wildcards in ranked?
Honus Wagner question
No wildcards in ranked?
Honus Wagner question
Can't play ranked if I use a wildcard
Captain bonuses are they even worth it?
The vault is horrible
Server status
Obscene team names and logos (Kids play this game!)
How do I slide into first?
Antisemitic logos in vault
Antisemitic logos in vault
3 stupid questions
What's up with the green socks
It seems the nonsense begins at approximately 820.
Looking for the shark nameplate